Andromeda pc build

>Andromeda 60fps:


>Andromeda engine
>recommended requirements:


>Can we discuss rigs?
>It uses the same engine as battlefield 1,

>How many play bf1 60 fps >and how much did you spend on your pc?

Other urls found in this thread:

op how in the holy mother of bloody fuck am i supposed to know how BF1 runs on my PC if i dont own it? why are you asking such stupid questions?

>Pc will not be limited to 30 fps like consoles.

>Whats the amd equivalent to i7?
>Does intel or amd run bf1 better?

Seriously, what in the fuck are you talking about?

Why are we having this thread when the requirements for the game isn't even out yet?

Shill thread

why are you greentexting everything like an enormous retard

>buying ea products
>buying mass effect after 3
>going anywhere near this or any aaa video game on day 1

e-battered wife syndrome is no joke

When the fuck did a game being able to do 60 fps become a goddamn feature?

What is this crap...

>Its a very actual topic
>bf1 has better fx than andromeda so is a good example,

>has anyone maxed bf1?

why are you green texting every fucking line?

Op speech

Go home then

that is wrong
you do not do that

Oh boy does this thread reek of marketing.

Instead lets talk about how Bioware managed to so utterly and completely fuck up the Mass Effect IP that they had to set a new game in an entirely different galaxy.

I don't think any series has required a retcon/rekajiggering of an entire setting to this magnitude before.

T.Me mourners club

Ur 30+ rite?

>posts are even a minute apart

Okay you're gonna have to try way, way harder than this.

What the fuck is happening

I'd have just made a prequel game where you play as a bounty hunter and could choose from any race for your player character.

a better comparison would be DA:I

it runs the same engine BF1 and ME:A but it's an open-ish world RPG like ME:A

The mass effect games have always been supremely optimized in my experience. The entire trilogy ran at 1080p max settings on my q6600 + gts 250

I'm down

Did some Indian marketer just wander onto the board or some shit? Usually shills at least pretend to know how to blend in

This deserves 60 fps

this game has some amazing animations


Am I the only who noticed the recycled animations more than how badly they were done in that one cutscene?


This is a bigger transgression and more of a red flag than anything else.

Shill's 1st Day on Sup Forums!

If something is perfect why change it? Most Dark Souls animations were good, they changed it for the sake of changing in Dark Souls 2 and it looked terrible.

>15 posters and 28 posts
Really makes you think.

It's not perfect. Like how Bethesda is still using same animatios from Oblivion, they don't do it because the animations can't be improved, they do it because they are lazy fucks.

Whoa I've never seen an actual shill on 4cham before.

>all greentext
>links to reddit

sage and hide this shit

SO what if the graphics are the same as Battlefield 1.

If the Females are not Witcher tier then this game can go FUCK itself.

>I don't think any series has required a retcon/rekajiggering of an entire setting to this magnitude before.

Well, you're new here.

>this game look very fun

Jojo did the exact same thing except in a different universe

In case it matters i dont think a single other mass effect game has any proper controller support on PC, so theres a good chance this one wont either

It sucks not being able to play RPGs where 70% of the game is spent watching cutscenes and making decisions and not being able to just sit back with a controller

TPP was a complete mess of a story but it really only served the purpose of explaining why Big Boss "survived" in MG1 to show up again in MG2 (something nobody really wondered or cared about because that shit happens all the time).

I consider Andromeda a much worse situation because they literally can't do anything with what was left of the setting after Mass Effect 3.

Isn't BF1 tough on CPUs?

Are any of you niggers running on a 4.5+ 2500k, maybe can tell me how it runs?

it isn't really tough but it makes good use of them

you can get good performance @ 1080p in it on pretty much any PC made post-2012.

>replay ME trilogy
>ME1 is the worst, absolute chore to play, but main story is okay, sidequests are shit
>ME3 has the best gameplay and is more fun to play, but sidequests and ending are complete shit
>ME2 is the sweet spot

I'm playing Mass Effect for the first time now.
I'm really enjoying it.

You can fix the endings with sick mawds tho

can i pirate it?

>Witcher tier
>BioWare game

CDPR has talented designers who enjoy their work and love the base product and know it by heart. They have people who have both talent and passion.
These are two qualities BioWare lacks. They hire straight out of college and are not prepared to pay talented people enough to stay in the company. One could blame their parent company as well, but if you look at the credits for Mass Effect 1 and then compare to the ones 3 had, I think less than 1/3 of the original dev team remained.

In addition, a lot of the team that worked on DA:I worked on Andromeda due to their """""""""""""expertise""""""""""""" with the engine. They also share assets and code, so expect these three things.
1: Shitty animations. Again.
2: Shitty MMO grindfest tier quests where you go get quest from x to go kill y to retrieve z to get XP to level up and complete the main story mission
3: All combat will be "in an open area", which means that there is no level design based on combat. No "shit, I think it would be cool if this section rewarded this type of play and force the player to rethink their approach to the situation."


An area of enemies where you mash the same shitty ass combo. This is a shooter though, but don't expect the combat to be any good either. Then when you complain, people will just go "well its an RPG it's not about the combat".

God fucking damn am I still ever so fucking salty about a bunch of liberal arts graduates ruining one of the greatest science fiction pieces in our time. It could have been so good. But horrible management decisions started us on this path and now the gameplay director is a legitimately racist poo-in-loo faggot who thinks that their target audience is too white and fights for intersectional xin-kin whatever the fuck rights in video games.

God fucking damnit.

It's horrible knowing what could have been.
It's awful to know that DA:I could have been an epic game.
It's maddening to know Mass Effect is now complete and utter shit.

I feel your pain.

Savor it, because everything gets simplified post-ME1

>sick mawds
I gave the HEM a shot, and beyond wrapping other things up via lengthy essay-quality emails with fanfic tier writing, the actual Shep-gets-saved ending is really badly done, to the point where it takes me out of things completely with some literally-who frigate saving you last-minute via a bad FMV, and it obscures the nature of the Crucible to the point where you have no idea what it's doing now. I get that the default ending(s) blew, but the ME fan community isn't known for subtlety or tension

If they wanted to make an OC donutsteel ending that bases itself off of in-universe shit, you could get roughly the same impact by stating the Crucible is a giant synthetic reset button, i.e. only the destroy option. Then you could have a Leviathan step-in before Shep gets exploded or something, followed by a mopey Normandy crew wondering where he went, only for him to appear a week later after Liara watches a Leviathan pod float away

Cue Hackett's positive ending speech post-destroy with 100% readiness, a cutaway with Shep looking like the Leviathan let him in on something bad, and you have something that people probably wouldn't have been AS enraged over (people, anons especially, have this huge irrational boner for the Geth and EDI). It's still fanfic-tier salvaging, but the HEM is an iffy solution for a problem that needs more than just an ending fix

kill yourself if youre planning to play mass effect in the current year

>shilling for MEA
>links to reddit

Am i being trolled or is this one of those pajeet shills dispatched to every corner of the internet without awareness of where they're going to?