Is this the average "gamer...

Is this the average "gamer?" How do you cope when you realise video games are nothing but Skinner Boxes that do absolutely nothing for you? Serious question.

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I abuse the other rats in the skinner box by cheating until they rage

They entertain me you pretentious faggot.

Really makes you think.


Not all video games are mobile trash or Call of Duty

Enjoy the Skinner box. What else is the point of living if not to be briefly happy before one dies?

>implying anyone on Sup Forums plays games

If I believed that life had an intrinsic goal or purpose, I'd go fulfill it. For now, I'll be content with pressing my buttons.

nice picture of OP

They are. It's just a different skin.

I try to limit how much I play them and don't have any other real vices.

video games are entertainment. Why would anyone expect to get anything other than that out of them?

Chess and Go

Well that'd be true if the skinner box only gave you a food pellet whenever you enjoyed a creative new world or story, made plans, strategized, flexed your own creativity, or practiced something till you were better at it.

I realize that putting any effort in life is just a big skinner box and contemplate killing myself.


Life itself is a skinner box.
Just do what you enjoy and don't hurt others. Nobody knows what's going on anyway.

well i dont like movies and tv, so what else is there

Not really, not anymore than film.

Silent Hill 2 and Steven Kings It are both 3 horror horror experiences except one requires activity on the part of the player (and is better, if my opinion counts).


3 hour


Or immerse my self enough in the task to become blissfully unaware of the cage. Typically helps if the rewards are something I can wave over the other rats to increase my epeen.

Everyone does something that is a giant waste of time.


Please fuck off.

Is this the average "human?" How do you cope when you realise life is nothing but a Skinner Box that does absolutely nothing for you? Serious question.

Video games are fun.

shut up

Whose turn is it?

I play mostly single player games with a clear beginning, middle, and end, so I don't encounter this at all.

>being dumb enough that learning one psychology term ruins your ability to enjoy things

How are you going to cope when you realize that every human emotion is just a chemical reaction? Are you going to pretend that it changes everything?


>tfw to smart for bait threads

What is a skinner box? I've tried to read the wikipedia article on it but that still doesn't make sense to me. Explain it like I'm a child.


*farts dejectedly*

Is this the average "4channer?" How do you cope when you realise Sup Forums is nothing but a skinner box where you post shit for easy (You)? Serious question


Wrong. 99.99% of people is not everyone. One of my professors from uni spent every waking moment working or doing basic things like eating, driving, bathing, sleeping, etc. He had no hobbies, no other interests, no relationships, his profession was his entire being.

my favorite is when the kids realize nobody really has a genuine though, so I mean obviously we should just stop try. and any attempt at sincerity or being true should be written off as cringe reddt shit

poor Sup Forums. so insecure

(You)s are not easy to get,

fuck go!

i'd rather play settlers of catan

I don't know if you realize this, but you're playing with real people when you play videogames. unfiltered. Raw. You develop real relationships with people playing games when you're a true gamer.

You push a button, a number goes up and you get endorphines in your brain.

Is Sup Forums a safe space?

I don't play Skinner boxes, I only play actually challenging games that make me think.

fuck i just realized school work is an example of skinner boxes fucking hell skinner was right about everything

>Doesn't even knows who Skinner is

American ""education""" ladies and gents



Still better than our harsh, bleak reality.

any place that makes you feel safe is a safe space!


Him teaching is the waste of time.

>babby OP heard a big word on some place like Extra Credits, and now repeats it fedoratippingly
A skinner box is not what you think it is, fag. Such a game would be a grindfest, such as an MMO with no endgame, ex. Eastern MMOs.
A skinner box by definition is "give rewards for a repetitive action, stop giving rewards, subject repeats action out of habit and the vein hope of rewards". This is not how most games operate.

That picture made me cringe so hard that I end up dislocating my jaw.

is that a white woman getting stabbed by bbc?

Games are apparatuses that train us with arbitrary achievements so we keep playing

No sir, I'm from Kentucky.

You are now in risk of temporomandibular disorders. All because of that picture.

>He considers Skinner Box a big word

Did you just enter the 7th grade?

I think you missed the point just now.

>gaming in 2017

Life in general is nothing but a complex Skinner box. No matter what you do you'll keep experiencing varying amounts of pleasurable moments (be it feeling of achievement, physical possessions, kinship etc) that are all ultimately transient things, therefore unfulfilling and you will never feel truly content. Only answer is letting go.

No, I don't play shit MMOs and I'm my taste for RPGs are strict. I don't play skinner boxes that are "can't beat this? No problem! Just grind a few levels!"

One day you realize that existence itself has no point to it.

Just not today.

>"le be productive meme"
>succumb to entropy either way

They all are but some are worse than others. It's why I can't stand Let It Die. Games with blatant grinding are unplayable to me.

>WoW in a nutshell
MMORPGs are the easiest genre, your game doesn't even have to be good

I play video games for the story and art and music though

No because any activity designed is basically a skinner box, and that's entirely ok.

If efficiency is the key to success then how come our government exists rofl xD!! Sup Forums

>your game doesn't even have to


>bathing that often
>eating so much
>not always finding a more efficient method of moving about than walking
>teaching rather than advancing the human race
What a wasteful fag. I bet he read books from time to time as well, most of which taught him nothing new.

Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals.

>tfw to intelligent too fall for the material/bodily satisfaction loop

glad I moved to the Himalayas to become a monk and reach nirvana tbqh

Wait, what game do I play to get free food?

>Plays vidya 5-6 hours a day
>Get's top grades in uni studying BioChem regardless
I think i'm doing just fine, OP

BUT user don't you understand you should be spending your time being NORMAL
go out to parties, talk to people you don't care about, live your live exactly like I think you should live because obviously I am perfectly happy in every possible way and know anything better than anyone else.

How do you cope when you realize your entire life is designed for nothing but successfully mating and that you failed at even accomplishing that.

post rats

other rodentfags welcome

How are you supposed to live without attachment?
>Someone's shooting at me
>Oh well, I'm not attached to my life
>It's okay if I die

Depends on which Buddhist school we're talking about, I guess. Most permit basic self defense and self-sustaining shit like eating and sleeping since you're supposedly attempting to cultivate attachment eliminating qualities in yourself in this actual physical existence and dying in not-enlightened state would just cause another reincarnation. Just up and dying intentionally or letting others kill you could also be considered a form of attachment and desire, since you're then strongly desiring to go to Nirvana and be free of reincarnations.

Only few go to the extreme of stopping living altogether, and those schools of thought naturally haven't been very popular.