What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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americans all think they're special poor snowflakes who were abused as children and use that as an excuse for everything.
"Addiction to food"
Holy shit fuck off
who is this
I'm a chubby fuck and that's entirely my fault. WHY has there always got to be an excuse. Why not just fucking admit it.
on february 9th 1988 boogie was violently fucked in the gut folds by 16 drunk football players
I can't go to the gym because of my knees!
I'm addicted to food, I can't help it!
I have diabetes!
Pity me!
>give me free money because of my personal problems
lol no
More like
>muh depression
>muh body positivisty
>muh fat shaming
>muh body muh choices
Fuck I really need to lift again.
>voted for Hillary
Remind me why I should feel sorry for this useless fat fuck?
Stop giving these people attention and they will wither away.
Keep feeding them, though, and you enable them.
Is it even possible to be fat and drink nothing but water? Just lay off the soda, jesus
I actually have nerve damage in my feet, ankles, knees, hands, and wrists.
Working out is incredibly painful for me.
But I'll be god-fucking-damned if I use that shit as an excuse to get fat/lazy. Most fat people are disgusting worthless pigs who have no love for themselves.
My basic point here is that even when fat people have "legitimate excuses" it's nothing you can't work through.
You know having a shitty childhood doesn't give you a free pass to eat like shit your entire life.
"...other abuse"
"i was raped too, I swear! that means you can't ever insult me btw"
>thinks boogie is Sup Forums related
>doesn't expect every response to be projecting spergery
Serious question. How long does he have left?
>Waaahhh being fat is so hard
>"Well then diet"
>N...no... that's too hard too!
Either being fat is the worst thing ever, and then dieting should be a better alternative, or admit you're a lazy fuck and choose being a lardass over putting in literally any effort.
>Have a shitty childhood
>Use it for an excuse not to keep on a diet and continue gaining weight.
Is feeding your kids unhealthy food and making them fat abuse?
funny thing is, if you don't keep working your legs forever you will get knee damage which can only be repaired by exorcising them.
The muscles grow around the area, and when you stop, they atrophied. The lack of muscles then causes pain and damage in the area, which is solved by re-bulking the area
Do people even understand how fucking hard it is to even get fat?
If you get in that state and you are below the age of 35 and don't pay for your own insurance, you need to go
his mother hit him with a hammer
He literally didn't though. He voted 3rd party because he lived in Arkansas and his vote didn't matter anyway.
yes, but nobody will acknowledge this.
A friend of mine has a few similar problems.
He was born with advanced arthritis, so his joints are in constant pain, and he has Fibromyalgia. And he enjoys his pizza and soda.
He is one of the most physically fit people I have met in my entire life. He works out daily, and makes sure to eat healthy inbetween his binge eating days. The guy is a professional athlete.
But boogie can't work out because people said mean things to him once when he was a kid.
Yes. I dont want to make excuses for fat people but parents shouldnt teach their kids bad habits that can be hard to break
did it bounce?
so what?
that's not child abuse unless it's repeated over a relatively long period of time with a malicious intent
Talking about past traumas for the sake of pity is pretty disgusting. Especially on the internet.
Not surprising coming from someone who idolises his obesity.
>sit on ass
>eat chips
nigga what
not bad
these 5's that's what he meant
No one will ever learn this, user.
What did he mean by this?
Did she throw it at him or just hit with it?
>it's not child abuse to hit your kid with a fucking hammer unless you do it more than once
Then what the fuck is it?
I think he's saying that it's hard to get as obese as he is.
Like you have to be committed to being a fatfuck.
When you weigh that much, you can eat 2800 calories a day, not work out, and still lose weight.
To maintain that size you have to keep eating tons of garbage.
That's why no one sensible buys his bullshit about not losing weight.
Not to mention the guy OP posted has had free help from professionals to lose weight, yet he refuses to do shit
>that's not child abuse unless it's repeated over a relatively long period of time with a malicious intent
Are you retarded?
>tagging your youtube videos with generic meme shit is "search engine optimizations"
>it's not child abuse unless it happens multiple times
Are you stupid? If your parent purposely hits you with a hammer to harm you that is definitely child abuse. If you were an adult would you say it's not domestic violence cause it happened only once? Fucking idiot.
>i dont have my parents anymore but I'm still being abused pls help@!@
Guys my mom abused me thats why I drink mountain dew all day
That's all it takes to get thousands of patreon shills?
I better get to work then.
according to the story she beat down his door with it asnd then swatted him in the head
his mother was a MEGA BITCH
People get fat because they're overfed as kids.
You stretch the stomach and adjust a person to eating too much. They feel pain when hungry and eat to alleviate it.
its a lot easier to not cringe up vomit once you realize he's probably grown up since the 4 years this happened
>Woe is me
Can you be more pathetic
Also fuck off with eceleb garbage
Waifu thread?
>he's probably grown up since the 4 years this happened
I highly, highly doubt it
makes logics in my brain do a nod of agreement.
hes a lib. they can all burn
another effect of this is parents ordering their kids way too much food and forcing them to eat it
damn...how does he do it all?
You'd be right.
niggas turning into that pointing bitch from like 4 years ago or watever.
How the fuck do you get teeth like that when you are under 30?
>I can't lose weight because muh joints
When will this meme end? Diet is 90% of losing weight, at Boogies size it's 99%.
My mama beat me with a tube
It's not a big deal lad.
Bullshit. I was a fat kid and had a six pack at 18.
>Screencap my cry for attention and make a thread about it on Sup Forums
>people who disagree with me should die
Cmon man dont be like them
You're an idiot.
Morbidly obese people don't feel pain when they're hungry, because they're honestly never hungry.
The problem is idle eating. People will sit in front of the TV and just gorge themselves on bag fulls of junk food without even paying attention to how much they're eating.
>forcing them to eat it
> they're overfed as kids.
you don't say?
I used to be the kid who never ate and I always had like 10% body fat growing up
I got more now, but only like 13-14%
what the FUCK is that
>This fat sack of wasted human potential imagines in his own head that he actually performs anything that could be described as work
Jesus Christ the west is doomed
>at 10 years old, had to wrestle a knife out of my mom's hands when she cut her wrists over the kitchen sink
>still at the healthy weight
Didn't LowTierGod or whatever the fuck actually get molested by a male family member? Dude's shredded as fuck and probably went through 10x more than booger.
Fuck the fat blob
She actually looked cuter as a guy
What the fuck
lol you're dumb my man
Why does Sup Forums have such a hate boner against him?
Yeah, you just have to go to a Chinese buffet 5 times a week. I bet this fat cunt guzzles down soda though.
He probably loved it
Eating your own shit probably helps
are you all illiterate or something?
>repeated over a relatively long period of time
if it was just once it's not child abuse
if she did it multiple times then it is
learn to read retard
I don't care about him as an individual, I just hate most fatties.
The only fatties who are ok are the ones who got fat from a high paying, low moving job and pays for his own healthcare
The "you have to finish your plate" meme is partly responsible for this.
I'm just imagining a 10 year old LTG shouting get that ass banned when he's being touched up.
Nice blog, queer
That he died recently
Oh boy another twitter screencap thread.
Fat people deserve to be hated
What do you think about thin people?
He won that video game award or something for being a youtuber - but his only thing is that he's ridiculously fat as though this represents people who play video games.
I lived on top of a chinese fast food joint for a few years and ate mostly their food, never got fat
>voting for trump
don't cut yourself on that edge, son
ugly cunt
>Fat people only eat when they're hungry
>People can't fill their stomach with high volume low calorie items like VEGETABLES
Not much longer judging by that pic of his feet and lower legs that shows evidence of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and impending heart failure. I wouldn't give him more than another 5 years.
Ugly and weak.
You can literally smell the fucking sweat that hasn't seen the light of day in several years from under his dozens of fat flaps when you so much as look at a charicature of him, no self respecting person wants to be around someone like that.
He's fucking slowly killing himself and people think they're doing the right thing by enabaling and defending his behavior. They don't want him to get better, they want themselves to look good.
Yes it is child abuse even if it happened only once. Are you retarded?
>advanced arthritis
>professional athlete
no team would ever pay the insurance for a walking teacup like that
what if he's not even America retard.
no u didnt
Neck yourself