Mage class consists of throwing brightly coloured balls and zapping enemies

>mage class consists of throwing brightly coloured balls and zapping enemies
>he picks it

Better than playing a class which consists entirely of hitting enemies with a melee weapon repeatedly.

>warrior class consists of mashing a single button and relying on some sissy healer bitch boy to keep him alive
>he picks it

Mage sounds pretty good.

what about priest?

>Please give me validation

necromancer = battlemage > mage > warrior >shaman > thief > archer

I've been dying to know what manga these screens are from


Good taste
Im pretty sure its claymore fag

Necromancer = Shaman > Battlemage > Mage >The rest

it's either that or flamethrower hands 95% of the time



you got a lotta nerve askin' that now

>he doesn't have a sissy bitch boy

you gay or something?

warrior > fire mage > rogue > necromancer/warlock/whatever > everything else > men's asses > frost mage > archer/hunter


just be good at everything you knaves

>warrior class
>all you did is press one button
sounds pre fun tbhh

Pop Team Epic


>there's a choice of both a Paladin class AND a Punchmonk class
>he picks neither

>character has a tragic past

They really need to make a good magic casting system for RPGs.

"press button to cast" if fucking awful.

Make me move the joysticks in certain patterns or do a combo of buttons or SOMETHING

>tfw no Magicka system in other games
Feels sad man.

Tragic past reveals shocking twist

>character gets double crossed

>post gets double posted

>nigger can't decide what class to main so he dualboxes


>Not playing Muscle Wizard.
>Not casting Fist.

>mage class consists of breaking the very fabric of reality and bending it to your will
>it also does a lot of damage sometimes
>he doesn't pick it