Will this AGDQ be able to raise awareness for The God Gamer Stigma?

Will this AGDQ be able to raise awareness for The God Gamer Stigma?

Other urls found in this thread:


>agdq 2017
>bunch of absolute shit games no one cares about or wants to watch
>various shitty indie games released on steam in 2016 and 2015, blatantly just an ad spot disguised as a speedrun
>fucking undertale as the last game, the undigested nut on top of the shitpile

it finally went to absolute trash

>no werster


Why couldn't this guy transition instead of cosmo?
It's not fair.

kill yourself, degenerate scum


why is undertale the last game this run? why?

Werster has really unjusted himself as of late, even if he's still autisticly dedicated to Pokemon and Sanic games.

>has a wife's son

>the god gamer stigma isn't rea-

The Romhack Stigma

keep it in your containment board, srg

>agdq 2017
>bunch of absolute great games everyone cares about and wants to watch
>various terrific indie games released on steam in 2016 and 2015, bigly just tremendous success presented as a speedrun
>tremendous undertale as the last game, the terrific cherry on top of the success

it finally went to absolute based.

The Good Gamer Stigma

>agdq 2017
>bunch of games
>various indie games
>a game as the last game
it finally went to something

srg is like the token black guy in the south. your wives tell you he's a nigger but you can find them in the shed at night putting a BULLET in the HEAD of every tranny NUTTER

you turned a big stinky turd into a bigger stinkier turd!

>being on Sup Forums
>not degenerate
You take a wrong turn at reddit?

>ctfl f werster on the schedule
>0 results
>only 20 minutes of tetris

its gonna be even more shit than i expected


only good speedruns are dark souls games, Santzo is a an actual god gamer (not like all those trannies mentioned in this thread)


what the fuck is with this community and retarded tranny shitposting

ask the retarded trannies

The Romscout Stigma of starting a let's play of SMTIV:A, playing for 5 hours, only making it to Nozomi and stopping.

But that game was shit though?

>tfw the Jak guy wont be back

even one of the biggest meme "speed" runners TriHex wasn't accepted this year, and he's a protected species according to agdq staff.
goes to show the event will be shit.

Probably not professional enough

ADGQ is a boring shitshow devoid of any excitement or fun. It's like watching the most boring youtube videos of all time

That'll teach him to sleep through his run at Smash the Record.

>agdq 2017
>runner accidentally shows emotion while running
>is dragged out and never seen again

Trihex scored too high on the Tumblr privliege meter. Being black is too trendy at the moment.

One year ban from submitting runs and couch sitting, he could still appear in teh future.

how do I get /srg/ to like me?


Sig would make a perfect girl.
Cute, shy and feminine.
Im also 100% sure he would pick a good normal girl name (not something like Narcissa)


Yes, a perfect girl who shits in diapers.

Come on. Siglemic is a pathetic fuck who haven't been relevant for years after his secret got found out and he went underground.

you people will believe literally anything

Greetings from Germany. I'm literally dead after an excruciatingly painful death by drowning in my own vomit and this donation is being transmitted via seance conducted by my 17 cats because no one loved me in my mortal life. Just wanted to donate to my favorite game and for a great cause. Let's kick cancer's butt! #savetheanimals



Some teenager who doesn't even look like sig

good source

Greetings from [country], I'm [Real Name], also known as [Internet nickname], my youtube OR twitch channel is [youtube name]/[twitch name], I like [Game name]! My [family member or relative]...

(2 page font size 12 story about gruesome death with too much detail here)

and finally, go trannies! hooray for LGBTQ! time to remove cancer from this earth!


would be a shame if this stream was reported for sleeping, which is not allowed by twitch IRL rules

Yeah, and Big Jon doesn't have a gay fat fetish, it was just an impostor.

how long until he's on some paid webcam website

How could you tell when all niggers look the same?

>cosmo is the first speedrunner I've ever watched
>he's resorted to this


Reported, I've done my job.

Because boys are a million times cuter as boys. Girls are trannies are fucking disgusting.

Who is the most relevant speedrunner right now?


Why do we keep having e-celeb threads?

Even AGDQ threads aren't about the games or the runs but the people playing

>mfw people at Zeldathon keep making digs at GDQ