Dark Souls 2 has shitty boss figh-

>Dark Souls 2 has shitty boss figh-

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I don't even remember him

*circle strafe behind you*

Too bad the shitty boss fights outnumber the good ones

He was good? I can barely remember him, could only get to him 1/20 times since the run up to him with a million knights and salamanders that all take ages to kill was pure hell, and then when I actually got to him he did a thrusting attack while I was well to the side / behind him which teleported me way out in front of him and had me impaled. Gave up on it at that point.

>typical DS2's humanoid with a sword you can simply strafe around
The only good thing about him is his OST which is one of the few good DS2 tracks and the fact he can do sudoku.

too bad boss fights are not an actual strength of darksouls series at all

Is dark Souls 2 the one with the really dramatic entrance of two brimstone pillars erupting from the ground and the boss walking through a fire portal?

Why are humanoid bosses a bad thing? Alonne, Raime, and the Ivory King were all fun and unique fights.

Yea, it's the third DLC for 2. Crown of the Ivory King.

It still has shitty boss fights. Alonne is cool but he doesn't make things like the defender and watcher go away.

>Why are humanoid bosses a bad thing
Humanoid bosses are not a bad thing on its own. DS2 humanoid bosses is a bad thing because they all samefags with barely any differences in tactics or ways you take them out. They all usually have a charge, multihit combo, a grab and maybe a projectile or aoe.
Meanwhile in good souls games two humanoid bosses can be absolutely different and require different tactics.

Ivory was a shitty, watered-down Gwyn. If it wasn't for his dramatic entrance i would forget about him completely because he has like 3 moves. Raime is overhyped beyond belief and i really don't understand why people even lose to him because he has the same enormous blind spot on his back as all DS2 humanoids. Alonne is pretty chill and fun to fight but still a typical DS2 humanoid who brings nothing new to the table.

He's apparently in the DLC.

I only did Sunken King and it was shit so I never touched the others

>barely any differences in tactics or ways you take them out
this applies to every non-gimmick boss in soulsborne
and nobody likes gimmick bosses

Only lore fags hate on DS2. I mean they have a point, DS2 really does have an awful incoherent plot/lore but besides that it's good. Sure to many bosses but if you just take the health bar off half of the bosses and just present them as unique enemies no one would bitch.

If that's the case then you're missing out. The DLC Sunken king included all have level design on par with 1. The only thing I dislike about them are the enemy design and how they throw so many at you at once.

>this applies to every non-gimmick boss in soulsborne
No. Gwyndolin is fought absolutely different from Artorias or Ornstein. Same with virtually any two non-gimmick humanoids in BB or DS3, especially DS3. Only DS2 has such a ridiculous amount of samefags.

>Sunken King
You what?

>people of taste hate ds2


>das1, 2, and bb's dlc are all 10/10 GOAT
>3's boring as shit
what happened?

Are you saying lorefags are people of taste?

It means he got buttblasted by the dragon knights or the objectively shit summoning boss before the dragon

I said what I said. Dark Souls 2 = Worst Souls 2.

The Graverobbers were shit, yeah.

Don't expect anything out of the second DLC either, why would they bother making anything better for the same price of the first DLC if they can get away with less effort.

>absolutely different
its time to play something other than souls
its the same shit with minor irrelevant differences
but i'll give you O&S, even though das2 also had interesting boss duos
>inb4 "hurr clicking same buttons in every game" argument

>haha hey guys lets put this boss after the shittiest area to run through in the series
>haha yeah that's a good idea people will like that

>DS2 DLC 10/10 GOAT
>Blue smelter demon, 2cat, gank squad, frigid outskirts

come on now


Umm, yeah I can agree with that. I think you could make an argument for Demons Souls being the worst if you hold them all to the same standards.

I'm just saying the worst Souls game is still better then 90% of other games

>its time to play something other than souls
It's time to understand that we are talking about souls games.
>das2 also had interesting boss duos
What, double dragonriders or clumsy as shit watcher/defender? Don't make me laugh.

>frigid outskirts
>not getting the monhun kirin vibes
all of you

>buy dark souls 2
>see hideous running animation
>play with horrible stiff controls that are clunky as fuck
>see awful textures and areas
>done with it for good in an hour
And then
>play 3
>fun and interesting as fuck
>pvp is great, can build many different ways as long as you don't suck
>have level 120 pyro that fucks shit up
>90 hours in
>still having a blast

>its a dark souls forces weeb shit into its games even though its super out of place episode

2's dlcs were pretty shit too, even if they were better than the main game. The music was just about the only good thing about them. youtube.com/watch?v=tNhqsri8Mdc
Haven't played 3's yet, but all my hype died when I heard that the doggo isn't a pvp boss.

Kirin is a shit hunt. Japs need to fucking let it go, same with rathalos

>what are bonus coop bosses
>ignoring Fume, Sinh, Alonne, 1cat, Ivory King
The real bosses were better than everything in the base game, and almost all the shit bosses were designed to be bonus coop challenge bosses
There's no excuse for the shitfest that was Elana, though

>ds2 dlc

Come on man

Ariandel is such a good invasion location that i don't even care that Greatwolf ain't a pvp boss.

>playing 3 for the multiplayer

How are those invasions going, user?

There's a difference between not shitty and easy

>Don't make me laugh
I didn't show you my penis, asshole.

Dunno, because for me 2 and dlcs are fucking boring, 3 was good

>im a retard with shit taste... DURR

What are you trying to say, user?

Applies to every game in the series tb h

>it's bonus therefore it's ok if they are bad

I see

>and, like, lets put in a TIME LIMIT! That way it itll be like a challenge!

You mean an armored humanoid knight with a large sword?

They were fucking garbage. The only relatively interesting one was the ivory king and that was because of the scale of the last battle. Everything else was just more of the same mediocre shit that ds2 vanilla was. Dont even get me started on reskined bosses, and "co-op" bosses. Fucking horrible

Incredibly fun and hilarious
Are you implying invasions are a problem? I look forward to them. I rarely lose.

Aren't the best bosses in the game humanoids with large weapons?

>mirror knight starts swinging his sword
>just circle around him
>he attacks in completely different direction
And that's why you don't balance the game around base agility.

ignore the reddit meme

nah, DS2 was shit.

>boss is huge
>does one large vertical swing at you
>strafe around it
>slash two times
>does a horizontal swing
>roll with invincibility frames
>slash three times
90% of the bosses in this game.

Yes, just not DS2 ones.

>souls games
which were never about boss fights
they were about progressing through a world full of various obstacles
das1 got it right, das2 got it right, das3 dropped it all for "woah soo... epic..."
if you want great boss fights, go play games where bosses actually pose a challenge and arent just dumb punching bags made of paper that go down in 10 hits.

To be quite honest, 2 and 3 both have the Swivel problem.
>See a guy start to swing a big weapon overhead
>Am new to this enemy
>Roll to the side
>They swivel in place and the hit still lands in my center
>Roll behind them instead, they do a 180 and still hit me
>The only way to dodge is to wait until it's inches from your head
>This doesn't apply to jumping attacks, but to any normal standing attack

>Raime Knight
>Burnt Ivory King
>Sir Alonne

>If that's the case then you're missing out.

>You what?

it sucked and I am not getting the others. I already fell for the "DLC fixed it" meme for Dark Souls 2 once already with Sunken King

You can still have one good boss and have shitty boss fights. You need to rephrase this.

>game with the best multiplayer has the worst singleplayer

I also don't think Demon's is as good as people think. I give it more points than 2 though just based on the atmosphere alone.

You probably didn't even finish it. Your opinion doesn't mean shit.


Ivory King is legitimately fucking awesome and I don't care what anyone says.

>which were never about boss fights
For games with such an amount of bosses this is a bold and plain retarded statement.
Good souls games have good bosses. It's just DS2 that has like 90% of shit ones.

Not bloodborne

Shit fights
>celesstial ayy
>one reborne
>micolash (even though i love that fight)

Good bosses
>father guigano
>cleric beast
>darkbeast pearl
>blood starved beast
> amdygala
> amelia
>martyr g
>shadows of y

>worst singleplayer
time to reevaluate

Shit aside form presentation

>Raime Knight
He's too slow to be threatening. Also, boring design.

>Ivory King
I literally remember nothing about that fight. Wow.

>Sir Alonne
Hard as shit, but pretty boring.

Amazing design, but not particularly hard.

YOU CAN'T USE THE DLC FOR BOSS BATTLES EXCEPTION one good fight doesn't make the game any good either

>that webm
I've had that happen to me. Pissed me off when I and my Volkswagen can clear that gap

Why'd you think so? Game design is terrible, mechanics and animations are too, don't even give a shit about lore

Most DaS3 boss fights are really fun, exceptions being High Memer Wolnir, Yhorm, the Wyvern and Champion's Gravetender

You forgot Rom.


>I literally remember nothing about the fight with one of the best presentations in the series

Bloodborne is not a part of the Dark Souls trilogy, chucklefuck

Those fights were awesome too

Yeah, the atmosphere alone is what makes it an argument. Like I said, they are only close when all the games are held to the same standards. If you take into account Demons Souls is the first (excluding Kings Field games which some people like to say are Souls games but really they are not) game in the series and score based on that it blows DS2 away. DS2 regresses on a lot of thing but it also progresses on some things. 2 steps back, one step forward type of thing. Still think power stance is awesome and should be in DS3 for example

Define game design for me, because I think DS2 plays great outside of some shitty hotboxes (that Demons souls and DS1 also has but people don't like to bring it up). Now if your gonna say some of the stuff like the knee high rocks blocking your path then sure but I don't really mind that kind of stuff as much as some people do

> hurr durr le bait xD

Wolnir would be a Nito done right if he ACTUALLY FUCKING USED HIS GIMMICKS
Seriously, he has so much cool shit going on for him like summoning an army of skeletons or his sword, it makes his battle completely different from a normal experience, but for some reason he plain refuses to use his actual abilities and just slams you with his bare fists a little, exposing bracelets.

>You probably didn't even finish it.

I did not but it was still bad. If I said it was shit and did finish it you would go "if you hated it so much, why did you beat it?"


you what. fight legitimately felt like devs didn't have enough time to finish it. either instagibbed by the cloud or he just sits there while you hack the bracelets

When people say 2 was poorly designed they are referring to the really bad animations and movement, poor clunky control, really bad world design (hideous), and all around just a really boring and uninspired game.
It boggles non autists how anyone could like it. It's nothing like 1 or 3, which are both great games

>he didn't even finish it
Opinion discarded

>Good souls games have good bosse
there are no "good" bosses in souls games, maybe friede but you faggots hated her because hurr my stages and variety wow so lame
you are like a poor african kid who hasnt eaten anything sweater than carrots, who thinks carrots are the sweetest thing in the world, and now values a salad based on how sweet the carrots in it are, and if the carrots in the salad are replaced with something different its automatically a shit salad.
thats all you haters really are - undeducated autistically screeching little dumb brats who dont know any better and just wabble in this puddle of mediocrity and tastelessness

souls games were a mistake

>It's nothing like 1 or 3

Clearly you are retarded

Thanks user.

>2's dlc
>being good

Are you even trying to bait?

It feels nothing like either of those games
It feels like a cheap knock off

I liked Executioner's Chariot a lot. Probably the one that stands out most to me. I liked the dragon fight in the DLC a lot too, was actually a really fun boss unlike most of the Dark Souls bosses.

>OP leaves the thread before he even finishes making it
Whats the point?

No it doesn't

>there are no "good" bosses in souls games
By standards of ARPGs souls games have top tier boss fights.
Friede is one of them, yes.
None of DS2 bosses are though.

>play 2
>feels like a regular old souls game, have fun
>play 3
>feels like a shittier, watered down Bloodborne and cant have fun despite being mechanically 'better' than regular old souls games

desu From needs to stop fucking around with DaS sequels and just made original IPs

DLCs being ok don't make the base game any less shit