PC gaming

>PC gaming
>it's just people playing console games with a console controller on a smaller screen usually with no local multiplayer because people don't crowd around a monitor

Uh this gets my noggin joggin' for real

>not hooking up your PC to a TV
>not inviting freinds over and whoever happens to own the game people want to play will log in to Steam and just download it
Now if only Big Picture would work as it did 2 years ago. I swear to god it had gotten worse and worse over the years.

Before people say "hurr I totally hook my pc up to the tv" that's bullshit because you can't hook a PC up to a TV without input lag and all games are impossible to play with input lag

>hooking up your PC to TV and playing locally on Steam

Literally no one does this. Also,

>building a PC to play console games with console controllers

This shit is retarded

>console controller
>PC gaming
I miss the spreadsheet simulators

Nice meme my friend

Also nice meme

>Literally no one does this.
We do. Ever played DuckGame? Shits fucking fun.

>building a PC to play console games with console controllers
PC has exclusives just like consoles. That's why I have PC AND consoles and handhelds. I like to play all games. Not just ones on a single platform.

>no argument

As expected from people who build PCs just to play the console games they apparently hate with console controllers

consoles also have input lag because the delay is in the TV itself.

>local multiplayer
Unless you're talking about the Wii U this is wrong.

>Can't have friends over to play Halo
Fuck you, 343.

>Console gaming
>It's just people playing on gimped PCs who can't pick which controllers they want to use and have to pay for online.

Uh this gets my noggin joggin' for real

>No one does this

Oh jeez user don't get salty just cus other people actually have real friends.

>on a smaller screen

What does this mean?

>PC Gaming
>It's just people crying about console games being ported to PC while they pirate the games themselves and then wonder why some game companies don't care about pc

I built a 980TI pc last year to play video games with a controller in my living room on a 70" 1080P 60hz tv.

If you actually had friends you would know people don't crowd around a monitor for vidya. Also, building a PC just to play console ports with console controllers really is the most retarded thing in the universe.

>"I hate consoles"
>"I-I'll just play these console games with console controllers"

Nice logic. Truly the epitome of intellect you are


that OP is too retarded to plug his pc to the tv

>Literally no one does this
I do this every weekend when I stay at my girlfriend's place. I bring my tower and plug it in through the hdmi cable. I have a keyboard and mouse I keep at her place.

>building a PC to play console games with console controllers
I don't play anything with controllers.

Is that ace combat 6?

>building a PC to play console games with console controller

Congrats. You played yourself

>with a console controller
>Playing FPS with a pad instead of a mouse
Lol, are you retarded?

>If you actually had friends you would know people don't crowd around a monitor for vidya.
We don't. We crowd around a TV.

>Also, building a PC just to play console ports with console controllers really is the most retarded thing in the universe.
>just to play
But I don't. I use PC for PC exclusives and consoles for console exclusives.

Do you see gayass idolmaster skins? Then no

>smaller screen

I play most of my games in 3840 × 2160, what do consolefriends use?

is that the only argument you have? you've been throwing it around like a retard while beung proven wrong multiple times

>local multiplayer

My PC's hooked up to a TV right now.
I just don't have any friends to play games with locally, which is a totally different issue.

No one does this. Also playing console games with console controllers on PC is hilariously retarded

Everyone knows that people that play on PC don't actually play games though, they only play shit like TF2, Dota, CSGO, and Overshit.

It's not an argument. Playing console games that you claim to hate with console controllers you claim to hate is the most hypocritical, backwards, retarded shit of all time. There's no arguing that, that's fact.

wtf i love console fps now

My PC is plugged into my TV and I play local coop games all the time. Stop projecting

What's a console game? The only console games are exclusives, everything with a PC version is better on PC, even the shit ports aren't as bad as the actual console versions.

>B-but I'll beg and petition for their games. And play those console games. With console controllers.

Never change Sup Forums. Never change.

>No one does this.
I do. See here

games on console barely have local multiplayer anymore so I don't get your point

Are you saying I can't hook my PC up to a 60' TV? Also quite a few PC games have local multiplayer and quite a lot of console games do not.

I don't play first person shooters with a controller, just like I don't play third person shooters with a mouse and keyboard.

why are you baiting people with this shit catchphrase you don't even get you's ?

Why does Rustle draw the best smug


>No one plugs their PC into their TV
>I do
>No, but see, because no one does this
>But I do
>No one does this
Where's your wrangler?

>buy overwatch for consoles
>can share game
>can have as many accounts I want for the said game so anyone in my house can play too without using my account

>buy pc
>can only ever use your account
>can't lend it to friends

Really makes you think.

No you see, I do hate consoles and hate console games, I just play those games I hate with controllers I hate because I just felt like it and I built a PC to fit in

Who says anyone hates consoles? It's nice to play any game at max settings 60 FPS and have more mod availability. I can handle not getting a couple console exclusives, I don't sperg like an autistic.

I get to play console games at higher res/fps, and mod them.
isn't higher res/fps and mods the very definition of Master Race?

I think consoles are retarded as systems, yes. If I can salvage some useful things out of them, I will.

>console games that you claim to hate
but I never claimed that

>no input lag
>better graphics
>headphones w/ dac/amp provide clarity
You just don't know since you're a pleb

It's like op has never ever heard of a LAN party

makes sense given he is friendless

"55 3840 x 2160

>he posted this from a PC

why are consolefags such hypocrites?

I agree. If you own a console you basically might as well not be playing any games at all.

>no local multiplayer
you mean like modern consoles?

all monitors have input lag

4K is overrated and runs like shit

headphones can be used on literally anything

144hz is usually TN panels which means shit colors and even IPS has backlight bleed/shitty blacks

You just don't know since you're a pleb

>Console gaming
>Sucking corporate cock on a DRM-riddled closed-platform with little to no way to improve or customize your experience.

Have fun being restricted to one controller, one company that decides what games are on your platform, unplayable FPSes unless you allow the game to aim for you, paying for online play that doesn't actually go to server costs, and local multiplayer being decreasingly common anyway.

As a PC gamer I can choose between Windows, Mac, or Linux. I have many retailer choices such as Steam, Origin, GOG, and countless self-published indie passion projects made by ordinary people like me. Mods on consoles are heavily restricted by content allowance, file size limits, and how much the system can handle.

Why is is that console peasants try to brag about the power and versatility of their console of choice when these are attributes of PCs?

It's DCS world

>PC is the only way to go on the internet
>I hate consoles but I play console games with console controllers

You can't make this shit up folks. There are people this retarded in this world.

>local multiplayer
nice one

My laptop has a decently large screen, and the fightan games that I play run on pretty much anything.
It's not all that much trouble to bring it places.

overcooked, towerfall, speedrunners, jackbox collection, broforce, I could keep going. I NEVER use my consoles when I have people over, everyone there consolidates their steam library and we hook up to a TV to play. It's easier than consoles because damn near everything has full controller support now.

>waaaah I hate consoles
>I-I'll just petition for console games and play console games with console controllers

Nice logic. What a rebel you are. A true special snowflake, I tip my trillby to you

are you seriously brain damaged or can you only repeat yourself endlessly despite people proving you wrong?

>console peasant doesn't even know what kb+m is

I'm not surprised.

What a fucking awful post, OP.

>just keep repeating the same shit, that won't get old!

>he doesn't get (you)s

you just slap console before every other word like everybody does with nu
do you even have an argument

>I hate console gaming
>now I'll play console games with console controllers and beg for console games

You are brain damaged, friendo

>s-stuttering strawman
Cool post format.

>I have no argument
>I'll just post random face because I've been exposed as a hypocrite that hates console games but playes consoles games with console controller


I don't do any of those things, as do other people in this thread. There are also people who play or have played local multiplayer using PCs. There are also people who play or have played using their T.V. connected to the PC. You are just repeating yourself and being frucking retarded. I'm done here and so is your thread.

>responds with a strawman

Cool post format

Are you retarded?

>do you even have an argument

There is no argument. This is fact.

Saying you hate consoles but then begging for console games and playing console games with console controllers is by defintion, hypocrisy and stupidity. Something that Sup Forums can't admit, as evident by the responses here.

>mister no argument keeps saying everyone else has no argument
can you say anything else?

>Have fun being restricted to one controller
I like this, a single standard input interface

>one company that decides what games are on your platform
that does kinda suck, but then I look at Steams shovelware, then remember that curation isn't necessarily always bad

>unplayable FPSes unless you allow the game to aim for you
there's just a learning curve, and again, standardized input so at least it's a level playing field

>paying for online play that doesn't actually go to server costs

>local multiplayer being decreasingly common anyway
it's also decreasingly common on pc

Just let the retarded continue to be retarded.

>doesn't deny what's being said


You mean you never have friends over.

I deny it.

I bet they don't even play superior limb-based fighting games.

>"PC Gaming is so amazing guys!"
>look at Steam, Desura, Battle.net
>all games are shit
>end up playing console ports with console ports
>constantly cry and beg for console games

Truly the master race. Playing the same shit as console gamers with the same controllers except on a smaller screen and petitioning all the time. true cucks

>>end up playing console ports with console ports

What did he mean by this?

>input lag
"no" obviously means "negligible," you dunce.

I see no mention of that.

>literally anything
You cant use a dac with a console. You dont need to, but you cant.

You havent been paying any attention to monitor tech.