What makes a good game good?

What makes a good game good?

quality gameplay


>inb4 Porn

being a good game


Nothing. Nothing makes a good game good.

if i like it

I only care if I have fun with it or not.

The amount of fansmut it gets.

the fun has to be well-programmed. When the fun is buggy, the game sucks.


Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it. Either way, being amused or entertained with something and being immersed are not the same thing.

how it preforms compared to other recent releases that are similiar in genre and style

>Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it.
As oppose to fake reason as to why the game is good?


spotted the newfag

Woo boy when was that post again? 2011?

>B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it's FUN/COMFY!!


How can someone say something correct in such a retarded way?

This is some tumblr sjw tier shit to be honest. Games are about having, they're about removing yourself from your normal life and being immersed in a world or situation that is entertaining. Why else do you play video games? There's no physical reward at the end, no trophy unless you're an esports champ. The only thing you get out of games is having fun and having a good time.

If we talk about single player games, it is at least all of these:
>Interacting with the game world is as simple as possible without liss of depth and responsive
>The Game keeps adding new elements to it so it doesnt feel stale/Has a lot of different content to explore
>Gives you the feeling of achieving something, either by presenting you with challenges or giving you freedom to create/modify stuff to your likings, either way makung you feel your own impact on the game

Name ONE really good game that lacks any of these

Replayability (how long you can play it without the experience being repetitive)
Graphics/Artstyle (whether the game either looks nice, or at least has functional enough visuals that help you understand what's going on well ie. Tetris)
Balance/game design/skill ceiling (How much choice it gives to the player, and how well that choice is implemented)
Storyline, achievements, emergent stories from funny shit happening, or high score system (to give player a sense of progression or have recountable stories)

This new age anti-hedonism sentiment needs to stop. We Westerners became the cornerstone of modern civilization because the common people gained abundance and could thus spend more time on frivolous pursuits. This shit is reversing because socialists are ruining our great civilization so we become simple worker drones who do jack shit but work.

You're mixing up two completely different arguments.

First argument, and the one he's making
>Saying a game is fun is irrelevant because you're just saying it's good. It doesn't actually say anything about the game.

Second argument, the one you're referring to:
>Games don't need to be just about having lighthearted fun, they can be interesting in other ways too
Which isn't actually wrong desu senpai

oh and forgot

>controls well with a functional HUD
no input lag in player's actions unless it's for gameplay purposes; and HUD works quickly and gets to the point

You know what, i agree.
But it doesn't change the fact that games don't necessarily need to be all about "fun" and nothing else, even if there's nothing wrong with those that are.

If the overall experience is good

You can break it down into different factors like gameplay/story/music, and while it's true the better the qualities usually the better the game, If it all doesn't mesh well together the game will still be shit. It's why games with shit gameplay but great everything else are still considered good games.

"good" game is almost always subjective

>good gameplay that makes me want to go back to it
>story is good enough to be invested in it
>characters that I'm attached to in a both negative and positive way

if it makes my heart race from adrenaline or sides hurt from laughing

The point is, fun is an idiosyncractic word. Your fun is different from my fun, but everyone seeks it. It's the apotheosis from which all other forms of pleasure-seek are derived. The superset.

It is absolutely a term we should use when discussing a game, or anything from which one would extract some form of enjoyment.

>"good" game is almost always subjective
there are some more objective things you can take away from the experience though, flaws that can be pointed out

>if the graphics fail to convey what's going on (fingerless glove meter, see Battleborn)
>if the controls are loose and janky
>if the game has unintended bugs or glitches (see Dragon Age: Cisquisition)
>if there's major plot inconsistencies in the story (see Fallout 3)
>if the game is simply a copy of other games of its type, providing nothing original other than numbers changes and a reskin
>if the game lasts less than, say, 5 hours when played by an average player (see the Order 1886)

like most people would be able to agree on these things