The Binding of Isaac Thread

Are you going to give Edmund your money again, user?

After he timegated content you paid for, called you an idiot and purposefully added frustrating mechanics back into the game he took out of the original?

Surely this time it'll be different.

This game is boring as fuck and for autistic fags like that egghead youtube cuck with the ugly asian girlfriend

stop projecting user

Jokes on you

I won't pay anything for it. :^)

no, this is like the 4th time he tried to resell the same game. He really needs to make a new series or finish up mewgenics

>purposefully added frustrating mechanics back into the game he took out of the original
Which mechanics are those?

What i thought it was a free update to afterbirth

>le projection
user the game is shit and asian girls are hideous

Non fighting puzzle rooms - step on this switch to turn off the turrets and spikes

rooms with explosive barrel chains which require at least +2 speed to not take damage from

anything that relates back to his shitty original loz theme he had for isaac in the original

balancing around expecting every player to be overpowered every run resulting in snowbally drawn out bullshit like rag man

I'm sorry user....

Sounds like you need to get good desu senpai

nah I'm busy having fun in EtG and enjoying not gagging while doing so

>Are you going to give Edmund your money again, user?

>Afterbirth made the game worse and barely had any content
>now Edmund wants me to pay again in order to fix his shit

Nah. He can fuck himself.
Everyone is playing Antibirth now anyways.

>Create puzzle rooms which slow the game down
>Introduce super armor onto bosses for whatever reason
>Make even more new content for the 1% of hyper autists who liked playing The Lost and balance the game around them
>The Keeper existing
>Greed mode being required to unlock all the items even though it's fucking shit
>Hard mode literally not hard just gives you less drops forcing frustration
>STILL didn't fix the difficulty disconnect between alternate floors a-la wotl
>Burning Basement is somehow more difficult than regular Depths

I feel like a sucker for buying Afterbirth, it's so fucking bad

mewgenics never ever

tommy probably dead from cancer by now anyway

>Buy Afterbirth
>its shit
>refund it
>start the game again after some time
>Afterbirth is still there

>Afterbirth+ Mod tools are so shit that the Antibirth devs are more confident that it'd be easier to port Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ to their mod instead of the other way around

>asian girls are hideous
I'm sure your bitch is gorgeous

>After he timegated content you paid for
He didn't do that, it was a bug.

>called you an idiot
Didn't do that either.

Why do you lie?

>anime girls are hideous
>on an anime image board
so what was it like spending your childhood in leddit?

>buying afterbirth
>when antibirth exists
no thanks

can i pirate it?

I'll buy it on sale when mods are made to remove all the fucking retarded bullshit, and mods to make the non-alternate floors harder to compensate.
If that doesn't happen, I'll just keep playing antibirth then. Fuck edmund.

Here's your (You)

can confirm kilburn (coding dev) has said so multiple times.

>He didn't do that, it was a bug.
no it wastn't the keeper wasn't even in the game when afterbirth first released, je put small hints slowly because the fucker was still asshurt that Dataminers ruined his super secret lost unlock hints on the first day

daily reminder to not play this game

>>Greed mode being required to unlock all the items even though it's fucking shit
Greed mode is awesome fuck yourself. But i don't have anything to say regarding the other points.

>ugly asian girlfriend
k8 is a m8

Not an argument
>anime girls are asian
Anime girls anime girls and anime is for low test sissies.

Keeper was the only thing that was meant to be kept out, along with his unlocks.
Everything else being left out was a bug.
Of course, he should have just said that initially instead of acting like it was intended.
The roundtable podcast with edmund has it all.

Anime girls are anime girls I meant
They are not a race.
It's like saying Goofy is white. Goofy is goofy.

Literal alien cranium

i have over 1000 hours in isaac and im not going to be buying it. Afterbirth was a disgrace - the co-op babies, the shitty ARG, the community management via Tyrone, the useless content like neutral pills, usless trinkets, literally useless items like loki baby, and the straight up lies regarding new content such as a 'new floor' which was 2 treasure rooms, a shop and a boss fight.

>buying unofficial hacks
no thanks, I'll stick with Antibirth

Isaac Rebirth is the best release and Antibirth is essential the true WotL of Rebirth.

Afterbirth was a shitty cashgrab that devalued the game and Afterbirth+ doesn't fix anything.

I'll watch Northernlion play it but I don't like playing BoI

Personally the mod basically saved isaac, I hate how they put in original isaac elements into it though.

insults aren't projections you fucking moron

they don't have to be

>this is the final version of ''this version'' of Isaac

Edmund will release yet another Isaac standalone version next year i guess.
This time with COOP/MP in primary focus and without the pixels.

I love how the rebirth devs including edmund said online co-op would be extremely difficult to make, while the nuclear throne devs said the same thing, but a guy perfectly modded that game to have online co-op.

The puzzle rooms in Antibirth are completely out of the way, and you only have to do them once.

>will have to play Greed mode again

I don't mean those, I actually appreciate those. I mean I hate how they brought stuff back like the devil deal non-sense from the first game with one red heart and taking a two heart devil deal but with soul hearts, however I suggested the dev's something else instead of that mechanic and it might be considered.

That happened in Rebirth too. That was the only good change included in Afterbirth besides extra item synergies.

wait that was still a thing in rebirth? I cannot remember if it is in rebirth because of afterbirth and I'm an idiot completionist.


>and I'm an idiot completionist.

Me too

I've been grinding out the remaining post-it note symbols and unlocking SO MANY BABIES. Just need to clear Mega-Satan with Lazarus, Boss Rush with Lilith, both with the Keeper, and everything (except Hush) with Lost.

I didn't even bought rebirth. Fuck Edmund.

how did someone so perfect as egg not get with me?

Edmund's already milking Isaac once again, this time being a spin-off game about Bumbo

But Nuclear Throne is dead, and so is /ntg/.
The pain remains, comrade.

Hey Fatmund, Antibirth makes Afterbirth look like a fucking joke, are those tools you're hiding behind a paywall going to challenge it?

Yeah, she's pretty ugly, but if they're happy, I'm happy for egg. Her voice is cute at least.

Good luck, dude. I had to Cheat Engine the Greed Donation Machine to get Keeper, then use a mod to give him Swallowed Penny and Head of the Keeper as starting items to make him playable so I could get his unlocks and achievements. Before that, I had to Alt F4 my way through entire Lost runs before Holy Mantle and the other shit to get Lost achievements and unlocks. Each Lost run from start to goal boss took, I shit you not, 3-5 hours each.

I have friends that live in europe and stuff so it has it's mileage with me. and yeah it's sadly dead =(

This game was never good and i never paid for it, so i'm going to continue with what's worked so far.

I remember an edit of that pic where it said "I'm gonna need TWO revolves for this one!"

I still have a folder of like 30 Nuclear Throne reaction images and edits. I don't want to delete it, but it still hurts.

Jesus christ you suck at the game. I can understand the donation machine (could've just downloaded a mod) but the rest, holy shit

I still regret nothing.

>Nuclear Throne was completely abandoned
>Gungeon is doomed to die a slow death, due to the devs not understanding the definition of "deadline"
>Afterbirth+ is guaranteed to be worse than a fucking free mod

This whole "genre" is about to crash and burn

Death road to Canada's pretty alright. Surprised NL hasn't played it yet.

wat game

nigga we've said it's name like 5 times, nuclear throne

I wanted to like Nuclear Throne so much more but the bullshit deaths got on my nerves.

>Get to snowy area
>Spawn next to car
>Enemy immediately shoots it

>Get to giant robot dog boss
>Realize I spawn in a corner with the dog blocking my only way out
>Three laser sights from off-screen point at me immediately

>Last level before Nuclear Throne
>Kicking ass
>Realize the game has stopped dropping ammo for my weapon types
>Run out of ammo at the Throne

he already made a specific post saying what is in it and it already looks better than afterbirth was
i haven't bothered with the antibirth meme either so i don't lose anything but a subway sandwich's worth of money to get it

>all the antibirth shilling in this thread

Have any of you actually played it? But seriously, it's not that bad, there's just too many bugs for me to even be able to enjoy it. It has seriously crashed nearly every single time I've played it, and that's on top of a bunch of other gameplay bugs. Also, it just feels like a fanmade expansion to me. Yeah it looks really well made, but I don't feel like any of the new floors really fit in with the original theme.

I hate nuclear throne, hence why I have more than 100 hours in game. the game's RNG can really rape you alot, along with my biggest issue with the game: no invincibility frames

I feel kinda bad for Edmund.

I wouldn't call it shilling, everyone just hates afterbirth alot

stop repeating this bullshit, it was NOT like that in default rebirth
the lead dev of antibirth deliberately changed it to make the game harder

Why does everyone hate Afterbirth so much? I thought it was pretty solid

I don't really understand all the afterbirth hate, but I guess I don't really pay attention to the hype train or the community all that much anyway.

I have 400 hours in afterbirth


I have over 200 hours in afterbirth, and I still hate it. It primarily exists to waste your time, so getting to hush and boss rush (especially on newer characters) is a pain in the ass.

>NL majorly fucks up
>Goes completely silent

Not trying to be a dick, but I'd say I get to boss rush and hush like 95% of the time, I don't think it's really that difficult.

still always gets me too when I see highlights like that

I haven't seen his videos in a while, good to know he finally learned enough about the game to recognize when he fucks up.

Naw it's cool, I'm the type that really likes to get the most out a floor (but I don't waste my time) ex: going back to tinted rocks that are 6 rooms away. It sounds like a waste of time to some, but stuff like ragman, and run where you don't get alot of damage upgrades or get super unlucky and no special items and it takes forever to kill anything.

Ragman as a first floor boss is fucking retarded, so is burning basement, it's fine if you're experienced, but this is just insanely stupid for new players.

>Rebirth has less new content than WotL
>Afterbirth has even less new content than Rebirth
>Afterbirth+ has confirmed even less new content than Afterbirth

Yes. I'm gonna buy it.
Why? Because I don't learn from my mistakes and know I can completely fix the game after a few days with the mod tools assuming nobody beats me to it.
>No more Floor 1 Curses
>Disseminate the mob pools a bit so that different floor types, Cellar v. Basement, feel different and have different payouts
>Cellar has far more annoying enemy types compared to Basement, what with the fucking Dick Speed Spider Bullet Sponges of Satan, so reasonably, you should get a bigger payout too
>Item Rooms on this floor would automatically have There's More Options and TMO would double it again
>Etc. etc. Laundry list of stuff and things, reworks and removals, replace all the Baby Unlocks with items

ragman has as many attack like a first floor boss, but way to much fucking hp for a first floor boss.

>people calling egg man bad names in this thread

how dare u

They're creatively bankrupt. I'd rather that then

>500000 NEW ITEMS

And 499999 are recolored babies

Had 90 hours in the original BoI, bought Rebirth and logged about 30 hours before getting bored (never got any DLC), downloaded Antibirth and I've pretty much doubled my playtime since then.

God bless those modders.

Most of those mods already exist.
Didn't you know Isaac modding has been a thing since the original game?

I was going to do the same with basement renovator to remove all the retarded rooms in the game, but I'm going to do the same.

Yes, I'm aware, but I'm too lazy to go get them.

Haven't crashed once, haven't run into any bugs, the new floors are fucking sick.

50 hours logged in the mod so far.

That's pretty lazy.

>works for me

I'm so lazy I can't even finish this post with a

Can anyone agree with me the best new boss in antibirth is wormwood?

Stop being so lazy!

I d

Don't forget the worst offender.
>he's a first floor boss
>shows up 9/10 runs
>a massive bullet sponge
>spawns even spongier enemies
>not a single interesting attack
I absolutely refuse to play Rebirth without Judas or rerolling into a good first item because he just takes so long to kill otherwise.

The best new boss in antibirth is the uninstall button