How come nobody plays dota anymore?
LoL's userbase is anywhere from 5x to 10x bigger than dota's.
What's the reason? Not trying to start a flame war, just genuinely curious.
How come nobody plays dota anymore?
LoL's userbase is anywhere from 5x to 10x bigger than dota's.
What's the reason? Not trying to start a flame war, just genuinely curious.
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last update fucked all my key configs up and I don't feel like fixing them all again
even before last update tho
fuck off, shill
7.0 update fucked up everything.
LoL is more casual and has a lower learning curve. Dota is probably the most difficult of all ASSFAGGOTS
do these riot shills seriously think anyone still gives a shit about their chink-owned shitfest that died the moment dota 2 went public?
It's always been like this. Nothing changed.
is why it's been like that.
dota 2 has jack shit as far as players vs lol . you can check steam and see its not even 15 mil people playing dota 2
lol isnt the greatest game ever made but it has a big player base even now while its dying. dota 2 has this it was stillborn sort of feel to it
towers do more dmg than lol and you cant hide in the grass... yea not bringing anything to the table just valve greed at its finest. how about them cs skins am i rite
true, but icefrog is slowly turning it into a worse league.
there is a reason all the faggots from dota 1 who went and formed riot left icefrog the fuck behind
butthurt samefaggots, numbers don't lie.
How so, though? I've never played LoL, only dota.
I know that you can't deny creeps, but that alone doesn't really seem like something that would cause someone to pick one game over the other.
I've also heard that LoL has more "skillshots". There are plenty of "skill" based heroes in dota though (pudge, puck, windrunner, timber, etc)
Every LoL hero is fundamentally the same.
LoL is much bigger than Dota my man
Dota is much more hardcore compared to any moba. Still there are 400k people playing rn, it's a great game. Just not welcoming to newcomers at all
>numbers don't lie
stay mad :^)
but how is it more hardcore?
I literally started playing dota two weeks ago, and I found it to be pretty easy to pick up. Never played any ASSFAGs before this.
>it doesn't have the largest playerbase i the world
>more monthly players than wows prime
>dead game
I dont understand this mindset. Also.
>More strategic options than league will ever have.
>but its shit because it doesnt have grass despite there being fucking trees everywhere to hide and juke around
Game has its issues but those aint it.
Fucking casual shitters
The last 3 updates turned Dota 2 gradually into League of Legends by literally ripping off items and features. Valve wants to have new players joining the game so they change shit up, because they know most of the old shitters are going to stay to play regardless of what they change.
LoL isn't casual. It's a fucking "how long can you be a retard simulator". You're sitting 1 hour in a lane, last hitting creeps just for a single team fight to decide the game, while sometimes getting ganked after 20 minutes. It's an absolutely chore to play and I don't really understand how anyone can have fun with it when they removed any build variances after their open beta.
Dota 2 is easier to play. I can make use of tools like wards, dust, smoke, tp scrolls and shit to just make everyones life miserable starting at level 2. That's real impact. Nothing you do in LoL before the 20-30 minute mark is even remotely impactful. You can't even lose gold if you die, so why bother roaming.
>by literally ripping off items and features
name 1 item and/or feature 7.00 ripped off from league, subhman
>7.00 turns dota 2 into heroes of the storm
>everybody says it's now LoL
How the FUCK are people so retarded? They literally know NOTHING about LoL then say dota 2 is becoming LoL.
>prize poll is the same as the number of people playing
No one is THIS retarded right?
>Dota 2 is easier to play
Congrats on winning the "Best New Tard" award, user!
>How come nobody plays dota anymore?
I realize when comeback gold was introduced the game is going downhill
>t. Dota1 player
literally kill yourself. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
I haven't played LoL, but I found dota very easy to pick up.
>dota champs have little midget legs
>dota champs are all generic sci fi aliens with magic staves
>dota is more graphically intensive
>dota requires steam
>dota doesn't have as catchy a name
>dota came out 2nd
I think HoN is better than either,
Dota 2 is similar, but I prefer HoN's artstyle.
dota is "hard" so casuals stay away from it
shit waifu porn
Dota 2 female cast is
>hard to draw (League has many Anime faces)
>little lewd (only QoP)
If you play ASSFAGGOTS, you need to leave Sup Forums and head on over to reddit where you belong.
>LoL's userbase is anywhere from 5x to 10x bigger than dota's.
riot doesnt publish their numbers anymore so its safe to assume its gone down the shitter.
The learning curve from dota2 is gone now, its too easy to play if youre a new comer.
Mobas(dota2) are fucking garbage now
t. 3k mmr
Dota would be actually good if that were true but it's not. There's dozens of items you have to learn and hundreds of abilities. This is the biggest barrier to entry and it will never change. In fact, it will get worse because new heroes are going to keep getting added.
I have never played either and never will.
LOL wins because it has better Waifus and porn.
Dota 2 has meh Waifus.
people just switched to fps mobas since the rpg(topview) ones need a heavy amount of time commitment
LoL has been shrinking/stagnating for some time.
This is just NA ranked (655k players) but I'd put the amount accounts that actually play ranked at close to 1/3 of the playerbase.
It's probably like 3 or 4 times larger than DotA, not 10 times.
Because LoL has more waifus
He qualified the statement. You must have the reading capability of a 6 year old.
This. I keep seeing people say that it's lol without saying why.
I like a lot of the characters but I don't want to feel like im controlling a commercial airliner when playing videogames.
5k in 2k12
Obviously im taking the piss and exaggerating but it has certainly become a much easier game to play, I've played LoL too for a bit but its certainly easier than dota2 even at its current state.
Youre mistaking the biggest barrier to dota2. The biggest barrier was ability interactions not spoonfed to the average redditor, now they tell you what type of damage it is, whether it pierces magical immunity and even gives you a stun timer which is just sad.
You don't even need to remember ward boxes anymore
I wouldnt be surprised in 1 year if jungle creeps auto stacked
Pretty true, was shocked at how sexualized LoL is, dick gets hard every game at loading screen
LoL is a lot simpler, LoL is brighter and more cartoony, LoL is more accessible for noobs. Also, LoL had a pretty big base when Dota 2 came out, so it spread quicker.
>tfw you played Warcraft 3 and back then DotA was the antithesis of "hardcore" gaming
the fucking mobile gaming wave has eternally casualized vidya to the point where Dark Souls is the hardest game people have played.
what the fuck are you talking about
its harder then ever
Its a joke, theyre joking about the simplicity of dota2 now compared to before that it may as well be called LoL, im guessing youre new to the game
If displaying non-hidden information makes a game worse then you should be bitching about over-head healthbars too.
>watch league of legends world championship
>casters never, ever talk about what items the players buy
>realize its all passive bonus boring shit except I think they can purchase an aegis
>I've also heard that LoL has more "skillshots".
Every character has one barring very few exceptions. There's zero stuns you get without some degree of aim. No point and click stuns like wraith or rubick.
No, it's not.
Farming is pointless, it's all about XP now so you gotta take part in teamfights in order to steamroll.
The game is not harder, talents are easily memorable. They surely add depth, but it just makes snowballing easier and instead of working and farming for stats, you just press a button for instant gratification.
7.00 feels like a dota 2 mod, honestly. It's been fucked.
>people less than 6k mmr complaining about the game being too easy
LoL also has no resource management so you can just spam abilities off cooldown until one hits.
While in warcraft 3 you have the option of doing so (holding alt) thats not the point. The point is that back then people would actually put in effort into learning the game and if you didn't youd be banned from every ggc room if you were shit. The fact that lots of ability interactions/tricks were unknown to your average player made them research in the game and be a critical thinker.
t. 2.2k MMR
Good. Fuck PvE.
shitty anime knock offs
>its all about xp now
M8 farming is the best way to earn xp and dosh.
>Believing in spoon feeding
It's just QOL things, stun timer allows you to see how long it'll be without looking away from the action while dispells have like multiple levels, which helps.
They're going to tone down hero bounties eventually. They already reduced them compared to pre-7.00, they just didn't reduce them enough.
i played 7.00 and i havent played since 6.70
barely changed the game for me anyway
why should i keep playing?
League of Legends just feels better to play
DOTA has deeper mechanics and an arguably higher skill ceiling, but isnt as polished and rewarding to play.
Coming from someone who probably has 1000 hours in both
>coming from a fag with shit taste
Go create a video game with your mentality and see how many people want to play it.
Dota isn't a game that was designed, it's a game that happened. So many things in the game are just awful and being used to putting up with them doesn't make those things okay.
LoL is just Dota 2 tutorial m8
You know how in tutorials they gray out features and buttons so you don't feel overwhelmed with too many things to do.
That's LoL, but they never stop graying shit out.
Plus you pay to unlock heroes.
this used to be my favorite game. but once they opened the beta to everyone, a massive amount of shitters and foreigners began to wreak havoc on the pub scene, to the point where if you dont have a party of five there's no point in even playing.
and even if you had five willing to party up, ive never played a game where so much subversion to team play happens. assholes who take it upon themselves to carry and do it wrong, people who just are ignorant of builds and basic game fundamentals, supports who dont do their job, and all the while acting like assholes about it. the community of this game is so utterly derelict that there's no point to even playing anymore. i put in so many hours into the game and the game itself is pure. but the mass of shitters and assholes has made it less and less fun of a game to enjoy.
>While in warcraft 3 you have the option of doing so (holding alt)
or you could just turn them on in options like most competent players
Correct, if anything this 7.00 patch is basically another version of Ti4 grand finals emulation
>Feels like a mod
Wrong, it already is
He means theyre forcing patches around team fighting, while necessarily isnt bad - theyre just forcing it too much because thats the way its been every single patch - they literally want the game to turn into LoL gameplay wise (perhaps even mechanically so it can appeal to 10 year olds)
Of course it helps but for bad reasons. I don't want mindless retards on my team who cant think for themself, I don't even need stun timers and can basically be perfect with stunlocking any single interaction. Now the only thing your average dota2 player has to worry about is figuring out the timing for stunning correctly after od's astral imprisonment.
The game shouldn't spoon feed to a point where they give you stunbars, its sad.
Fyi, there were always stun bars (stun debuff icon) but the catch is youd have to left click and be fast with your eyes
Yeah I know, Im not angry at them even if they ruined my favourite game, im not spiteful, times change and Ive learnt to move on.
>1000 hours
Lmao that is literally nothing.
Yeah but that left you with the problem where the majority of people didn't know how to play. Back then you had to join forums and orginize games in advance if you wanted something approaching what is now a 1.5k match. The general skill base of the community has risen over the years because they've added things to help people learn what the fuck to do.
What if you could discuss Dota only after hitting 5k+
>teamfighting = LoL
You have never played LoL.
>How so, though? I've never played LoL, only dota.
>I know that you can't deny creeps, but that alone doesn't really seem like something that would cause someone to pick one game over the other.
Mainly, the overall design is just a lot more forgiving. CC is a lot shorter, there's a lot less burst potential outside of endgame, you have stuff like summoner spells as "get out of dying free" buttons you can use once every 5 minutes, etc.
Also it's built around one forced playstyle so there's very little variety, everything's super cookie cutter so you don't really run into any crazy synergies or different playstyles that make you think outside the box. Itemization is also very shallow, most items are passive stat sticks and the focus of itemization is just stacking your scale stat.
>autistic shitstain OP upset over change
nothing to see here
Not him but I skimmed the patchnotes a while ago and it looked like they practically cloned the hud, reduced turn rates and made jungling easier.
LoL is still a thing? I never hear anyone talk about it anymore, I figured it was just dying down.
Dota is only playable during prime time when people with actual lives are online. Queuing at other times means you get matched with other bottom feeders.
I dont agree with your statement of organizing a 1.5k match, while true back then people were very bad and didn't know how to play properly - some people were very good mechanically. The game was still in development at that stage so people didn't really care strategically.
Don't know about you but if you just asked and did a little research it was very easy to improve and gain feedback on your gameplay in ggc.
Im level 24, on LoL, played a fair amount of games, not saying I have played enough to absolutely determine what its about, but I trust my skill level in dota enough to give me a good idea how LoL differs from dota2, and that is more team based gameplay (were talking about pubs)
Can I ask what the problem with a game being easier to play is, why do you want a high barrier of entry?
They keep removing features that give the game strategic depth AND are an obstacle to further separate the knowledge base of a bad player vs an expert player such as all the various damage and armor types.
In their place they are either adding nothing, or adding features that do inherently take some thought and are part of the strategic aspect of the game, but no longer have as much burden of knowledge and practice on the player, thus helping close the gap between bad and expert players, while also slightly lowering the skill ceiling.
In other words, they are making the game more accessible without totally ruining it but still affecting it in some ways at the high levels. This doesn't belong in Dota. It's not a dead or dying game that needs to appeal to the mass audience, nor is it run by a company that NEEDS the extra revenue of a slightly bigger playerbase. It makes no sense to be dumbing down the game at all to attract unskilled players. Chances are they won't even stick to the game. All that's really happening is higher skill players are getting angry at the changes that are not really necessary.
Example of a bad change that genuinely affected everyone negatively
>Universal, HP removal, Composite damage, etc all removed and changed to magic/physical by default
>Removal of stats as option
They shouldn't do this
Example of an acceptable change that may/may not be necessary but we can live with
>Display if skill pierces BKB
>Display if weak/strong dispellable
it's not a very good game, there's far too much downtime.
>game 1: you can play as every character right from the start
>game 2: you must buy characters
I mean
Right now he basically turned it into HoN for shitters, which is pretty neat, because I miss HoN a lot.
KEK they made jungling way less rewarding, tard
>LoL isn't casual.