Why is the best game of 2016 a free to play title?

why is the best game of 2016 a free to play title?

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Because you're poor

because genius comes in many colors


You must not play many games, because Let it Die is a solid 5/10.

While he is right, kill yourself neofag

>why is the best game of 2016 a free to play title?
>why is the best game of 2016 a demo?
Because of shitposters and their bait threads.

because you haven't reached floor 25

Dat's epik bro


what happens then?

you face true, unadulterated pay-to-play as everything one shots you into oblivion.

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard


I'm at the JinDie boss, should I just drop it?

progress relies exclusively upon cheesing with mushrooms

Stop shilling your shit game

Seriously? FUCKING KEK.

its fun and relatively fair up until 20 but the bosses after that are horseshit damage sponges with huge damage outputs

Came here to post this

>Release "Free to play" game during the time that no other games are being released
>PS4 players are bored out of their mind because TRIGGER WARNING (no gaymes right now)
>Shitty F2P releases
>Not good not bad but can just keep people pre-occupied for an hour
>Plot twist
>Once you get further in the game it entirely relies on microtransactions
>Make hundreds of shill threads on Sup Forums
Kill yourself

F20+ is when you hit the GRIND wall.
you must grind materials and upgrade your weapons/armor if you want to stand a chance.

You're just shit at playing this game. There are a ton of guides on how to abuse the mushroom system and Expeditions constantly provide you with a steady source of funds/items/equipment.

Just a reminder, Irons are your friends.
They will get you through anything

Nah son, enjoy it for what it is right now. Games stays fun and quirky up until then.

To be fair, its amazing that a f2p goes so far before devolving.

>goes so far
>just about 25 floors of different looking enemies with the same method to kill
oh wow sure makes me erect senpai desu lmao senapi senpai

The positioning of the hypno pupils is clever. If they were just in the middle of the glasses, Uncle Death would look retarded.

literally the only reason why it is getting attention is because ps4 has a drought right now
I guarantee you with 100% certainty if it was released in November or mid October nobody would give a single fuck about it

And that 25 floors is more than half the game. So yeah faggot it goes pretty far before becoming shit.

*dun dun dun*

Don't forget the game's Don's from 20-40 are copy pasted mini bosses
And the game pulls this shit

It's not even the best F2P game out there son, that shit goes to warthunder

>F2P but P2W
Yeah no, the controls are fucked also

>25 floors of the same shit
>half of the game
>meaning half of the game is micro transactions
Wow sounds amazing sure gives me a stiffy let me just rub out my lacquered eel

I'm on F40 ready to fight the final boss :^)

I personally believe that once they release the other floors, theyre going to rebalance the first 40 so they arent such a pain to get through.

The difficulty spike is purely just to pad the game out and make it last longer. I wouldve finished this game like weeks ago if it was as easy as the first 20 floors

>steals the concept of floor bosses just like sword art online
>le quirky death with shitty graphics just like soul eater
did some incompetent weeb make this shitty game?

>once they release the other floors
C'mon senpai

>Difficulty spike is to pad out the game
It's to get money from micro transactions

>sao invented dungeons with bosses

born: 2000

That too.

so you basically need to farm invincibility and attack buffs
baka senpai

>Calls everyone "Senpai"
i don't think i could make this game anymore obnoxious if i tried.

i can't wait till the "slow clunky soulsclone" trend is over.

>Hears "Multiple floors with increasing difficulty and bosses"
>Thinks dungeons with bosses
you fucking moron

make me you stupid butthead

Of course they will make it easier in some form. If it's really true that were not even in the tower yet, it's not even possible to make the game progressively harder than it already is for so long

>Retards saying that it forces you to pay money after floor 20
You are all fucking stupid jesus christ, and outright liars on top of that. Let it die is heavily flawed but the f2p aspect has nothing to do with it. The problem is the grind that you have to do after floor 20, not the difficulty. There are two big walls at floors 21 and 31 that force you to farm the same chests for hours just so that you can get decent equipment to stand a chance against bosses and advance towards the next rank fighters. Once you have the new equipment and the new fighters the game becomes balanced again.

The point is that this problem is completely unrelated to the f2p model. Paying money makes the game slightly more comfortable but the grind walls are still there for everyone.

Just play the fucking game if you are going to criticize it. It's like half the contrarian retards in this thread have not even played it.

>Y-You don't have to pay money
>Y-You can either grind for 2 hours or pay 10 bucks and be done with it
Kill yourself
Because we don't like the practices of a shitty F2P game doesn't mean we are contrarian, it means we're right
Shill on leddit, you'll get a better crowd there

>>Y-You can either grind for 2 hours or pay 10 bucks and be done with it
False, try again.

But Hitman is not a free game

Nice argument
Stop defending a P2W game with every last breath, you're looking incredibly pathetic

not him, but there is no pay to not grind. So you are wrong.

not him but how is it p2w? Expensive revives + mediocre blueprints you find in game anyway?

Your one and only argument is patently false. Read again.

>You don't have to pay
>Past 25 you essentially have to pay
boy you shills are getting rowdy today huh?
I doubt the dev can pay you that much, maybe go back to watching your quirky e-celebs play while you desperately try to find a redeeming quality to the game

>Read the paragraph of nonsense again
I already lost enough braincells from the first time I did that

Do you lie on the internet for fun or just because you dislike the game on an irrational level? The latter is pretty pathetic honestly.

>keeps saying you have to pay
>wont say what it is exactly you "have" to pay for

>Y-You're just lying
Whatever helps you sleep at night

>the grind walls are still there for everyone.
Which words of this sentence do you not understand?

*unzips pants*

Same with Planetside 2
You don't HAVE to pay for anything, but the entire game is shit past level 5 if you don't

>First content update isn't coming until Feb

saying first post best post is acceptable here you stupid fucks. lurk more faggots

>still not explaining why
just leave

Oh shit well since he said that it must be true right user? Praise the almighty text wall of bulslhit

>I've always seen it my whole 6 months here so that means it's always been here
Kill yourself, neofag.

Ch-check o-out th-this f-faggot

>Spoonfeed me daddy

The only thing needed past floor 20 are mushrooms, high rank weapons and high rank armor. Not one of those things can be obtained with real money.

It's fun, but I hate it but I keep coming back to it, it has that addicting factor to it that nags you in the back of the head.

I get it, you can't back up your own bullshit

>Operation False Fag Complete
>Ruse Cruise successful

Because there is nothing else to play
Hence why it is getting any attention whatsoever

Actually I'm pretty sure that some of the store bundles come with weapons and armor.

I finished the game today. It's pretty fun but it's just a grinding simulator.

>Just farm invincibility items
Do you not think that the game might be horrendously fucking broken if you have to say something like that?

You guys are seriously falling for this shit?
If it seems like someone's talking out of their ass, they probably are, and you calling them out only makes them post more shit.

Come on now, this is basic level shit here.

>Dev Supporter's Pack: KAMAS-A1 Assault Rifle
>This powerful ranged weapon will be useful through the middle of the game

>Le everybody shitposting meme
First week here huh?

It comes with blueprints, which are easy to obtain. The problem is upgrading them to ranks higher than 3.

>baka desu

That guy in the video is fucking trash

Game is shit. The gameplay is meh and it is made just to lure you in and then get your shekels unless you're superhuman

>blueprint easily found in mid tier floors
It's literally called a dev support pack for a reason

Is a pass a good investment if you just want to play the game normally?

>It's all freeeee baka senpai desu senpai
>inb4 y-you don't have to buy the stuff that makes the game playable

Not really. The elevator doesn't cost much. An investment is more like this trash on the store

I fucking hate this shit.

>would you rather farm for hours
>or spend some shekels
Yeah def not pay to win goy


It's a blueprint, and for floors 10-20 to boot (which aren't a problem).

Are you outright lying on purpose or just stupid?

>he spends DMs on revives
>he doesn't think $5 is worth it after the amount of hours you invest to get at that point
lmaoing @ you

The game gives you a bunch of free Death Metals as is.
I've gotten about 12 free since I started playing 2 weeks ago.

It was just free demos, not a free to play game dumb dumb

OST is fucking great, but they don't showcase all the songs in the game, had to check a youtube playlist and was surprised at how many songs I liked.

The only good investment is the $5 for 30 DM. You don't need anything else.

Get the fuck out of here Suda, your game is shit. You hear me?! It's shit!

Can't you play this offline or is it online only?

That is pretty much why I don't play the game. You barely fucking get any from playing the game either, it's lame as shit. Can't convert coins to DM like you can DM to coins. It's a fucking lame system and it ruins the game for me, running back and constantly cycling through fighters when all I want is to progress is really fucking lame. It's not like Binding of Isaac either since there's high level haters on most floors you have no chance against with a new fighter.

I feel like they cranked the bullshit way to high past floor 25ish. Loved it till I hit the wall. Sure I can grind it out but eh