Would you?



Would I what?

how could I not?

Toobie has best robutt

Why would they design a robot in such a manner when infiltration and/or seduction are not part of its mission objectives?

Why would they not?

user please. If I had the ability to create an army of robots they would all be sexy no matter what their function is.

>would you
Toobie is arguably the hottest, most in season vidya girl on Sup Forums right now.

The collector edition sold out so fast and never coming back.

This is true suffering.

>Can't impregnate her
Why even bother

The robot behind the girl? Of course.

And then I can also cosplay it as Grimore Weiss and imagine fucking my Bookfu.

I have as much of a boner for Toobie as the next guy but I honestly think these constant threads are starting to detract from the actual game. This game has so much potential and yet, all anyone can talk about is the protag's fat butt.

She ain't fat bruh, just a lil' thicc

sex sells, easy money.

For the glory of mankind!

Because we like pretty things. If you were the person in charge of designing a new generation of human-like androids, would you choose to make them deliberately ugly? Plain? Common? Of course not, you'd make them pretty.

It's a given that if humanity every creates human-like androids, they'll make them visually attractive.

Why win the earth back for humanity if you can't even look sexy doing it?

You people are such plebs.

Toobie is not for lewd!

Yeah right


because sex sells


>another off topic thread where platinum fags and waifu fags don't talk about the gameplay

The game is gonna flop so who cares.

to hide the 6-7 hours campaign.