Any games out there that still have decent roleplay communities? Seems like most of them are going to shit these days. Some of you have to know something.
Any games out there that still have decent roleplay communities? Seems like most of them are going to shit these days...
Ovega Online. Great community. My tag is Parzival if you want to add me.
>Ovega Online
Never heard of it, and google gives me nothing.
Wtf is ovega???
i feel like we're being rused or its a typo and he fucked off from the thread after posting
Yes. It's called Tabletop.
Who knows ... Guess I'll wait and see if he comes back.
>tfw i have tabletop simulator in my steam library
>only played once with a friend but it was way too fucking awkward for him
>never played again ;_;
I'd love to get into tabletop, if it didn't require friends.
Nevermind. I've just been informed by my roommate that Ovega Online does not exist. That's just something I made up while doing shrooms and playing LEGO Star Wars.
Okay then my dude
Nice job
Go to /tg/ and go find the game finder thread. Perfect for sad sacks like you.
I think LotRO has a pretty good rp community
man i wish there was a good rp community out there
maybe if gta v had private servers
Went there a couple months ago, spent a couple weeks trying to find RP. Had no luck. Even the website seems dead and abandoned.
Let me clarify; the only RP I found was in taverns. From what I saw, people never left the taverns.
Well that's unfortunate. Have you tried older mmos? Maybe Ultima Online?
literally laughing
There's just not anymore social MMOs from what I can see. RuneScape was a huge social MMO but I don't think it's the same anymore. Now they're just grindcore PvP fashion games.
Recently I've tried Lotro and Elder scrolls online, not much luck in either of them. Doesn't have to be an mmorpg style game, though. Done a lot of RP in DayZ lately, but the community is getting worse by the day, and has for quite some time.
Not sure Ultima Online is what I'm looking for but, but I'll look into it.
Roleplaying is for faggots
I guess you could also look into finding a private WoW rp server
Argent Dawn EU in WoW
I guess. I wouldn't know where to start though. I was hoping someone on here would be part of some RP community they could recommend.
I used to be in this server called proluge wow
it was fun before it disappeared
Seems like the golden age of roleplay is over.