When you're in your 40s and 50s, what by-then-old video games will you be playing with your buddies?
When you're in your 40s and 50s, what by-then-old video games will you be playing with your buddies?
I'll be playing the all time classic game, Overwatch. Luckily in the future they made a device built into our brains that can run any game on any device from any time period, meaning games will never go lost in time.
I'll probably still be playing Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and trying to unlock the million and one unlockables.
>40 is only 10 years away for me now.
>Still don't have a job
>Still don't have a gf
>40 is only 8 years away from me
>have only a part-time job
>still no gf
Don't worry, f a m, 40 is still young af. It's when you get to 60 that you should start getting worried.
Though I hope you have had sex at least...
>tfw I realize I'm 9 years away from 40
Hopefully 1.6 will still have a strong group going.
Holy shit I'm only 21 and I feel like a loser because of that.
How have you not killed yourselves?
Go to college now or start practicing and studying askill. Each day you wait only pushes your success date further back. I've met 50 year olds who are back in school. Just get on it ASAP if it really bothers you. PS: I am 29 and just graduating with a real degree.
>mfw 19 years away from being 40
Feels good to be young :^)
>tfw 40 was 4 years ago
Only old game I still play regularly is everquest I guess
>these are the people that make contrarian bait posts all over Sup Forums
Currently in my 50s. All my RL friends either don't play vidya, are console plebs (usually the younger ones) or don't have the same taste in games.
>tfw you misclicked and acquired repel XX-chrosome aura in wizard school
>40 is only 10 years away
>Wish I had no job
>Wish I had no wife
>Wish I didn't have her son
im not gonna have buddies by 40
i dont have any now
That's basically any age group. Late 20s and the only reason I meet PC gamers is because I go to a tech school. However all they play is Overwatch, CSGO, and League.
>with your buddies.
Quake II. Not the best, but it has its place in my heart.
Only when really bored
Watching Precure while doing trade runs in Elite Dangerous only goes so far amusement wise.
>However all they play is Overwatch, CSGO, and League
I will never understand why people play this garbage.
I'm pretty old.
The chances that your friends will still play video games past 30 is slim. Most people stop after 25. Almost everyone stops after 30.
Nowadays I just play light gun shooters on an old CRT and emulate arcade games and play all the new fighting games.
And I still play all the old wrestling games I enjoy. And I play pinball.
Brood war.
Not sure, New vegas i think
but i know i wont be playing Chapter 3
>tfw in your character build you picked all your Charisma points and dropped them mostly on perks and stats that enhance avoidance rate, thinking in that way you would find rare critters, fancy loot and avoid damage. But you did it in a game where social contact is all.
>tfw 24 years away till 40
Dude it could be worse. A friend of mine had his gaming choice chosen by his wife. "We don't play PC games in this house, gaming is anti-social", "We got a Wii, it's a family console", "We only play family games". Result is that he doesn't play games at all and pretends he's "not interested in them", "they're anti-social".
His wife btw spends the entirety of her life tapping on a phone or ipad, perma-monitoring her billion and one friends on Facebook.
underage b&
That's basically all my friends now, it's funny they've started aging much faster than me and look terrible
>40 is only 12 years away now
>tfw no gf or relationship that lasted more than 3 months
>tfw still with parents
>tfw virgin
If you look at the flight sim audience or grognard wargamer, 30 is young, especially the latter since they were brought up on the cardboard counter hex wargames popular in the 70s. I have a feeling at some point they will become extinct as a breed.
I'll most likely be dead by then
I'm 30 now too. I've lost all my old friends from highschool, except one, to them growing up, becoming adults, and moving on.
My one remaining friend still plays games with me, but he's actually married and I think is about to have a child soon. I'm sensing the beginnings of him leaving me behind too...
If we manage to stay close however, we'll still be fighting each other in Tekken and Street Fighter in our 50s.
>I think is about to have a child soon
You won't be seeing him anymore. 100% guaranteed.
I used to be 21 and think exactly the way you do.
Some day you might be me.
im 28 and dont really have or really want any friends or a girlfriend. i cant imagine what else i'd be doing at 40.
it seems weird now since games never used to be as popular as they are now, but in the future i imagine it'll be pretty normal
Games used to be WAY more mainstream. Even the 7th gen was WAY more successful compared to now.
>>Even the 7th gen was WAY more successful compared to now
>PS3 has 80m shipped
>PS4 has 50m sold in a third the time
>Most people stop after 25. Almost everyone stops after 30.
For some reason the thought of not playing video games scares me.