>coming up on 2 years old
>still reigns supreme in every way
How did they do it?
>coming up on 2 years old
>still reigns supreme in every way
How did they do it?
I personally thought it was very mediocre.
Really? Then what the fuck do you consider a great game?
call of duty
Glover 2
i have no idea what this is supposed to be
found the peecuck
>tfw played through it so many times that it has become too easy
anyone know any good challenge runs?
try it while you desperately want to take a shit.
Dragon's Dogma. But then again, I was never a huge Souls fan. I liked DS 1 and 2, but I don't know. I just wasn't feeling it on Bloodborne.
Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes
They kept it PS4 exclusive, saving it from the toxic PC community that ruined Dark Souls.
What else do you expect from the undefeated 4 time world wide console war champions?
Sidearms only
>Proudly paying a subscription fee to play a single game online
case in point
i can't even figure out what the fucking game is.
>ruined Dark Souls
please explain
Master race indeed
tell me how the FUCK to beat orphan of kos 2nd form, I can beat the first form without taking any damage just using the system trading health for bullets and getting it back thanks to that one riposte rune, but as soon as it hits second form I literally get streamrolled by this fucker. I'm lvl 57, do I seriously just need to grind and level up? Seriously the first form is probably the easiest in the game, how the hell does the difficulty get so steep after he transforms?
Bloodborne is the one game that makes me want to get a PS4. I might even buy a used one just to play it.
>three years later and the PS4 will finally have it's first exclusive, Nioh, coming this March from Tecmo-Koei Games Incorporated LLC
Also, implying that at any point the game did it have that lighting or atmosphere.
Dodge into all of his attacks.
You can still get a riposte, user. Don't be scared just because it's faster. It's still humanoid, therefore it's prime parry-bait.
>I'm lvl 57, do I seriously just need to grind and level up?
Yes, the recommended lvl for starting old hunters is 65-70
Fight him in the water, the lightning does more damage but it's much easier to avoid since the waves split up the farther away from the Kos carcass they get.
I would not recommend trying to riposte his second form, it's much safer to dodge around him and getting in a couple of hits in between his attacks. Stay close to him, since the only times you need to run away from him are the attacks where he throws stuff at you.
Also, most people do the DLC at 60-70, so it wouldn't be stupid to do some other areas in the base game before trying again.
Can anyone decipher this text for me?
dark souls had a great community before it was released on pc, then it was shit
played it on both console and pc btw
you probably dont know this if you werent playing it when it first came out through the pc release
i picked up a ps4 just to play it
also got the tomb raider which is ok
i am looking forward to nioh
>boot up bloodborne
>ps4 engine gets ready to take off from runway 10
>can't hear the game over the overheating GPU about to melt the wall next to the TV
I'm glad it will never be on PC, it's just not the same without that sound
that doesn't make any sense, can you provide examples or say why?
Ape Escape 1. A literally perfect game.
Bloodborne is objectively perfect in every way and will be remembered as the first game ever to be a true work of art. These facts are indisputable.
Not that user, but shit like "git gud" spawned, and the memes got run into the fucking ground. The threads became trash everywhere.
I'd normally say that the reason is because the game became popular instead of just the PC/Xbox release...but the game was very popular at release for PS3, and the community was still good. I don't generally like the console-war-y explanations, but it's literally the only explanation...
Also, in places where they're separate, Bloodborne's community is just better than DS3's.
I hope they expand on it someway. I'd rather there not be a sequel, but something with that fast, frenetic combat would be good.
Sry, I was gonna say that I wasn't exactly sure how to explain it, but definitely noticed it. Other user touches on it pretty well. For some reason the PC released is what turned everything into a huge meme, lol. It was more fun to discuss the actual game before the influx of new players, i guess? Nothing again PC players, I am one too after all. It was just a weird happening
>"Arguments" before DS PC release
git gud
you're just mad cause you cant play it
>"Arguments" after DS PC release
git gud
So if you're wondering why it got run to the ground it's because it became the only way for fanboys to shield from valid criticism
But "Git Gud" didn't start until the PC release came out, when tons of PC players came on to ask how to do a thing.
I don't have it, but there's a picture of the google relevancy graph of "Git Gud", and it first gets mentioned the few days after the PC release.
>But "Git Gud" didn't start until the PC release came out, when tons of PC players came on to ask how to do a thing
Seriously you fucking melt, were you not here?
Because it fucking did
whats with the filter
that makes more sense I was wondering why the knight had the reiterpallasch in the left hand