Switch getting UE4 games

>This comes from Takayuki Kawasaki, the Territory Manager for Epic Games Japan. He noted that there are in fact a lot of Switch games that use the UE4 Engine. But more than that, it’s not just the games we know, but rather a bunch of titles that have yet to be announced that apparently use it as well.


actual source: svrinfo.jp/detail?p=175884

Phones can play games that use the UE4 engine, faggot. That doesn't mean any existing big name AAA titles that use it are coming. Aside from Nintendo-approved-might-as-well-be-an-app-bullshit games.

Well, considering KH3 will be on Xbone too, I don't think a Switch port is out of the question.
now, if only it would get 1.5, 2.5 and 2.8.

How is this news?

We already knew aeons ago that Switch can run UE4 games

Also i love that most drones want to play third party games that you can easily play on PS4.

Of course

Switch will be getting all third party games running at 4k 120 fps.

Most people like the idea of playing said games on the go.


I didn't imply anything of that in my post.

Because it's unique to not be tethered to a couch. I like the idea of being able to play games on my lunch break, or taking my system upstairs to play in bed without moving the whole console to my upstairs TV.

why would you play it on a loud toaster glued to your living room instead of a portable with better controls?

>Also i love that most drones want to play third party games that you can easily play on PS4.
Doesn't that apply to PC too?
Well, besides the fact you can already play 3/4 of the PS4 library on PC and Bone.

Why would you want tp play games on the go?

Do you have self awareness?

>I like the idea of being able to play games on my lunch break

Are you THAT addicted to videogames..



Why so upset? OP is just reporting official news. Sad it isn't another RUMoR thread or one of the many finer quality threads on Sup Forums?

>or taking my system upstairs to play in bed without moving the whole console to my upstairs TV.

So you're a lazy piece of shit

daily reminder you're not getting bullied for playing vidya, you get bullied for being a loser, plus vidya is a normie thing now

Yeah, normally on my hour long lunch break I sit in my car or at my desk bored as fuck. It's mandatory and we can't work through it. I get tired of sifting through normiebook and news articles on my phone fast.

No, it's just very annoying to disconnect everything from my set up each time I want to move rooms.

No one gives a FUCK what you do on airplanes. People are snoring, coughing, sneezing, babies are crying, the plane is shaking half the time in turbulence, people are hacking shit up, people take off clothing, it's awful on most economy trips.

No one has any self-awareness on a plane, especially long flights where you're settled in 4 or 5 hours with your neighbors. People play video games, watch movies, play board games, do chess, checkers, I've seen VR on planes, everything.

You need to get out more or at least fly more.

Busses are even worse. Try taking a 50 hour bus trip across the country. People do everything on those, even shower.

>Look guys a bunch of old games nobody cares about are coming for the Switch!



How the fuck does anyone even do this? Like, I could understand kids or Japanese people, since both spend their time out as a passenger in a car or train, but that's it.

If I'm out, I'm most likely actually DOING something (driving, shopping, whatever) so when the fuck would I have the chance to pull out a giant ass tablet for a fucking gaming session?

>B-But I take the bus

Then stop buying toys and save up for a car you retard

>B-But I take the bus
>Then stop buying toys and save up for a car you retard

The only retard is someone who buys a fucking car when you can take public transit and save immensely on insurance, gas and car maintenance.

God damn what an idiot.

You should be socializing with co-workers and actually networking

You mean my coworkers who talk about football constantly and are on their phones during lunch break?

how are these gas sales going?

>socializing with coworkers
I've known my coworkers for a year.
There's nothing to socialize about.

We all know each other and have a group text where we communicate consistently in.

No one gives a fuck about networking, either.

You're out of touch or a moron.

Boy, I sure do love taking 2 hours to travel half a mile!

Whoops! That wasn't my bus! lol I guess it'll be 3 hours now!

Depending on where you stay certain places have public transits which are fucking disgusting. Pulling out an expensive gadget like switch is signalling for people to rob you.

Not an argument.

Spoken like someone who doesn't actually have a job.
>networking with people you already work with

iPhones can run UE4, so what?

>Third party games don't arrive on a Nintendo console
>No games, Hurr Nintendo is shit!
>Third party games arrive
>Nobody cares about those games, Hurr Nintendo is shit!
Really makes (you) think

Every single person on my bus carries a 900 dollar smartphone with them.

The Switch is a cheap piece of shit worth what, 250-300?

A large majority of my fellow commuters also bring laptops with them for college and work on the bus.

>being social means you don't have a job

except it's literally the opposite

if you live in such a third world shithole you can't even afford vidya

You don't have a job.

>Pulling out an expensive gadget like switch is signalling for people to rob you.

Switch is rumored to be 249.99

... a standard flagship smartphone is 800 dollars new

So are you 18 without a job, then...?
You can't network with people you work with.

Oh, sorry user, it needa the rumored "it's weaker then the Vanilla ps4!!!" post, sorry user for having real news to bring to the table.

One is covered by insurance. The other isn't.

Keep moving those goalposts, leech.

Yeah, let me "network" on my lunch break with Cathy, who's mom just died and she was gone two weeks.

Let me network with this bitch who is a creationist and talks about nothing but bitching about our boss and her stupid kids.

Oh, and my other coworker I should be networking with, who has kids and is always exhausted and doesn't want to talk about shit. Or my boss himself, who treats me like shit and doesn't care about what I say unless the works done.

Phew, sure am glad I networked and socialized on my lunch break with them.

>You lose if my games arrive on your system!
Why are sonyggers so pathetically insecure?

If you're so poor you live in an area where you get robbed of a Switch on public transit in the middle of the day and can't buy a new one, you're in serious trouble and shouldn't have a Switch to begin with.

Because adults go out of their house

So don't buy anything that isn't covered by insurance?

not to play bling bling wahoo games.

fun fact : your dear mom lied, you aren't special nor relevant in any discussion.

What kind of horrible world do you live in where you have to be worried about having your Nintendo Switch covered by insurance to go outside with it?

Jesus christ.

Yea, yea. Announce them and tell me they're all releasing in 2016 this exact dates with lots of gameplay footage, and maybe I'll get to play them in 2018 after only 2 delays.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Like, I am genuinely confused what the fuck you are saying.

No. Don't take public transport.

old news

Aren't you also speaking from your own personal perspective? What makes your understanding anymore right than his?

Some people have to take public transport. And it can save you 100 dollars in gas a month and 100 dollars in car insurance a month, too.

There are ups and downs to it.

Obviously in places like San Fran and New York you're going to run into fucking weirdos on the bus. You ignore them and move on with your day. My encounters on the Subway are always awful and so are everyone else's.

When you realize that 90% of people with you on public transports are the absolute lowlifes among the lowlifes. This is especially true in the USA.

because you don't leave the basement at all

Thank God I don't live in Chicago or New York.

t. insecure sony friend

said nobody

How did nintendrones manage to out beg pc?

You're very young and out of touch. I hope your mother makes you a nice dinner tonight.

I'll be on the Subway tomorrow morning like always, dealing with the crazy people like always, with my phone out, listening to music like always.

>said nobody

First day on Sup Forums?

who is begging?


>Having to deal with crazy people
>Calls other out of touch

It would be more newsworthy if the switch couldn't do UE4

if you have to start making shit up to prove a retarded point i can't help you

Do you think Switch will get the next:


It's sad to see so many people upset that a video game company's console is getting other companies' video games. Unless you have shares or a job in other video game companies, this shouldn't bother you at all.

In what way does your statement make any sense?

Someone dealing with crazy people is out of touch? Wouldn't they be IN touch because that person said 90% of people are lowlifes/crazies?

So if that's 90% of people, the 10% are the ones out of touch.

What the fuck are you even saying?

This is why Nintendo should just make games for PC.

Who cares about hardware crap

EA won't do it

CoD maybe
AssCreed at least one
Battlefield probably not but wouldn't matter
Online Multiplayer games are not going to be a big focus on the system.

When Wii U started to lose third party support, drones started to say things like: "I don't care for third party cinematic AAA garbage, i only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games"

PC should make games for switch

>Online Multiplayer games are not going to be a big focus on the system.
But then how can it succeed? The only way would be to recapture the phone normies. Dudebros certainly won't go for a console without a big focus on online multiplayer

>How is this news?
Because the Sonygger shit posts from a few weeks ago were saying that it wouldn't even support UE4?

I think it's more sad that every attempt at making a Nintendo related thread eventually floods with shitposters and shitposts. Like, all Nintendo threads are 80% anti-Nintendo shitposts.
These last 5 years have been terrible. And someone still have the guts to call Sup Forums a Nintendo board. Goddamnit.

Well, I like the Switch's concept and I think Nintendo has got gold on their hands, but I'd love to see their games on PC.


>its sad
exclusives are the only reason we buy consoles otherwise pc would be the go-to option and you know this. being upset is perfectly reasonable

That's what people have always been saying about Nintendo.

Incorrect. Most people who buy consoles cannot and/or will not build a PC themselves and will not pay 1000+ for a gaming prebuilt

It's also funny seeing Sonyfags and xbonefags being hypocrites.





Nintendo does it



local co-op

The moment Nintendo goes third party or makes PC games is the moment you see quality completely shit the bed.

We've seen it with Pokemon GO and Mario Run.

They are competent with using their own hardware and their own schedules. No one else's.

Nintendo will die, and die quickly, if they lose their hardware business. You'll quickly see "Team Mushroom" become some kind of shadow of Sonic Team and the only things Nintendo will be known for is endless Mario games that bear no resemblance in quality to past releases for Nintendo consoles.

>The moment Nintendo goes third party or makes PC games is the moment you see quality completely shit the bed.

Just like Sega? Oh wait...

>Assassins Creed
>Call of Duty
Probably not.

Singleplayer games are still popular and probably more popular this gen than last.
Nintendo will just ignore always online games like Street Fighter, Overwatch, and Battlefield unless they add offline modes I guess.

Just like Sega.

literally no one gives a shit about pc
90% of "pc gamers" are simply poor people that play minecraft in their mother's computer with intel graphics

That's dead outside Wii U, man. And we know how that sold.

Shame that remaining 10% is still a larger install base than the other consoles.

Difference is phones use a modified UE4 engines just for phones.

Pretty much, Sega shit the bed hard.

>can not or will not build a pc
maybe if parts were standardised even more and made better pre-built machines, that would change things

Nope, being upset for exclusives is illogical. If there wouldn't have been a console, companies wouldn't fund said exclusives and thus they wouldn't exist. A good example is Bayonetta 2. Many people got upset that it was a WiiU exclusive, but without Nintendo's funding the game wouldn't have existed.

Nintendo will avoid/ignore 90% of the 3rd party games. It will literally be WiiU 2.0 unless they can successful make it replace 3DS which I really hope they are doing.