Why is everyone on Sup Forums a moralfag about piracy?
At least 40% of all my torrented games i've actually bought.
Why is everyone on Sup Forums a moralfag about piracy?
At least 40% of all my torrented games i've actually bought.
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Most of my friends don't want to pirate because they're afraid of the government finding out and making them go to jail
Not even joking. My girlfriend won't watch a movie with me if it's pirated. On our first date I brought a pen drive with ten of my favourite movies and she actually deleted them and told me to be grateful.
I guess that's a common reason. It's the "UR KILLING THE INDUSTRY" shitters that annoy me
It's a pretty retarded reason either way, but yeah. Ditto
They are mostly american, which is to say, jewish slaves.
do you live in NK?
Explain what? If you don't pirate because "I don't wanna go to jail!" you're retarded. The government doesn't give a shit about people pirating snes roms from 1997
>she actually deleted them and told me to be grateful.
I hope she is aware of why this is problem at least
Actual shills advertise on Sup Forums
If you have a decent job and don't buy games especially niche ones you are acualy killing the industry.
But if you live in Slavistan and earn like 200 Euros a month but steam still charges you 50-60 Euros per game than you literally have no effect on the industry because you cant afford games in the first place.
not everyone, just outsiders and newfriends
It gets worse. She won't send pictures over kik or snapchat because she thinks the government could access her phone and use that against her. That's why I have zero nudes of her to this day, and we've been dating for almost four years now.
>Sup Forums
>moralfagging about piracy
I havent bought a game for five years now and even I can fucking see that here moralfagging about that is reee'd at so hard I forget what site I am on.
>Thinks the government can hack into her phone and use her nudes against her
What would cause the government to want to blackmail her? If they had anything against her they'd just swat her house and not resort to childish bullshit
where i live everyone and i mean EVERYONE pirate, in fact back when downloading a game from the internet wasn't an easy thing to do immigrant would often sell pirated games on the street, in fact that's pretty much how i got to play most of PSX JRPG which otherwise i would have never played
it was a culture shock when i saw the internet was full of moral fags
I don't know, man. It's an irrational fear. But it's not just nudes, she refuses to take any kind of pictures of herself using the phone.
Children usually have moralfag ideals
I only pirate indie games without any regret, only hotline miami 1 and 2 I have bought back because the developers are cool
Sup Forums, single person, etc.
It's hard to damn someone for pirating. If the game isn't available in a region, doesn't have required features, or is just too costly, pirating is a non-factor since without piracy the pirates wouldn't buy. I'd only consider a pirate immoral if that pirate doesn't follow through with a purchase if their stated criteria for not buying gets invalidated.
Indie games are the ones you should actually feel regret for, the AAA's can take it. You're shitting on the little guy.
We used to have a /rs/ board just for harvesting all the rapidshare/megaupload/etc links of pirated shit everyone posts all over Sup Forums, and making it easier to find.
Closing that board was a mistake.
They're not.
I pirate anime all day every day and I don't give a fuck
It's not my fucking fault anything that isn't Dragon Ball doesn't get a hojillion reprints and you need to pay upwards of a bazillion dollars to get a box set of a 12 episode series.
And for the record I did grow up in the bullshit era of having to pay $60-80 dollars for two or three episodes, that doesn't make today any better.
>mfw just a couple months ago I had to drop like $200 to get all of To Love Ru
Until a year ago i hadn't bought a single game because thirld world, but since i started software engineering and programming, i understood how hard it is to make a game, i would feel like shit if i spent years making something for someone to pirate it. Still i think if i hadn't pirated those games before i wouldn't have bought them now.
>watching To Love-Ru
>He doesn't like panties
Get a load of this guy
I stopped pirating once I actually had money to buy stuff.
I only buy games that I really love, are multiplayer only, or are high maintenance so buying is just more convenient because of updates and other shit. Still I rarely will pay more than 20 euros for a game, I just can't see any justifiable reason for a video game to cost 40-60 euros.
I hate videojames
Interesting, who's that?
I already have a backlog of like 100+ games because I've been able to buy so many at ~$5 over the years through Steam.
It's just too easy to buy stuff legally now to justify pirating (though I guess I could see not wanting to use ones that forced DRM, but I just put those on a VM usually).
Dont blame her, skynet is soon
My opinion is that if they weren't going to get my money anyways, then piracy isn't hurting anyone. When I was a teenager, we were poor so I was lucky to have the hardware at all, forget paying for software so I pirated most games back then. Now, I'll pirate if I didn't care enough about the game to pay for it in the first place but otherwise, I buy all of my games.
The problem with this line of reasoning is that there are people who would buy the game if there was no way to pirate it. Piracy thus directly removes those sales.
Of course, on the contrary, there are people who subsequently buy a game because they pirated it and liked it and were willing to support it.
But I doubt the second group is bigger than the first.
I haven't bought a game for 3 years
I do believe pirating effects the industry for the worse in that they dont take risks anymore, literally everyone plays it as safe as possible ticking as many boxes as they can to maximise profits instead of give us a good FUCKING GAME FUCKING CUNTS IM PIRATING ALL MY GAMES NOW FUCK
>At least 40% of all my torrented games i've actually bought.
Gee aren't you a fucking saint.
Pirate all you want. I find moral grandstanding to be pointless and obnoxious anyway.
I'm not, go ahead.
PC gaming has been shit for a decade and a bit now, so I really don't mind all the piracy. Same goes for Nintendo systems, they usually get cracked when they near their death so it doesn't affect anyone much.
Usually the vast majority of money pirates actually spend goes to Steam sales (like $20 for 15 shitty games that won't ever get touched) or Microtransaction/market shit in CS:GO, LoL, DOTA2, nu-Blizzard games, etc. "Shit tastes" and "piracy" go hand in hand.
Only shills are moralfags about piracy. It's a propaganda campaign. When this bullshit con-artist industry wants my money, they'll work for it.
>game doesn't have a demo
>waaah why are people torrenting ;_;
Go ahead be a theif.
you too
Get a poloroid and make a thing of it for a night. Then if ya break up send her a pic of it over a text
i just buy them at 10% of what they are on Steam from sites like G2A
Because obviously most people who pirate games dont end buying whatever games they bought.
Less than half!? How is that a fucking deflection?
The problem with piracy is the increasing reality that someday you'll force everyone to endure online-only check-ins and insane bundled security software with PC games.
Publishers are free to do with their property as they please, including protect it from those who refuse to pay. They might not even be doing it to secure additional sales, but to spite pirates.
In fact it's this exact reason Crysis went to consoles; the director said the levels of piracy drove them to the console market and he swore off making PC exclusives. It's the reason there are no good PC exclusives these days. Crysis was the last real PC exclusive.
Steam has generous sales and a refund policy. Make use of it.
And you're still dating her?
I personally don't pirate new games anymore because if I want it I just buy it, but I don't care if people pirate for any reason. Games are cool, and playing them for free is awesome.
the only people who pretend to care are consolefags, because they cant do it
But the crysis situation actually killed that series.
I don't give a shit about people pirating games I give a shit about people pirating games and then acting like they're entitled to something when the devs either shut down the workarounds they're abusing or don't help them troubleshoot why their crack gave them a virus or shit like that. That and I find it obnoxious when they act like they have some moral high ground by stealing it and they aren't just doing it because they either don't give a fuck or are poorfags.
Yes. It did. It was a joint effort of pirates and Crytek.
>have money to pay for games
>the games are easily accessible and could easily be bought
>still pirate
>only buy if they have online features
I get what you get, except for free, and I'm not hurting anyone. Your only justification for not doing so as well is "b-but you're a poopiehead"
I think the stuff that the dev for Game Dev Tycoon or w/e it's called is the funniest shit. Seeing people complain about piracy in their sim game because they pirated it. Hilarious.
Because theft, being a NEET and not having children are morally wrong.
I'd find it funny if that game wasn't a blatant ripoff of another, better game. Just came off as some pot calling the kettle black shit.
I preferred how Alan Wake and Serious Sam 3 did it though
Except you are hurting people. If everyone followed your logic, there would be no games at all, because nobody would make any money from them. Your only justification for what you do is being an edgy fag.
It wasn't just piracy since the 2nd and 3rd game were on consoles, yet still led to less sales.
>there would be no games at all
Ok, slight correction, there would be terrible artsy fartsy made-in-my-spare-time shitty games.
Assuming you aren't lying youre in the minority.
If you were selling bottled water next to a fresh spring, why would you expect to stay in business? It's hardly my fault for making the more intelligent decision that results in more net money for me. If you didn't know, money is also what gives me food and shelter.
You're lowering the budget of games, making them worse.
That's a shit analogy.
What exactly is the "fresh spring" in this bullshit comparison you've just thought up?
Here, let me make a better analogy. You live in the desert near an ocean. There is no fresh water. You have nothing to drink. There is a desalination plant nearby that removes the salt from the ocean water. They bottle the water and sell it to the people in your town. You happen to know where an unlocked door is at the plant at night, so you sneak in and take bottled water whenever you need it.
Are you saving money? Yes. In a sense, you are correct that this is a fiscal decision and considering only yourself it makes your situation better at little to no cost.
As long as enough people in the town still pay for the water, the desalination plant can remain in business.
But the logical extent of your argument that "it results in more net money if I commit theft" is that at some point, if enough people followed your logic, the plant would lose money, go out of business, and then you have no water to get whether you pay for it or not.
You are literally hurting a business, and it IS your fault. You know it, but you try to excuse it. You don't have to try to play some moral ping pong logic on us. You know you are being a shit.
>first date
wait, you're saying there were MORE dates after she pulled crap like that?
I get being desperate for puss, this is Sup Forums, but c'mon
well if you have every single game for free and you play them all, it's kinda expectable that you don't buy them all... but i'm guessing that's just piracy... end it and i'm pretty sure the average consumer will buy the 500 titles that come out every single year.
The fresh spring is the capability of game data to be copied and redistributed endlessly, unlike actual physical goods like in your equally shitty analogy. I am hurting no one because I am not taking anything physical away. It's more like I am a mystical Jewish wizard in a cave who can make his own water out of sawdust and then laughs at the idiots who are paying for it down the street.
>I am not taking anything physical away.
Didn't take you long to bring up that bullshit.
It is a product they are legally entitled to sell for money. You are acquiring the product without paying for it. It is theft, no matter what your ping pong logic tries to hide it behind with you "b-but it's not physical goods".
Except this spring is not natural, someone worked to make it, and it cost money to do so. The next spring they make will be worse, because they won't have the amount of money they could have had, resulting in shittier tasting water.. and that's your fault.
>sharing his intimacy and friendship with literal peasants carrying torches to burn the village "witch"
if there's a worst mix than stupidity+ignorance+fear i would love to know
>Didn't take you long to bring up that bullshit.
Probably because it's a legitimate argument that you have no reasonable counter to other than being a corporate apologist. If a product can be gained for free at no risk to yourself then perhaps it's not wise to sell such a thing. I am doing literally nothing wrong for one in my position, other than not sucking cock apparently.
Ok, explain to me what happens to games when nobody makes any because every gets them for free. What are you going to play then?
I know i'm going to sound retarded for asking this, but what happens if you get caught pirating shit by companies/government? It's still illegal, as far as i know.
I don't pirate because 90% of all pirating threads i see talk about [insert website/torrent here] is dead because of [insert bad reason here]
high budgets ruined video games
I'm fine with you breaking the law if you can get away with it, but don't be a pussy about it and claim you're not doing anything wrong. You are hurting the industry, and you are making games worse. At least have the balls to admit that.
AAA budgets maybe, but other companies could use higher budgets. So pirate AAA's if that's how you feel.
fuck off smug anime poster
Your logic holds if the person WOULD have bought it if it wasn't available to pirate- in that case they objectively lost money. This is the case for several people, and calling them thieves is, in my mind, acceptable.
But consider the people who never would have bought the game. Of these people who choose to pirate it, several may decide to buy it after all- there is a population of people who pirate a game to try it and purchase it after the fact. In these cases, the act of pirating actualyl gains the company a sale.
Additionally, there are people who may never have bought it, never do buy it after pirating, but still enjoy the game and tell their friends. In this case, not only is there no loss to the company, but they benefit from word of mouth- it's possible their friends may buy the game.
These latter two factors are extremely important, and benefit good games far more than the losses the receive from the subcategory of pirates that are thieves.
Personally, I don't pirate anymore, but overall, since piracy tends to elevate good games and harm subpar games, I'm fine with it categorically.
I'm not a hypocrite and not a buyfag I'm just a fat jew I pirate everything
Suck my dick gay boy, not my fault they tried selling me something I could get for free.
Video games either tighten up security, which will never happen, or they will become low budget passion projects. There's no way to tell for sure, but I can tell you that throwing your money at any garbage you're given isn't doing any favors to the industry either, big shot.
>Your logic holds if the person WOULD have bought it if it wasn't available to pirate- in that case they objectively lost money.
>have money to pay for games
>the games are easily accessible and could easily be bought
>still pirate
I agree with your post and I did not completely break down every category of people actually affected by piracy (this excludes those who would buy either way and those who would not buy it either way). However I don't see the support for your last statement and I believe the opposite is true, and that those who pirate to ill effect outnumber those who pirate and produce good effect.
>Being a faggot
This. The reason corps hate piracy is because it counteracts bullshit marketing and preorder culture and ensures that shit games make shit money regardless of how much you pump into your marketing division.
>not reading the source material
Are you?
>Suck my dick gay boy, not my fault they tried selling me something I could get for free.
No, but it is asocial, you are making games worse for everyone else. You're the faggot who shows up at a bring your own booze party without any booze. You're shit and you're a coward.. pirate all you want, but accept this.
>literally calling me a poopiehead just as I said before
You people are so infantile and mentally immature it's fucking hilarious
>random 2 man indie companies
>bullshit marketing and preorder culture
Even without all of that, they'd still be against it.
>shows up to party without booze
i thought shitty food analogies died in 2015
>Why is everyone on Sup Forums a moralfag
Look, bitch; if you're not mugging people, selling drugs, killing cops and overall living on the edge dont come and lecture me on morals, you stupid nigger shit fuckwit.
>he paid 40% of his games
And you still have the balls to lecture us, retard.
Yes, you're a poopiehead. The problem is that you don't understand that you are. You're here spouting reasons why you're not a poopiehead, while you should just admit it.
As usual it started as people just joking around and being contrarian just to piss off the daft pirates but it attracted actual retards who love fellating their corporate overlords