What games let me play as a communist?

What games let me play as a communist?

Other urls found in this thread:


wargame red dragon

NATO was here, Redfor are all losers

stalin vs martians

Don't Starve

CoD 1 & 2

Isn't Red Orchestra about the Russians during WW2?

Red Faction 1 and Guerilla arguably.

battlezone 1998


Just Sup Forums my shit up senpaitachi.


It's not specifically about them, but you do get to play as a Russian or German on the Eastern front

Papers, please

In Vorkuta, we are ALL brothers.

Will Trump make anime real everyone in the world or for US citizens only?

You should know by now you fucking degenerate

The 2016 presidential election

t. blue pilled faggot

Stalin vs Martians

It will only be real for the people at the top.

communism and socialism are literally the most liberal forms of government


Capitalism and fascism are the Jewish forms of government.

>16 results found
This is the biggest reason Sup Forums has been so shit, reposts of shitposts, if your going to shit where you eat, at least be original for fuck sake.

It's not fair

Will mods ever delete Sup Forums threads in disguise?

Go prep your bull, you worthless waste of oxygen.

I'm not white.

Hilarious. I've fallen off my chair laughing at your witty response. Ha ha ha.