Future memories

>"at this time"

You ready for Halo 3A 2019 for the Xbox Scorpio?

Are they fucking retarded

Bump. It's comin' in a few years, just not now to mark its 10th anniversary

1. 2019 would be far too late for one.
2. Halo Anniversary was half-assed using the shitty PC port
3. MCC was a broken piece of shit with the garbage PC ports of Halo 1 and 2, and shitty ports of Halo 3 and 4, mixed in with selling like shit and having a massive wave of returns.

Who the fuck wants a Halo 3 Anniversary when their just going to used the shitty MCC port of the game and slap some ugly graphics layer over the game and since the port of Halo 3 like the shitty PC ports of Halo 1 and 2 has graphical problems, they would use it as an excuse to say "Hey, our shitty anniversary game looks better than the original".

They're focusing on halo 6 for now, but after that its h3a

Halo is dead, only fanboys buy this shit and xbox is running out of fanboys.

Stop bitching, you seriously don't want a H3A? H3 is one game, it isn't like MCC

>2. Halo Anniversary was half-assed using the shitty PC port

No I don't, and if your retard ass honestly think 343 won't be lazy shits and used the piece of shit MCC version, then you are more stupid then I thought. This remake/remaster craze needs to fucking die. I already these games why the flying fuck would I be dumb enough to buy the same fucking game again?

Keep up with the times, Halo Anniversary didn't have the original mp from Halo 1 and used Reach's garbage mp, and the remastered graphics looked like shit. The image to the left is all there needs to be said about the classic mode.

What does that have to with PC?

I played halo 1 on mac, and that was the best looking version of halo ce, the mcc version is on par with that. Doesn't matter for halo 3 anniversary anyway because they remake the graphics for campaign, and use another engine for multiplayer, which would be like halo 2 anniversary multiplayers engine for its 6 remade maps. Except all the maps would be remade this time.

YOU need to keep up with the times. Halo Anniversary is on the Master Chief collection with ALL the PC multiplayer maps with matchmaking and a rank system. Who cares if the "remastered graphics" aren't in the multiplayer. They destroy the original artstyle. Halo 2 Anniversary did a far better job being true to the original's artstyle.

See an eye doctor you blind assed bat

It is the PC version you cunt.


But the PC version has multiplayer.

Is this what autism looks like?

>It's a 343 game

Uh huh, is that why they replaced a lake with an ocean and brighten up the High Charity mission?

>Who cares if the "remastered graphics" aren't in the multiplayer
Mother fucker I give two shits about those ugly ass graphics, I wanted the Xbox version of Halo 1's mp not the shitty PC port.

Ignore em he's just bitching through his nitpick. If he doesn't have anything reasonable to contribute, there's no reason to try to have a conversation with him.

Shitty multiplayer in comparison to Xbox multiplayer.

>Is this what licking 343's ass is like?

>Shitty multiplayer in comparison to Xbox multiplayer.

I don't recall Xbox multiplayer being online or mod capable

I didn't say a perfect job, I said a better job. H2A is leaps and bounds more faithful than H1A.

This, pretty much

Halo CE Anniversary was made using Halo CE for the PC, which has a lot of graphical effects missing from the original Xbox version.

"A lot" being "a handful of subtle ones 98% of people won't notice"

I wouldn't call that half assed

I said it's better than the PC version not the custom edition version.

>If you don't suck up to 343's ass on half-assed and broken ass remaster didn't he can't be apart of our group

Not having multiplayer makes it half-assed

But the PC port does have multiplayer!

Not Halo CE Anniversary

Same multiplayer, more maps.
Wouldn't know, used remastered graphics for both

So how does that make the PC port halfassed?

We already have H3 at 1080p 60 FPS with updated lighting in the MCC. Why do we need a remaster?

The models look a bit dated.

I really don't think updating that is worth a huge overhaul though. The difference between a remaster and original H3 will be far smaller than H2A/H1A and their respective originals

They did a great job with CE and 2 Anniversary, what's the problem?

Microsoft needs more money.

You must have missed out on the Halo CE Anniversary release for the 360 to be at this level of dumb.

In Halo PC map geometry for the original maps was changed considerably.

I'm only interested in H3A for the possibility of it coming to PC with full multiplayer intact.

Shame it got cancelled

Played Halo on PC and Mac since 2005 and the maps are the same. The PC maps were just brought to the MCC version.
True but even Halo 3's graphics can improve after 10+ years, especially with the new scorpio coming out.

>In Halo PC map geometry for the original maps was changed considerably.
Find an example of this.

The only difference is a shader feature wasn't available on PC so jackal shields and fog look different.

you can play it right now though.

Sorry senpai

It's just going to be reskinned Halo 5 multiplayer as per usual

Why would anybody want an anniversary edition when we already have Halo 3 at 1080p 60fps? I'd buy Halo 3 again if they released it on PC, but I wouldn't buy a slightly touched up console version again.

The scorpio is a fucking joke. Games aren't even 4K. There's literally no reason to get one.

It's nextgen, that's a reason. I think native 4k is for all xbox scorpio exclusives. Switch/Scorpio/PS5 is next gen. PS5 just wasn't announced yet.

It's funny how much more awful the remastered Halo 2 Multiplayer looked. I'd much rather them have just used the same engine as campaign instead of Halo 4's

There are a few differences, but IMO most of them are improvements. It's subtle things like a hill on Blood Gulch being made a bit rounder to eliminate needing to jump to get up, the lips in the trench on Hang Em High removed so you can get out without jumping, and so on.

Nothing I would call "changed considerably" though.

The biggest change I would say is one of the teleporters on Sidewinder is 2-way on PC instead of one-way

Is it gonna be on PC?
if not then i'll pass

Doubt it

No game will be native 4K.

I am calling it right now.

A lot of games on Xbone aren't even native 1080p for christ's sake and that was their biggest selling point

>the only good games they've made are ports of already existing games they had nothing to do with
Really makes you think.

Xbox is stepping up for scorpio, I read already read somewhere that all exclusices will be 4k confirmed, probably not third parties though maybe upacaled for those. This things gonna have backwards compatibility going back 2 generations, 360/xbone.

I'll believe it when the games are out.

Halo 3: Anniversary made from the groundup for the Xbox One Scorpio could look fucking groundbreaking.

Unfortunately they would need to tone down the visuals dramatically to get it running on base Xbox One hardware.

>Hang 'Em High - The little lip on the edges of the center trench have been removed. This makes it so that you don't have to jump to get out of the trench

>Blood Gulch - One of the hills has been rounded off a bit to remove the need for jumping to get over a certain point

>Sidewinder - The geometry in the tunnels has been stretched where the powerups are located. There are now 2 sets of powerups in this area, one set can be reached from each side of the map. A shade turret has been added to the center of the map, below the cliffside area, near the overshield spawn. The teleporter from the base to the cliffs has been changed to a two-way teleporter instead of the original one-way teleporter that only went from base to cliffs. In the PC version, you can go back and forth

they will probably be like ps4p's options.
4k 20-30fps
1080 40-60fps

Doubt it. Scorpio is a next generation console, PS4 pro is an upgraded PS4. Scorpio is more powerful than PS4 for that reason. PS5's just late to the party because of Sony's greedy PS4 pro stunt. PS5 will have all the pro settings combined, just like Scorpio.

Because as dumb as it is remasters bring the game back to life even if it's momentarily. I would kill just to play Halo 3 with a population again you FUCK

I want to believe, even though I've moved on to a pc, Xbox domination during the 360 era felt a whole lot better than the current shitshow of ps4 we have now.

Put it on PC no remaster, just a port of the Xbox 360 version with no graphical and lighting effects missing like what happened with Halo 1 & 2.

I don't think it'll be released for xbone. Halo 6 and H3A will be scorpio exclusice. The hyped console is for next gen, not an upgrade. What they meant by xbox one being on it is that the console will be backwards compatible with xbone, (360 too). H3A will look pretty good yeah, those 6.5 teraflops of power or around that.

Pc version is pro, sidewinder overshields are the shit, would nade the ones on the other side towards my side so that the other team couldn't get em. hehe

Not him but I doubt Halo 6 will be a Scorpio exclusive at all, Microsoft is done with generations and the Xbone will be able to play all of the Scorpio's games except VR shit. Scorpio will be able to play all of Scorpio 2's games and so on and so on. like the Smart Phone market. I also doubt heavily H3A even exist.

I'm pretty sure you started with the PC version since Sup Forums is a PC pro site so I'm not going to even comment.

Mac then Xbox after.

>being so autistic that you care about the negligable differences between the PC versions of CE and 2 rather then the fact the PC versions have important bugfixes and extra content

The only real bad thing with the PC builds is that superjumps are harder to do, but the extra maps and the removal of BxR make up for that and all the other differences.

Are you insane? H2A MP looked and played great, it's actually my favorite MP and core gameplay in the entire franchise

Whoops, meant to post the higher res one

Should have started with Xbox.

PC pro site no longer wasting my time commenting on this shit.

>Halo > Halo PC (non custom edition version)
>Halo 2 > Halo 2 Vista

>All numbered Halos > greater than remasters

Don't agree with the hivemind, see ya PC bitches.

Maybe I am insane but something about the visuals just really feel off. I think it's the lighting.
That being said, it's not bad at all, but it being the Halo 4 engine still gets to me.

Why the fuck is el dewrito so dead when so many dumb faggots are playing the raped corpse of this franchise that is halo 5

>calls someone autistic
>posts wrong image (whom no one cares about) then corrects it in second post because this noodle making board has 2 see

I doubt that and here's why, eventually after a few years Scorpio games will look like shit on Xbone. What they meant is that generations are more combined now and shit, like Xbone will be playable on it. As for future Xbox's, generations will still exist just like scorpio, just many console's games will be playable on it. I'm not 100% sure about this but I'm pretty confident
Mac/PCs the best version. Glad I started Xbox with Halo 3 after getting Halo for mac in 2005. Mac is actually the best version of all of them (in terms of graphics). MCC is on par with the Mac version's graphics.

Will this have a locked 30FPS?

Or will it be complete with variable framerates?

60 fps 4k.

you are fucking retarded son

halo on PC was not a port, it was the fucking source material since it was conceived as a PC game first and converted to xbox hueg later (which was also literally a PC by the way)

>shitty dedicated private servers in comparison to Xbox peer2peer locked behind a paywall multiplaer


So here is a quick update for all of you:

>343i is working on 4k update for MCC
>They are also adding REACH

Moving on, they are releasing a huge patch for Halo 5 that will bring the engine up to 4k, Halo 5 Forge was a test for this and to get a read on Hardware requirements for Scorpio.

Halo 6 is under heavy fire for its writing, 343 is looking for expert writers to fix the current story and have Halo 6 close of the series in a big way. Halo 6 will be using an updated version of Halo 5s engine and will allow all forge creations, armor and weapons to be brought into the new game.

Halo 6 will focus around the Chief and will have Osiris as swapping in and out as additional team members. Inbetween the two there will be an animated/CGI short that explains Blue Team and the History of Osiris.

Halo 3 Anniversary is getting made, and will be included with the MCC 4k patch.

343i had nothing to do with the creation and development of Halo 1 or Halo 2 Anniversary.

H5's MP and forge is great though

343 didn't do anything with H2A, that was Saber Interactive and Certain Affinity.

They did the networking, and meus, same with the rest of MCC, which is, you know, the part that's broken.

I'm not a "EVERYTHING 343 DOES IS SHIT THEY ARE LITTERALLY RUINING HALO" fag but MCC being fucked up is squarely their fault. You can argue it was MS's deadlines, but we know from interviews that it was 343's choice to do a collection rather then just H2A. They bit off more then they could chew and that's on them.

H2A multiplayer looks amazing you nigger. What's really funny is that's what the H4 engine is capable of, but 343 is too fucking incompetent so they had to outsource the job to someone who could do it for them.

To be fair, H4's issue was never graphics. It always had really good lighting and visual effects for a 360 game.

The issue was just that of art style, and low res textures.

>Sup Forums being this retarded
Come on dude, I know you guys are bunch of PCunts but you can't be this retarded, PC version was a Gearbox bad port of the Xbox version from Bungie.

Xbox Live wasn't a thing back then PCunt

There is no damn H3A and we don't know shit about Halo 6 go fuck off to whatever mud hole your retard lying ass came from.

massive improvement over the contract games and there film grain filters and washed out colors.

>They bit off more then they could chew and that's on them.

And I will forever be mad at them for that. They could've just created H2A as a standalone game with ALL THE MAPS REMADE. but nope! gotta try to cram in 4 other games with 4 other game engines all at the same time and wonder why the game has crashing and saving issues. Then fuck up the networking so bad that the game is unplayable for 6 fucking months.

I'm still mad they only remade Relic and none of the other maps like Terminal or Waterworks.

I'm disappointed, but not mad. I still got 5 halo campaigns running at 1080p/60fps for 60$, that's still a pretty damn good deal.

That's not really "changed considerably"

And running on 7 year old hardware, I'm amazed the 360 could even run that game without dipping to 20FPS all the time.

All of these sound like improvements to me.

>Halo 6 is under heavy fire for its writing, 343 is looking for expert writers to fix the current story
Thank god. Halo 5's writing was complete garbage.

Maybe they hired the guys behind Hunt The Truth?

All I want is the 1-3 on PC remastered with a fucking toolkit. I'm pretty sure that's what we all want.

>Also fuck 343

> I'm amazed the 360 could even run that game without dipping to 20FPS all the time.
From what I recall, it sure did

On splitscreen at least

God I don't miss the 360 gen at all. Hardly any 60fps games.

You started with the PC/Mac version so talking to you negligible, I'm no longer wasting my time with a bunch of PCunts.

>H3 anniversayr
Fucking why? Just bump that shit up to a respectable resolution and frame rate and you're good.

If Philly boy keeps his word with "Exclusivity is cancer" then maybe that will happen with scorpio.

Bye faggot. We have enough autism as it is, we don't need you to add a considerable amount more

Whats sad is even the MCC version of 4 will dip to 30 on splitscreen, sometimes 20 if there's enough shit happening. Hell H2A will lock itself to 30 on splitscreen.

All I want is H2A multiplayer with every single map remade with a server browser.