Name a more broken character in Dota2
Name a more broken character in Dota2
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ever hero has higher winrate on Radiant
Defend this please
>peruvians fix one match and are banned for life
>chinks have an API key directly from valve, spy on other teams scrims, take items out of player inventories and rack up 5 million in winning because of it, valve says nothing
Invoker thread
My interest in playing this game died with 7.00. But I'd say Lychanthrope is even more broken.
Im ok with that
>Monkey king already that high
Nicely done frog
Has this happened? I don't follow the scene
>take items out of player inventories
It shouldnt take 3 people to shutdown a motherfucker
And if he gets away with his q/ulti/sb, he will come back 5 seconds later with full life
Yes you can pick bs but thats about the only real counter to this son of a bitch
>name a more broken character in Dota 2 if your team doesn't ward
Literally stronger support nuker than nyx assassin.
His pounce and dark pact do like 500 damage alone. He can ulti, get in your team and kill your support in 2 seconds then get away.
>who is monkey king
he is not broken
git gud
is Monkey King broken or am I just bad?
less broken but still unbalanced. needs immediate rework.
was it esports when they censored skeleton king for the chinks?
Stop being a dumbass, valve is runing the game because of these subhumans
Since when is bara broken? Did I miss something?
All skeletal heros are censored there not just SK and the whole SK becoming Wraith King was because of Blizzard not the Chinese.
Fuck off back to your general dotards, no one likes you.
Sure, right away sir.
Just make sure to neck yourself off a nearest building, thanks.
thanks for bumping a thread that you don't like off page 8 and onto front page rather than just ignoring it and letting it drop off
that was my point though, to become e-sports you must forfeit your honour and dignity and pander to subhuman gooks
>fairly frequent one off dota threads on Sup Forums with minimal shitposting compared to other similar games
I suggest familiarizing yourself with the "hide thread" function
Bara is OP and cannot be countered
>His ult shouldn't be placeable or as large as it is
>His tree dance is too hard to ward for as there are only certain spots you can see him
>Jingu is balanced now
>his q shouldn't stun for 2 secs it should only ever be a ministun for the amount of dmg it does
Wraith King had nothing to do with the Chinese. The hero had a censored model in the Low Violence Mode (Same as certain other heroes) for years and it was fine.
Valve changed it because Blizzard was releasing King Leoric in HoTS.
This thread is embarrassing. You guys aren't actually this bad, right?
That classic "git gud" shit. Never change Sup Forums. This is why no one takes esport garbage seriously.
mad and bad kiddies will stay mad and bad
in there a hero more overpowered than Meepo, the Geomancer?
You literally can stop him from farming, unless you dedicate your entire team to chasing his clones down all over the map and even then he can just teleport out.