Could a Dark Souls MMO work?

Could a Dark Souls MMO work?


Not an MMO but an expanded version of Chalice Dungeons from Bloodborne with lobby features could work.

well, they managed to make a dragons dogma mmo work

>comparing dark souls to dragons dogma

top kek

MMOs have to be easily accessible so Dark Souls can't keep the difficulty it's known for.

>This whole post

MMO games are too casual for even souls games mechanics.
If its any more difficult than "press 1 to attack and dont stand in the fire" its too difficult for an MMO.

Is LIT an MMO? I haven't tried it yet

Dark Souls is pretty much headed for the direction of a separate 3-4 player co-op, differing from the main story/game where levels can only be completed by working together. Not just vs. bosses or some shit but actual activating buttons and what not, separate paths each player has to take in order to open the pathway. Souls' franchise is better off not being an MMO in either case.

>Dark Souls

It kind of already is in a way. Why mess with a good thing?

Ever since DS1 I've always thought Dark Souls would lend itself well to multiplayer, though I have no idea how to iron out the fine details.
One time I got summoned into a world as a guy 2-handing a greatsword, the host was a mage, and another summon was a cleric, all dressed to the part. It really felt like an MMO party as we went through the level, I think there's some kind of potential there that's untapped but I don't know how the game would work. I guess it'd basically just be a bunch of raids with small parties.

I am trying to imagine what the massive part of mmo would look like.

Dark souls gameplay is more 1 vs 1 oriented. I wouldnt care if 2 or 25 people fight the same boss

Dark Souls isn't headed anywhere unless they go back on their word and shit out yet another mediocre sequel.

yes in terms of mechanics but in terms of From coding it, no way

The online is the weakest part of the Soulsborne series. Mostly due to the horrible servers and hit detection

>Dark Souls combat. LMAO!

The director and creator just said HE wasn't doing souls anymore. He said he's super open and willing to help with, if anyone from the company/teams wanted to take up the mantle and continue it.

It's called Dark Souls 2.
It does not work well.

compared to most of the shit pumped out by this industry, yes