Turns out each of these has enough content to fill an entire standalone FE title with Revelations being a nice...

turns out each of these has enough content to fill an entire standalone FE title with Revelations being a nice expansion at a reduced price.

You guys are just falseflagging fedora-wearing faggots

>buying censored games

>You guys are just falseflagging fedora-wearing faggots
Its been like that since FE 13

>its """""""""censored""""""""""
and literally nothing of value was lost
seriously, I'd already forgotten about that

>can't experience the full game without paying at least $20 extra
>i-i'm not the shill faggot, y-y-you g-guys are just fedora n-neckbeards!
yeah sure, user

>full game
what, you mean you can't experience the shounenshit-tier story getting wrapped up? Because it has the same amount of chapters and mission content as a regular FE game including bosses


On the one hand, people claiming this was Pokemon are just falseflagging. The games are different enough to be considered standalone titles, although last I heard, you still needed to buy one of the two digitally (as DLC) before you could purchase the third game.

On the other hand, they were fairly disappointing so it's more a complaint that the games are shit, rather than them being a Pokemon-style selling point.

Also, some of us are old enough to remember titles like Front Mission 3, Tactics Ogre, or Super Robot Taisen, which offer two entirely different story paths, with different characters and different maps, all packaged together in a single game. It's not saying that Fates couldn't package both together into one game, but rather than other games certainly have done exactly that. Plus, it is not as if the two different versions flow seamlessly to the point where you don't notice when they branch off - the story is clearly pushing you into the Birthright path, until you are forced to make a decision (complete with the BUY THE DLC option for the other paths) and abruptly changes gears if you happen to be playing the Conquest edition.

Yeah, and how much of that outside of some Conquest maps is good?

>wahhhh I can't pet my waifu and husbando since I can't get real action
>b-b-but it's part of the game! I-I-It helps improve their stats!
Why are Fire Emblem waifu fags so fucking awful

Too bad only one of the games is worth playing, and even then it has garbage writing.

didn't you need to buy BOTH games AND the $20 dlc to get the FULL STORY


not at all. these "games" reuse maps and the story is nonexistent in all of them. after they chopped it up into 3 pieces, they cut it up even more with paid dlc. This right here is pure cancer

>being a storyfag

>tfw preordered and got one of these
>Sold the game alone for $250
>Sold the box and inserts for like $60

I fucking love Nintentoddlers. Literally THE easiest people to take advantage of

You needed to buy one of the games, either physical or digital. Then you needed to buy the the second game as DLC for the first. You can only buy Revelations if you have the second title as DLC for the first; you can't buy it if you just bought both games physically, or bought them separately but not as DLC for the other.

At least, that's how I understand the system. I found Conquest for cheap and so picked it up, but the story is terrible and I'm not at all inclined to try to find Birthright. I'm certainly not going to attempt a $40 investment to find out exactly how the DLC system is set up. The above is how Nintendo described what you would need to do in order to get and play Revelations, so I'm sticking with that for now.

You can also buy the highly limited edition of the preorder physical edition, which had all three games on the single game card. Mind you, that preorder ended up getting filled up months before the game came out, so expect to spend a couple hundred dollars if you want that.

fapped anyway

Each game felt life ~70% of a game when you consider how lacklustre it is standalone

>ignoring the fact that we got a waterdown censored piece of shit version of the game.

Oh hai NOA.

>BUYING the (((localized))) version of FE14

I still have a sealed copy. Who wants it?

>Being a pirate
>Playing the fan-patch
Jap version or bust

i know all that, but its BS we didn't get that shit outside of the LE

fucking ONLY time buying the LE was worth it

yeah, sure, lets put BOTH GAMES and a THIRD PATH DLC on ONE FUCKING CART!!!!

If you didn't import a 3DS and the original Japanese version, you can't pull rank. You didn't contribute to the cause at all.

> 2 games whos stories where forced to mirror eachother instead of going in their own natural directions
> "neutral" path that was designed post game release with awful pacing and polarizing level design that is either good or bad

A bit late, don't you think? Everybody knows this already.

Conquest is one of the best Fire Emblem games gameplay wise though, dumb Monster Girl poster.

Even worse: it was a limited edition which was sold out around a week after the preorders became available, months before the game even launched. They easily could've arranged to take more preorders and produce more, but it seems that Nintendo loves shortchanging their limited editions.

We'll you certainly can't play Fates for the Gameplay like previous FE titles

There's a decent amount of level re-use and bad stages and terribad plot and whatever but ultimately yes, there's a good amount of content, a pretty deep combat levelling and support system and in general a lot of QoL improvements over earlier games.

The censorship and scandals didn't change much on how well this game is written (not well) just as boob sliders in XcX's didn't make the shitty dialogue any better or make or its progression more coherent.

>I never played Conquest
You're a GBA fag, aren't you?

Why can I still not play the above content on AA single physical game cart for under 150 bucks?

Fucking Nintendo.

Could someone tell me if the non-english translations (French, German, Spanish, what-have-you) are also plagued by those meme localisations?
Or where they translated from the Jap Original?

I had so much trouble getting the SE for this, thanks to fucking GameStop.

>preordered the game right before address change
>log into account and edit the order with the correct info
>apparently doesn't save
>time comes for it to ship, get a e-mail saying it was denied
>have to call customer support
>first guy tells me "We no longer have copies of that in stock, so it cannot be ordered" despite the e-mail telling me I have time to correct my order or lose it
>hang up and call again
>get a guy who instantly tells me "Yeah, we got your order here." takes my info and get me copy a couple days later

no one gives a shit about the language translations

Some people are just straight up incompetent user. When I went to the pharmacist the bitch behind the desk who said she would get it was gone for about 20 minutes, and then I asked one of the doctors what the hold up was and then he instantly gave me my medicine just like that.

>LIMITED edition being LIMITED
Who wouldve thought limited actually means limited?

>removing an entire part of a game
>acting like this defending it

the game was already a complete experience, the part you got """"""""""robbed"""""""""""" of just gives more about the story with samesee gameplay, you faggot

>I could have bought this LE
>People were crying that it was sold out at GameStop and Amazon
>tfw I was nice enough to post a link and remind people that Best Buy had them
>They were up for around 48 hours before they sold out

I dont even play Fire Emblem.

cry more

Nice try, I'm actually LOLing like never in my life famalam