Is using Dragon Bone Smasher cheating?
The game was very trivial once I got it. Enemies and bosses are super easy and I crush all invaders and hosts when I am invading and even get some hatemails for using curse weapon on it.
Is using Dragon Bone Smasher cheating?
If you are have fun I dont see any problem, the same with zweihander in dark souls
It was fun getting people afraid of it only to pull out a baby nail and watch them shit themselves over plague. Then actually use it.
I am actually starting to get bored with it in pve but I love smashing people with it in pvp. Just don't want to be a scrub using "dark sword" of demon souls.
I'd like to use some of the status effect inducing weapons, is plague the best one?
In Demon's Souls everything has its own niche and can be great. Don't worry about it OP. You are a dick if you're using the cracked talisman glitch though.
Do people still play Demon's Souls online? I thought it was completely dead.
>chunking every boss fight easily
I don't give a fuck, dragon bone smasher is the best
>cracked talisman glitch
never heard of it, but I don't want to tak advantage using glitches but I am thinking about using Morion blade, rat ring and cursed weapin tho to one shot people
thanks for reassuring me
I thought so too but I can invade likke 2-3 people in all worlds most of the time.
What is the biggest hotspot for pvp tho? I just entered NG+, are invasions only determined by soul level range or by separate cycles? Which level range is the pvp meta?
Blueblood masterrace
>The game was very trivial once I got it
DeS is trivial if you've played any other Souls game before it. Its the easiest by a large fucking margin.
Is it me or do I think the Zweihandler in Dark Souls 1 is extremely overrated? The best weapon by far is the Greatsword of Artorias
its because people fall for the giant dad memes
What's the ideal build for it? The 18/18/18/18 kind of put me off from it.
Yeah I mean the areas could be pretty challenging if I didn't oneshot everything but bosses are a big joke here
I loved it and the two handed r2's are fucking amazing, I didn't enjoy artorias's sword if it weren't for the frontflĂ attack that was cool but not as practical desu
>What's the ideal build for it? The 18/18/18/18 kind of put me off from it.
18/18/18/18 + Luck raised is fine, with others raised depending on what you want to use. Usually magic.
Oh I see, that's the only weapon that scales with luck right? Maybe on another playthrough
best by far is greatsword
that fucking poke is ungodly strong
>Blood on sword
Does Bloodborne even have that? because they totally should do it again. It looks nice.
I'm currently playing DeS with a friend, since we've both never played it, we're switching after each death, I've finished DaS II and III, and my friend has finished every other souls, and DeS has been kicking our asses a decent amount so far, especially Tower Knight, and the trek to get to him.
There are soul level ranges for invasions, and in DeS you can't invade anyone below your soul level.
True but isn't it easier to parry?
I think so byt cant find any pic of it
tower knight was tough when I first encountered him but is ridiculously easy once you know to keep in his rear. I really think it is the easiest souls game but I enjoyed it really really a lot
DBS is definitely the best weapon in anything. Although I wish more games had giant hammers with larger surfaces.