So it's been back for a little bit.
How is it?
So it's been back for a little bit.
How is it?
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Last I checked most people still waiting for the fresh server release
This, jan 7th
When you say fresh I guess you mean starting over?
>chinks and gold spam everywhere that the gms dont care to do anything about
>shitty gms that ban everyone
>not even using nostcore but the other server's shitty scripting
>peoples accounts randomly getting hacked by chinks, if youre one of the victims then too bad perma ban for you
>banning vpns and china would solve all problems but gms refuse to do so because thats racist
>pretty big likehood that the gm team themselves are taking a cut of the profits from all the gold sellers
>ching chong pottu everywhere
shit looks pretty grim, hopefully crestfall can save us
Wait there's gold spammers on a private server?
so just like vanilla then?
where theres money to be made theres chinese
Yep just make a level one character and youll immediately get swamped by 6+ whispers
It's overrun with chinks and shitty mods right now
Hoping for fresh to be better.
>>not even using nostcore but the other server's shitty scripting
I was wondering about this. People keep telling me "perfect scripts", but then I see a whole bunch of friendly NPCs and pets that have red names.
Hate it or not, it's the best scripted vanilla server, and the most hyped
people are going to go there to make money since there's even less protection than live had for botting, and no barrier of entry. And live is easy to bot.
They're clearly being paid off
Yes, they're releasing a fresh slate server sometime within the month (supposedly) where everyone starts over at level 1 and all that.
Its basically a chinese server with an english population
Wait for crestfall or just drop pservers entirely
Never played WoW before and found this to be boring as fuck. It must have been amazing back in mid 2000s when it first came out.
They just took their shitty code and copy pasted nosts code on top of it, and the result was that shitty mess
This. Got no motivation to raid on my old character.
If I wanted to make money and didn't mind violating the law, I'd crack down on all gold spammers and make my own 'spammers'
I'd set up shill sites and sell the gold myself, or I'd sell gold directly to those sites to redistribute while also cracking down on other people who are transferring money to known gold seller accounts.
Keep track of ips on every log in (which is likely done by default) and a simple query can tell you who is a botter and who isn't
Why don't they ban all the Chinks?
I thought it'd be fun to make a new character here and actually be able to be around other people while leveling up
Turns out it's pretty terrible. Certain quests are practically impossible because there are so many people trying to do them, and there are no gathering nodes anywhere because everything gets picked/mined almost as soon as it spawns.
Kill quests are pretty fun, though. I can just run into the general area and yell for a group, and we'll all just run around slaughtering everything in our path.
>People keep telling me "perfect scripts"
Who are you listening to? I've never seen anyone claim Nost was perfectly scripted ever.
It's like 90% of the way there, there's plenty of little bugs here and there, nothing too bad, but it's no way near perfect.
Filled with Chinks.
Buyfags win once again.
Filled with chinks and the GM's defend the chinks.
I think the GM's are getting a cut from the gold farming.
Because the chinks would DDOS the servers like they did with Kronos when they banned them.
uh because that would be racist????
Why are Chinks such pieces of shit?
Every goddamn online game that has currency in it has Chinks shitting all over it. Just range ban that shithole from western servers. Fuck.
>yfw with all the chinese nostalrius is literally pay2notgrind
lol how do people defend this shit
Server pop would drop 90%
Because muh waycism plus who would pay for the server without them taking a cut from the gold sellers?
>mfe the token generator is still fucking down 2 weeks later and there still hasnt been a fucking peep from the nost team
Yeah nah fuck off you chinkloving cunts
Kronos had almost no ddos protection, even then the server going down for a month like kronos would be worth it if all chinks got removed
Some of the fuckups:
>quests yielding 0.7x of the EP they are supposed to yield
>Goldwhispers fucking everywhere, but that's somewhat like retail back in the days
>rollbacks from time to time
Beside that it's pretty alright, I'm still having fun.
>Trying to level Mining/BS on PvE as Alliance
>Copper Ore is horrible to find, even in Dun Morogh, and you need 10 ore to get 1 Blacksmithing level
>Ore on the AH is going anywhere from 2-4s per unit
I just bought my way out since bronze leggings sell for a decent amount for vendor, and you get 2 bronze bars per bar of tin and copper.
I hate this.
>get your first BoE epic drop ever while leveling
>it's a dagger
>you're a rogue
>combat specced
I basically ended up doing the same thing with Alchemy, but I still need to get my Herbalism level higher so I can pick better herbs. Unfortunately, the only way to do that is to find and pick herbs, which is a pain in the ass right now.
They made changes to servers that made them much, much fucking worse.
All those nodes vanishing almost as soon as they appear isn't because of chinese bots, no sir. It's definitely because nostalrius is just so popular with millions of players on the server at any given time!
Dont forget
>people being banned for random shit like getting mind controlled/mind controlling someone
>accounts getting randomly hacked by chinks to be used for gold spam
>if you get banned for any youre pretty much fucked and the gms dont care to look over it
Stealth is fucked apparently too
I can also just go the Thelgen Rock and level my Mining, apparently. Hope that the cave isn't being farmed and I can level it quickly.
Who am I kidding, it's going to be barren and I'd get ahead of my friend in exp because I'm at level.
This is the hell I chose, and I'm still upset.
Thats right all those black lotus nodes being camped by the chinks 24/7 is just a racist conspiracy theory, all of you people complaining about anything are entitled spoiled babbies we dont need your toxic behavior on this server
I'm leveling on PVP on horde side and so far about 10+ major quest isn't working, blink and charge is buggy as hell... 2 weeks in and the lag is still bad, nobody speaks english...
Whats more sad is im never gonna stop
>mfw bubble and loot black lotus
Because the server owners make money off the chinks.
The chinks aren't a notice problem for me yet as I'm level 9 but at least I can reenact Nanking when I hit the higher levels
We need to band together to fight the chinese incursion lads
We need to form a discord and feed information about their movements to eachother cross faction
I'm not even high enough level for that shit yet. I'm still trying to get Peacebloom and Silverleaf, so I can get high enough to pick Mageroyal.
Theres already several discords but forget it if you dont want cancer
>went to play legion after nost shut down
>log back on
>guild is dead
>no high m+ dungeons, no mythic raids, mc and bwl have been farmed to shit over the year, so have all bis apart from mishundare, and the raids are easy as fuck anyway
>pvp feels shit due to lag
Might come back for aq40, although I doubt it, legion has been a blast desu. Shame about the gold buying though, I just can't justify grinding 8 hours instead of paying 20 quid.
Actual vanilla had a bad chinese problem as well, but thankfully most of them were alliance, and killing them at Tyrs hand was always extremely fun.
What concerns me is that they're allowing people to name their characters with non latin characters
It's just like old Nost was, only worse. They handed it over to the ruskies who run Valkyrie and clearly don't give a shit about the chink problem.
Wouldn't recommend it. Maybe Crestfall will be something good, assuming it actually comes out and IP bans Chinese.
>people start talking shit about nost
>the ever predictable nostfags arrive to false flag
GM is a SJW.
>tfw krol blade
I knew this server would be plagued by Chinese, just like it was before it got shut down. People talk about Blizzard incompetence, but you would be surprised by how even diehard fans running their own server can top that incompetence.
The people behind Nostalrious are thoughtless.
Nostralrius and it's players exists only to laugh at.
And I laugh every day.
I don't play warcraft by the way.
I just like a good laugh.
can't get my token
I'd like to see you try. They can do proxies and vpn as much as you do.
I can't believe what I'm reading!
Last time I checked, people were pretty hyped for their Vanilla WoW coming back.
Could it be that, you know, that's what happens if you hype something so much that you end up disappointed like that? Happened millions of times and will happen again...
And don't get me wrong here, I'm happy for you, honestly. You got your Vanilla back you miss(ed) so much.
I would like the opportunity to relive all the fun I had during WotLk with all those people I used to play with back then, but those times have long since passed and will never happen again.
Besides, I'm having tons of fun RPing, much more than I could ever have reliving old memories...I...we make new ones every day!
Is there even RP going on on any private server, or are those who try getting mocked and laughed at?
The game's not the problem, the shitheels running it are.
Quests are bugged and give 30% less xp then they're supposed to.
Devs have known for a while and still haven't fixed it.
Instead we get a halfassed NYE event.
But user, it's hardcore! And FUN!
I don't play it, but I assume it's even shittier than vanilla was during its time since it's a private server, which probably is already more than enough to classify it above legion by a very comfortable margin.
The names had the same problem on Nost before being taken down.
Theres around 10k people at one time on nost pvp, its pretty comfy
Theres ALOT of active players.