Can we finally all agree that because a game sells well doesn't mean its not shit?

Can we finally all agree that because a game sells well doesn't mean its not shit?

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Yes? Obviously.

>can we all

do you want to hear my food analogy?

Who thought that determined a games worth?

This was agreed on long ago user


Unless it's a [Platform] exclusive. Then sales means everything.

>That list

Truly, normalfags have invaded the culture of gaming and scarred it for all eternity. We will never go back. God is punishing us for turning our backs upon him.

Gg no re life

I assume that's not taking refunds into account

how is dota a "top seller" when it's free?



You mean like a certain plumber?

Now I have something to post when ever someone tells me how good overwatch and diablo 3 is by sales numbers

need 2017 for see that
thx op never see this before

console war shitters who have never played a good game their entire lives

Sure, if you stop making these threads.

All games are shit, normie-trash there except Witcher 3.

>PC gaming

>PC gamers.
>No accounting for taste.
What the fuck is new?

AAA games, besides some rare exceptions, have been shit since 2007. Unless this a new revelation for you, it should be common knowledge already.

>PClard mad he didn't get more hats and skin crates this year.

dota cant be sold its free to play... doubt cs is still selling well enough to get to the top 100 this year and xcom2 is on the list despite every one bashing it...

yea ima call bullshit on that.

What's the page?
Read the top of the page

Well fuck. Kinda crappy choices. Like the 'awards'

>taking the selections of fucking NORMIES as pc gamer's taste.

as long as its well done

I keep hearing witcher iii has shit combat, is this true?

What a controversial view to hold on Sup Forums. I'm truly inspired by your bravery.

PC gamers have the worst taste lmao

Only Witcher 3 is actually decent of those games. Seriously.

that was too easy. over easy, in fact.

>Best seller
>free to play game
wtf steam.