A very important question

Would you a Shantae?

Or has the Smash Ballot made you hate her?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Would you
Who wouldn't?
Who hasn't?

I'm still baffled that anyone thought she could get in Smash. She's too exposed for a kids game. And while you might say Bayonetta is the same, she's a lot more covered up than Shantae.

Please don't make these threads about my wife, it makes both of us uncomfortable.

>Listening to Neo Burning Town at this very moment
>Her hips match the beat

Pretty neat. However, I'm afraid I'm promised to another.

>Or has the Smash Ballot made you hate her?
Are people actually still ass blasted about the ballot and genuinely expected Shantae to get in? This was a year ago, let go.

You do realize that Nintendo's own character is literally in just a tank top and spats, right? I'm pretty sure they would have had no problem with Shantae in the game, she just didn't win, because she didn't have much popularity outside the west.

Red flag that a game is terrible: the threads are about a girl in said game rather than the actual game.

Everything that can be said about the games has been said a thousand times. Fans already know the strengths and weaknesses of each title, with slight variations in opinion.

Meanwhile a red flag that a poster is retarded is when he preemptively judges the quality of a game not by playing it, or even by its promo material, but by the content of the Sup Forums threads centered around it.

Haha. Hey. Does anyone have any pics of shantae, Risky or Rotty going #2. Haha what kinds of doo-doos do you think they produce haha what do they smell like. Hahah anyways I'd like pics of them doing that. Please.

No, because she's 16 and the legal age of consent in Turkey is 18.

That being said, 1/2 Genie Hero while enjoyable, was painfully short.

Same with most of the USA.

Which character?

I bought 1/2 Genie Hero for PS4 and Wii U.
Opened PS4 Version to play, keeping Wii U sealed.

Actually, I think he was talking about anti-Shantaefags who were pissed that she was actually gaining momentum, and wanted other characters in over her, but couldn't win arguments with the thickheaded fuckers.

>Giving Gajin Goomba the time of day

She's a half-genie from Sequin Land. It's fictional. And even if she were in some fantasy version of Turkey itself, what makes you think real-world age of consent laws would apply?

Zero Suit Samus alternate.

>she was actually gaining momentum
Gaining momentum from what? The game that got delayed like 8 times?

No cleavage, though. Shantae has that in spades. Taking away that or her jiggle would just look awkward.

why can't all brownskins look like shantbae

>being a denialfag

Look, I'm in no way shape of form a Shantaefag, but you had to have been living in a cave or completely fucking retarded to not see that there was a metric fuckton of people who wanted Shantae in Smash, posting here/reddit/tumblr/twitter etc.

Considering they covered up nude Bayonetta, I'm pretty sure they would just remove her jiggle if deemed too risky for Nintendo games.

Yeah, and there were also a fuckton of people voting for Shovel Knight and K. Rool too.

So where do those people exist every other day of the week?

I'm a new fan of Shantae who just dove into the series and looking at Wayforward's history, it's hard to imagine a more punished developer. These guys pawn off their services to make shitty licensed shovelware games for various companies just so they can rake in enough piggybank change to fund their next Shantae game, which is clearly the only thing they care about.

They had to resort to Kickstarter funding for their latest game and while HGH isn't bad, you can certainly tell they still struggled to put it together and push it out with the funding/time they were given. If Shantaefags were actually as numerous as they seemed during the Smash fiasco, you'd think Wayforward would at least be as financially well-off as Yacht Club right now.

I had a neighbor that did.
But moved because she felt uncomfortable where she was working and ended up moving 2 hours away. Still see her sometimes.

I would let shantae use me as a chair

Am I the only one who gets a Rwby vibe from this?


Shantae is like 15th on my list of characters I want in Smash, but I do think she would make for a better fighter than a lot of the alternatives. Even Corrin.

Seriously, I hope Fire Emblem is sensible in the next Smash. Remove Corrin, turn Roy and Lucina into costumes, and buff Robin's running speed

Would you a Rotty Sup Forums?

Her human form, sure.

Not even once.

>No arm stitches
Into the trash

I love Rotty but her human form is fuckugly. Looks far too much like a Skullgirls reject. The whole schoolgirl thing is bad enough on its own, but her look would improve by miles still if she just ditched the glasses.

I didn't care for Shantae one way or the other and I still really don't.

But Risky, especially in Pirate's Curse, my dick

I don't think shantae is supposed to be 16. I. Guessing she's really 38.

>it's LITERALLY 2017
>still being racist

>Or has the Smash Ballot made you hate her?
Why do smashfags ruin everything?

CERO fucking censored corrin and bayo

Are you armchairfags really bringing back the whole clevage argument again?

And leave shitty Ms. No Character out of this, no one really gives a shit about meh-troid.

I want to kiss her.

Here's cena taking a gander at the meleebabby's sign

Must have noticed a strong odor and turned to see where it was coming from.

Because they're literally autistic.

I think you're new to the phenomenon known as "bandwagoning". If you look at some of the most popular Smash predictions, you see characters that people don't care about otherwise but still rally behind (like K. Rool), jokes that are memed so hard people actually start believing in them (Ridley), characters part of a dead franchise that probably most of them haven't even played (Isaac), and then the cut veterans who are mourned because people can't accept when obselete or redundant stuff gets axed (Wolf, Roy, Lucas, etc.).

Shantae was in the same boat as Banjo and Shovelknight, where someone in the industry with no real say in the matter said "I'm all in favor of having them in Smash" and the speculations went crazy. These are the same people who suddenly wanted Rayman in the second the trophy was leaked. These are not fans of their respective series, just bandwagoners who hop aboard already popular choices because they want that rush of joy for being "right" about a character getting in.


>No mutton chops on Abner
Fucking dropped

People tend to forget that smash is a global thing. You really think many people in Japan or Europe have heard of Shantae?

What he said.

There's a few good nipponese hentai mangas of shantae on exhentai

Dont forget the fags who latch on a character because it looks safe or its from a franchise that will get like the whole 10 of the main cast playable.

t. ex-Tetrafag

Where's that video of the one retard who had a meltdown in a hotel because he couldn't hook up his Gamecube to the TV?


Bolo is actually husbando material you dunce

Honestly I just find Shantae cute like a puppy, I don't really want to fuck her

Rottytops, on the other hand...

>jokes that are memed so hard people actually start believing in them (Ridley)

The 'joke' you're referring to better be that he's too big, nigger


I see the appeal

Clearly not Risky because Risky would not admit to ever having any interest in Bolo, nor would she ever blush like a tsundere around him while secretly finding excuses to prolong her presence while he's around

Just beat HGH and got 96% item collection

I have no idea what the fuck I'm missing

Was a little miffed that there wasn't any extra boss or anything for getting the clues, just a different ending

I would fuck those hips straight OFF

Probably wouldn't take long in this case

If you check the map, it tells you everything you need from that stage

Otherwise you probably didn't get the special item from mayor for completing the gallery unlocking

t. ovulating Risky

I just want to snuggle with her.

She barely has popularity even in the west.

nice try ridleycuck

No one actually wanted ridley serious

and no other metroid character is happening because nobody buys the games anymore or hold other problems as much as ridley does in smash

That's the thing, I seem to have everything according to the map. No more ?s, and all the 2/2s and stuff are full. I did get the tiara from the mayor.

Maybe there's something I didn't buy. Do potions count?

Quit shitposting in MY Sup Forums, risky!

>No one actually wanted ridley serious

I wish the Pirate Master was wearing your skull you stupid bitch


Yes, you have to buy literally everything

Goto the snake trader and trade your warp dance for the gem jug dance and the other one.

They count.

Thanks m8s

Is it okay that you give away the Warp Dance?


Cleaned of for a new year of "use"

>The snakes have one eye
Goddammit, Wayforward.

Anymore stuff like this in it?

I wouldn't a Shantae, that's not what she's for.

I don't hate her, but the fanbase is starting to irk me in spots and HGH let me down. Still looking forward to the DLC and glad I backed it so I don't have to pay for it.

GBC is still the best game.

You can always buy it back, but it becomes useless once you collected everything.

Eh. It's weird how I feel about Shantae. You can clearly tell by her personality that she's an innocent good girl and doesn't think about things like that, but yet Matt sexualizes the fuck out of her and throws innuendo and dirty jokes in the game, and is completely okay with people drawing porn of her (he almost encourages it, without actually saying so). It's like he's seeing how far he can get below an M rating, while still being cutesy and cartoony.

I figure that Risky or Sky is more likely to want the D, than Shantae. Hell, even Rotty, but that's weird because she's a zombie.

Am I the only guy who wants Risky not to stomp my dick in or whatever masochistic thing but rather take her down a notch and give her a good fucking until sunrise?

Because of this

They have the same behavior, too.

I want Shantae and Bomberman in 5 just so we can have THE GANG together in Smash.

I've wanted Bomberman in Smash since Brawl though

>HGH let me down

I honestly thought the game was great and the music was fantastic.

The worst aspect was the length though, beating it 100% in less than 3 hours is a bummer.

Peppotspot is a cool guy

A big car full of losers.

Music was great, length was whatever. My main beef is it felt like they forgot to make a second half of a game. Hypno Baron's castle and Risky's Hideout feel anemic.

This is not the reason user.

They probably felt rushed, and I don't doubt that they were. Their downfall honestly was all that hand drawn animation.

They needed another year.

>Shantae's hair

Probably, they also probably felt the need to get some work in on the other characters before launch so they weren't working on this game as long as Yacht Club has been working on Shovel Knight, and I get that, but man did the last part of the game kinda fizzle out.

Wario ain't no loser.

He's number one

I bet you found this on r/smashbros

This needs more art

Characters you want in Smash but you know it will probably never happen but you can still dream.

brown booty best


Matt supposedly wants to do a 3d Shantae now. Sorry, but if he's gonna do 3d, it needs to be more than 4 hours long. Voice acting would also be nice.


3D platformer like all those games on the N64 and Playstation?



I really like this pair up for some reason. There like a Suicide Squad of characters from dead franchises but instead of killing people they hangout, dick around and maybe have adventures sometimes.

It gives me a Wreck-It Ralph kind of feel.