Looks like Disney and EA are going all out with SW mobile games and this one looks neat. Seems like the future of SW vidya is in mobile
Star Wars Vidya is save
You might as well never bring up mobile games again, user.
check this 4
is that Aphra? neat
Aphra a cute
Oh shit its that bitch of his from the comic
Thats kinda neat
Is it a MOBA?
I see the Disney shills are out in full force this year.
The game looks like shit
that doesn't take away the fact that Aphra is my waifu
Why Doctor "self insert" Aphra
literally WHO
new OC from the star wars comics.
She's Vader's assistant and a corrupt archaeologist
Dumb slut that has some serious Stockholm Syndrome for Vader so she steals shit for him and other shady dealings.
thats the dumbest bullshit i've ever heard
>I'm not a real Star Wars fan
That's alright. But stop talking and let us be happy for once.
>Looks like Disney and EA are going all out with SW mobile games
Which other ones are there? And what makes you think making mobile games excludes making other games?
the only memorable nucanon character
what the fuck is this shit
>Vader's dumb sidekick from the comics
>card pack micro transactions
>mobile game
Well those were just three reasons I saw immediately why I won't be playing it. if I could see the game I'm sure I could point out a lot more wrong with it.
>Kyle Katarn died for this
Fucking NUCANON!
After they fucked up with every other game, there is no saving it, especially not with mobile.
Galaxy of Heroes demands more involvement than a paid MMO, and has RNG worse than fucking FFXI without guarantees on most of the cash shop stuff. These are the same people you're hoping will save Star Wars on mobile
>Shitty micro-transaction based mobile game
>Implying it's something to be happy about
Disney has these guys whipped XD
That's not Kylo Ren, Finn, the entire cast of Rogue One, Hazram Namir, Ciena and Thane, or Ransolm Casterfo.
>saving anything
>the entire cast of Rogue One
they're so fucking bland and boring i bet you can't even remember their fucking names without looking it up
Jyn Erso
Cassian Andor
Chirrut Imwe
Baze Malbus
Bodhi Rook
thanks for proving my point
Fuck off EA.
>cunt side Vader
Is that his fuck friend or something? fucking millenial shit jesus christ
This post reeks of shill
I didn't you complete fucking retard, I knew all their names off the top of my head because they're great characters. The movie clearly states each one's name at least once top so you have absolutely no excuse if you didn't have the attention span to catch them. Fuck off you piece of trash.
They don't fuck, but she clearly wants him bad.
>knew all their names off the top of my head
you clearly did not
>because they're great characters.
i cannot believe there is a person on this world who actually thinks this bullshit
>comic relief robot, really mediocre
>jyn the bland flipflopper "i give no shits about the rebellion" *2 seconds later* "I REALLY CARE ABOUT THE REBELLIONS CAUSE AND THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD FIGHT"
>generic chinese monk
>bland straight man to generic chinese monk
>the pilot, another guy with no personality
Who is that strong independent woman next to the male power fantasy figure? Their positions should be reversed. It's 2017.
>EA shilling for SW mobile
>replied in less than a minute with the full list of names
We're done here.
>She's Vader's assistant and a corrupt archaeologist
I would've been happy with some generic rebel.
its not hard to ctrl+c a list from the internet in a minute
also nice try sidestepping how pathetically bland the rogue one characters are
>Raging this much over nu-star wars
All this salt is Gold.
I can see Disney made a quirky fangirl a new canon character.
How she spouted any dank memes in the galaxy far far away?
that's his bitch
>star wars vidya was killed for starwars battlefield and this garbage
how do we stop disney
post more best girl
Thankfully you can't. EA Battlefront is better than the first two by miles.
Simple. You vote with your wallet and wait for normies to get tired of star wars.
So basically wait twenty years and maybe you'll get quality star wars games again. maybe.
Too obvious.
Rogue One is one of the least profitable Star Wars flicks to hit the screens. Episode 8 will be FLOP! TFA was just luck and timing.
>real Star Wars fan
>likes tumblr Marvel shit and Disney canon
>how do we stop disney
Don't buy their shit.
>2nd highest grossing film of last year
>least profitable
This is some next level delusion. Feel free to kill yourself you colossal retard.
I disliked TFA but let's not delude ourselves.
The masses will continue to eat that shit up.
get a load of this nerd lmao
Jesus, have Disney or EA ever created anything worthwhile?
>Rogue One is one of the least profitable Star Wars flicks to hit the screens.
>Episode 8 will be FLOP!
how's life on bizzarro world going?
Do you mean in general or together?
I guess that's why this movie's characters were so well received by critics and fans alike... oh wait, no they weren't, everyone agrees they were literally all shit.
There will never ever be another Star Wars game that has a decent amount of content and isn't full of bullshit DLC and microtransactions.
This is tantamount to shitposting.
>We will never get another Jedi Knight game
>Or Rogue Squadron
>Instead, we get a shitty Battlefield clone and mobile game
>A New Hope 2.0
>good addition
pick one
It's a better addition than attack of the clones.
>rogue one
>sequel trilogy
Most expanded universe stuff is bad, but a few things like Thrawn's basic character (though he needs to be needs to be toned down) and a few simple things like the TIE Hunter's design. The TIE Hunter would work almost perfectly in canon as a replacement and all around upgrade from the TIE Interceptor, but still under a TIE Defender. Defender as a heavy multirole platform, and the Tie Hunter could still be there purely as a fighter.
>Kylo Ren
Angsty Jew faggot
>the entire cast of Rogue One
>Hazram Namir, Ciena and Thane, or Ransolm Casterfo.
Literal Who's
Just throw the entire franchise in the Trash where it belongs.
Forgot Saw Gererra dumbass and proved right
Saw Gererra is a clone wars reject
>Which other ones are there?
I'am not gonna spoonfed you underage faggot. Go search for them. there are literally more than 15
>saving anything
It saved Konami and is doing the same with Capcom and soon Nintendo
He was in the movie for 2 minutes and already existed in The Clone Wars, not part of the main cast.
Gotta give the guy credit though, he's been through a lot of shit
See the thing I always thought was weird was how so many people act as if nothing good came from the prequels, the movies weren't great with 3 being passable also I always thought 1 had the best cgi but the games and shit that came out after it were great
>people in this very thread like Nu-Star Wars
people hoped for a big singleplayer game, what we got is a shitty multiplayer and shitty mobile games..
Here is the actual chart
The only reason I have any hope for Rey being a good character is that I think she'll become a villain. Her rapid accession is par for the course if she's going to be a sith lord. Of course, the other part of me doubts that Disney would ever allow a female heroine to fall like that.
>saves the companies
>kills the vidya
>implying that's saving anything important
no two worse words in the same sentence
Star Wars was never good.
I would forgive Disney if they went this route. I seriously doubt it though.
It could work. Make her like Bastila in the good ending; she's succumbs to the dark side, but later goes through a redemption arc. The new trilogy would be good if they follow the classic hero's journey and not try to be 'progressive' and dumb.
Do you know what delusional means?
Katarnfags are the worst
How can they get away with this?
Old EU shit that everyone accepts as good:
-The X-Wing novels
-Mara Jade before she became a Mary Sue in the later books
-Jacen/Jaina Solo
-talon Karrade
-Kyle katarn
>edgy black droids
>red eyes on cutmylifeinto-3pieceso
Jesus christ how horrifying
Thrawn is back to being canon.
To be fair, thats how it always was for "dark side" droids
Thrawn as he was is not canon, they took the character and put him in their story with tweaks. Not saying it's bad but we have yet to see how developed he becomes.
What did you expect from Marvel?
Sith/imperial droids are usually always black. It's been that way since the 70s.
That's triple zero, a torture droid. I think he's meant to be funny, but he isn't.
>darth taking damage from noobs
>darth walking next to some reject from Borderlands
>darth caring about mobile games