Shit you do when playing the vidya

>leaning forward when making a difficult jump

>Defend a game with my dying breath when it becomes a decade old because I never grew up

>have the same recurring thought over and over again while playing vidya

When I get frustrated with a part I close the game and do something else for 15 min - half an hour. Then I try again.
Also what OP is describing. You should see me when I'm playing any of the Ace Combat games.

>Yell as I die and restart the level.
>Cuss at the screen when I die.
>Give the screen one middle finger.
>Give the screen two middle fingers.
>Slam my fist on the desk a few times.
>Let out a massive victory shout after completing something extremely difficult.

When I win battles in JRPGs I tend launch my arm forward and click my fingers. Like a victory animation I guess?

Yep - that's me in Dark Souls 1 (Anor Londo) and World 4 (I think?) in Demon's Souls (Tower of Latria). FUUUUUUUUUU, I HATE HEIGHTS!

Jump when trying to get out of an AoE in MMOs.

>literally ducking my head when something flies over my player's head ingame

I can't explain this shit, it's instictive.

Pretty standard... lol.

>leaning backward when enemy is about to slash you
mount&blade. everytime.

>talking like I'm doing a livestream
>putting my thumb below the head of my and smelling it during cutscenes
>punching a pillow when I die

I have this really bad habit of holding my breath when making an impossible jump, or when falling down from a huge height. I don't know why... started noticing it happened last gen.

play five minutes
alt tab to shitpost on Sup Forums for eight hours
tab back into game
game crashes

>About to get shot by a sniper in a FPS
>Duck in real life to not get shot

I always say "uff" or "ow" when I see something that looks like it really hurt my character

literally me right now

>lean forwards and downwards when trying to squeeze in between some hazardous shit

>complete mission
>shove hand into underwear and fondle my balls while the game loads
>sniff fingers vigorously and then masturbate

You don't want to see me playing scary games
I already jumped numerous times while playing Wolfenstein the New Order with those sudden events

When the merchant in RE4 greeted me, I always replied to him out loud. It annoyed my dad when I played it in front of him. I did it unconsciously.

>tense my entire lower body when flashing in for a risky ult

every time playing a platformer. swear to god this is the last try. as soon as i die i try again and swear the same thing

Slightly tilt my head to see up a ladder. Mostly during BF4

why the fuck do I keep doing it. I even try to restrain myself yet still keep doing shit like that when Im concentrated. Is it autism?

What OP said and this.
First two and small victory shout.

I also talk to myself to keep tabs on important stuff or get annoyed at bullshit deaths.

assfag spotted

>Head protrudes forward while concentrating.

Ima fuck up my posture

I always fap after defeating hard Bosses

Holy shit I thought I was the only one who did this
Even if it's a game I played as a kid I still remember the specific thought

>press controller against ass or dick when it vibrates

>whisper to myself as if i was talking to twitch chat while live streaming
>always freak out when i get caught doing it

>bash desk when i miss the jump while bhopping

>clear throat before talking to a character ingame

>i have to be fully naked when i get the 100% completion achievment, its a ritual

is it autism or autism?

>play as sniper/other class that depends on precision
>hand always shake at the important moment
Some days I am god as widomaker or McCree, but most of days I am not because of that.

You can correct it. Want a link?

Double autism.


That's mental retardation.

Naked in the game or in real life?
This is important.

is it about how you fucked up with a girl?

I used to touch the four corners of the screen on my PSP during loading screens but I stopped at some point.

>rock my leg up and down when game gets intense

It probably looks autistic as hell but I can't help it.

Bite my tongue when I'm focused on something. I do it unconsciously.

>whisper to myself as if I was talking to twitch chat while love streaming
I do this a lot. If I'm playing some sort of multiplayer I'll often shoutcast the game, too.

I do this 24/7 regardless of if I'm playing vidya or not, it's a problem.

>sniping long distance
>lean within 6 inches of screen looking for moving pixels

>pretend I'm actually commanding my troops from my HQ in any RTS
>go through the safety precautions when using a nuke/superweapon (flip open glass covered launch button, insert key, flip switches, etc)
>wear a Castro hat while playing Tropico
>"All according to keikaku" when the AI falls into my traps, usually explosive in nature
>lean with my turns in racing games

i can relate

probably cause of my tiny monitor


>turn left to right when drifting
>tense up when falling from a high distance or crashing into something

It's fun

>Those first 2
You could probably get away with that in Natural Selection 2 and Grim Dawn.
the later is utterly fucking dead, tho and NS2 isn't far behind.

>playing multiplayer shooter
>see enemy
>neck muscles tense up

>tense up when falling from a high distance

Getting vertigo from a game is so weird but it happens. First person or 2d platformers, don't matter, happens.

bust nuts

>Clench my anus is concern at the unknown when diving deep in Subnautica


hell yeah it is, went from having a hot russian girl chasing me and having alot of interest but i acted needy and and like a little bitch and gave her all the power and now shes ignoring me and being cold.

life fucking sucks right now


I've been sweating like crazy. Just started happening.

>lean left or right when character is peering around a corner

>lose a unit/get spotted/die
>quit game and restart

only in singleplayer of course, I'm not a scrub

>say one "one pepperon" after doing something cool in vidya

This happens to me but only when playing fighting games

Shit is weird

>write gg ez after winning a match

>playing game with some kind of RNG
>all of sudden your character starts having some insanely bad luck
>get killed like a bitch
>starts physically noping while closing the game
>NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE i ain't taking this shit
I used to break actually break hardware in pure rage, at least being more self conscious helped with that

Watch TV

Any game with character creation I make the same OC I have been using for 9 years now and either pretend it is another adventure or different universe.

I think I take escapism too far.

Do video commentary over gameplay even though I'm alone just like I used to when I recorded SNES footage directly to VHS as a kid

>tfw you're suddenly interrupted during a cutscene and have no clue if you can pause it

Sometimes when I rage I punch my own face until I calm down.

I like that

I used to do the same, do you have self-esteem problems?

>Make a super sharp turn or really long jump

>play game for 15-30 minutes
>"okay that's good, time for a break"
>go to Sup Forums
>check the first page
>Hey look a roll thread
>Vidya waifus
>give a console a shitshow, hey this is fun
>"welp, time to play games again"
Every time

Yes please.

>playing pokémon
>give them personalities
>imagine them talking to you
>create new dialogue sessions in your head everytime you reach a new town
>congratulate them and give them a thumbs up/send kisses when they sweep entire teams

kill yourself my man.

>playing pokemon
>self insert into a specific pokemon instead of the trainer
>fight for your waifu trainer and alongside your pokemon bros

>if the game has multiple playable members, always play as the main character unless I absolutely have to use one of the others
I do this a lot in games like Ys Seven or any Mario game where you can play as someone other than Mario. Anyone else do this?

>guts and balls drop when falling from a very high place either in 1st or 3rd person
>close doors manually when being a dick ass thief if the game allows it
>bob head to an imaginary beat when shit starts getting real

I did this almost the entire time I played through ClusterTruck

>Jump from really high place to a sure death or something i expect to deal huge damage or kill me
>Balls retract

Touhou in a nutshell.

On racing games, I move my head around to the inside of the turns. Same shit on flying games. Nearly went motion sick from Ace combat.

>First person game
>take a long drop down a tower/mountain/platform
>accelerate falling
>stomach drops and vertigo kicks in

I don't even hate heights that much


I know how you feel.
The worst part is that i dont fear highs, im a pilot.

But instead my stomach my balls feel like they want to run.
Im not even shitposting, this is what i feel.

>kill myself on purpose while playing as a female character to get rock hard at their dying screams
>go and look up porn of that female character and masturbate furiously
I always feel like a degenerate when I do that though...

When I'm directly disputing skills with a friend or something, like a 1v1 match for example, my torso starts aching a lot.

>fear of heights

This is getting more and more common. At least on an local airstrip, you sure would love flying on an ultralight :^)

>play racing games with one eye closed
>shout "DIP" repetitively when running away from in-game enemies

I do the same. And when I need to get behind cover or dodge something I lean/violently throw myself in the direction I need to go.

I do it too sometimes.
Focus exclusively on my target in FPS games to the point where I legit can see anything else.
Like I focus my eyes on whomever I am shooting at. Bounce my leg if I start to lose but if its apparent my leg stops bouncing and I always 100% lose a match if this happens.

>Tense situation in a tactical shooter
>Lean in my chair when peeking corners

>game with diving mechanics
>look down
>empty, dark abyss
>Alt + F4

In mario I always chose Luigi.

>playing a game cs go with my friends
>grunt each time i jump
>don't notice i do this
>half way through one of my friend brings it up and they all laugh
>mute my mic the rest of the game
I do this once and now they all make fun of me for it. Why am i so fucking autistic sometimes?Swear to god

Im just a crop duster pilot.
My fear are actually overhead power lines.

Its a game man dont let it fuck with you. Honestly you should keep doing it because it will eventually become standard for them. They may even start to do it with you as well.

Have you tried laughing with them? Maybe grunt in tense moments to get them to crack up.

Tough shit. Had a friend on my country's air Force, said there were some common crashes by some dumbasses flying low and hitting power lines.

I kept jumping up in my seat every time I fell a huge distance in Dishonored 2. I'd feel my heart rate spike too.

>do a battle cry along with my soldiers after a solid fight
mount and blade

>said there were some common crashes by some dumbasses flying low and hitting power lines.
So far 2 pilots i used to know have died this way, its really common.

suddenly needing to pee when i get to a boss