Do you prefer single player or multiplayer games?

Do you prefer single player or multiplayer games?

Nobody in his right mind would take Halo 5's campaign over snything else

The multi is excellent, however

Its alright. Could do without the cod mechanics. Also not enough content.

It is, but the campaign is so awful I can't stand it

>Also not enough content
Are you fucking high?

>5 modes years after launch.

im high on wanting content

>5 modes

2 years. Yeah. 5 gamemodes in arena. Halo games have more modes than that. Or any fps for that matter.

Depends on the style of gameplay.
If it's a shooter, I tend to prefer the multiplayer, like with Titanfall 2.
If it's an RPG, I tend to prefer a more single player experience, though the only problem is that everyone on Sup Forums has a huge fucking mouth and I always get shit spoiled for me.

Game came out October 2015. 1yr 2 months ago.

It literally has all the modes from past halos except for those weird ones from Halo 4

Also has a customs browser and arena has way more than 5 playlists

1 year
7 ranked playlists
8 unranked arena playlists
5 warzone playlists

What rpgs have multiplayer?
what if it's an rts

No it doesn't, koth oddball, regicide, extraction. Having 5 modes isn't normal for a multiplayer game. And settings don't count for oddball. Over a year later then. Those playlists consist of only 5 modes. They need to release the rest.

MMOs I guess? I'm sorta anti-social in games like WoW and just do my own thing. I was in a guild for a short time this expansion but everyone else was shit, the guild leader relied solely on me, and I stealth quit one day because I was tired of the drama. When I would ask for help with something or asked if anyone wanted to group up, I'd never get responses despite multiple people being on and as far as I could tell, doing nothing but idling.

>regicide, extraction
>those weird ones from Halo 4

games with both

>Koth oddball

Modes that were in past halos. Checkmate.

Hardcore campaign, but casual MP as in warzone etc. //

It has King of the hill and oddball. There is more than 5 modes in matchmaking.

I specifically mentioned it didn't have those halo 4 modes

Single player but Halo 5's single player is shit

No it doesn't have koth and oddball. And those halo 4 modes were adaptations off of previous halo modes like VIP, for regicide. If you don't put in regicide you need to put in VIP. Can't just put nothing. Settings don't count for modes. And Koth settings are terrible, it isn't even real koth. Oddball settings are passable but aren't even in matchmaking so doesn't matter.

Tell me what settings you think are missing from KoTH. It's in matchmaking.

Oddball is oddball, I don't know what you mean. It's in the game.

where the fuck is blood gulch/ valhalla

what have you underage fags done to my halo games

VIP and Juggernaut are in the game. You can make them.

Don't say "settings don't count" because there's a fucking file browser. Being able to script our own modes is fucking fantastic, it opens up the ability to make past modes and also so much more for new shit.

No oddball is settings for "assault", and its not in matchmaking. Koth settings are built off of strongholds, and the hill doesn't move. It stays in place in three different locations for the entire game. I played those settings in matchmaking, they don't really feel like koth 100%, more like 40%.

They don't put those settings in mm other than deformed koth though. Next time they should just release every mode at launch.

You can script the hills to move though. It's easy.

And I don't mean just teleporting, you can have them move around the map however you want.

As for oddball, if I'm understanding you right. You're mad because it's a grifball/assualtbomb instead of a skull?

No halo game has had every mode in matchmaking.

There's a custom game server browser if you want to play them anyways. I start up crazy King and oddball lobbies all the time.

this game desperately needs some aim assist. i've had to turn my sensitivity down to like 3 so i can get pin point headshots with the pistol but anyone strafing around me can outrun my crosshair. so retarded.

I hope you are joking

And that its not in mm, lazy work from 343. Even if I what you say is right about koth settings, can't play them anyway. Do people host this in custom browser or someshit?

i'm not. the amount of times someone has been able to out strafe my cross hair by simply running to the left or right is fucking retarded. i have to turn my sensitivity to like 7 to combat that but then my precision aiming fucks up because it's harder to be precise with a high sensitivity. i've never had these issues with any halo before.

Yes, the whole point of customs browser is to play whatever mode you want with other people.

And oddball is in matchmaking, team skirmish I believe

Literally aim better

You're complaining about missing because people avoid your shots

Doesn't Halo 5 have the most aim assist in any Halo game? Sniping and no scoping feel really easy.

I use default sens and have never had any trouble with people "strafing" too fast from my crosshair or getting headshots

Have you never played fucking custom games before or what

Half the modes you are complaining about not being in the game (even though they are) ORIGINATED from custom games

you can't shoot at something you can't aim at. the whole jetpack thing and aiming in general is stupid.

again, I never had any problem whatsoever

If they boost, just follow them with your aim.

It's pretty easy to consistently pull off Perfect's

I use sensitivity 3 and rarely have issues.
I only put it up higher for swat and close range focused modes.

anyone here wants to party up and play slayer/breakout or a community matchmaking mode?

Yeah sure what's your GT?

kalash MSH