OMORI - 2017 Trailer

this is parody without trying to be parody

unless the creators meant for it to come off as that, which is a possibility, albeit a small one

Pretty great looking for a RPGMaker game and I fucking love the monster design.

It has a cutesy exterior with this creepy sort of vibe around it that I love.

The music is really good for setting the mood. I'm really excited for the game. The art is amazing.

I love it, it's cute but there is just something unsettling about it.

RPGMaker games continue to be absolute gems it's a shame they never get the attention they deserve.

You can see the inspiration from OFF, another RPGMaker gem that never got the right amount of attention it deserved.

>this blatant shilling
>post count not even going up with each of these posts

Reminder that this RPGMaker game made $200K from kikestarter and was delayed for two fucking years with no explanation

How do you fuck up so hard with that much cash and an RPGMaker game?

They switched engines in the middle of development.

great thread you got there OP, try to be a little more subtle next time.

what engine?

Yea though this is definitely going for a much more cutesy world but I feel the OFF inspiration from the few monster encounters in the vid.

Are you blind?
The dev team switched from VX Ace to MV, causing most of their work to become trashed and it had to be remade for the new engine. Recently, an update for MV came out that ruined their plug-ins, the reason for the delay.

Undertale, OFF, and this all come off as trying to mimic EarthBound/M3 without having any authentic inspiration behind them.

Itoi is a genuinely novel person. His games don't impose their weirdness on you like they're trying to get you to notice it.

The impression I get from every last line of dialogue, every last character, ever last hipster fucking trash theme, is that the intention is for me to go "Wow, haha! That's so weird. That's so quirky. I'm gonna hang out on fan boards and chatrooms and talk amongst my friends about this game and make references to it! We're all gonna sit around and make references. And that's how I'll be able to tell which people are part of my tribe! They'll understand the references."

Undertale is really good tho. Memeing aside.

Got lovable characters and shapes how we as consumers thinks about games and the characters inhabitatinf these worlds.

Why not just use the old versions?

MV is better in every way.

>shapes how we as consumers thinks about games
I like undertale too but fuck off, that was easily the worst part of the game, trying to force its bullshit morality system to make you feel bad for killing pixels

Its not forced at all when the entire game is built around that idea.

You know, OMORI is more than a game, right?
There's a webcomic and stuff.

I'm hardly surprised. Games like these are essentially just pretenses for clubhouses and fandoms to be formed around them.

I wouldn't say that EB doesn't hit you over the head with it's weirdness. The game starts off weird and never really hits the breaks. Though I would say it's weirdness is much more grounded than any of the other examples. EB feels like it's strange world is partially due to the fact that you're seeing this world from the eyes of a kid.

I never got the impression that OFF had any sort of connection to EB. Sure, both games have you exploring weird worlds (One being much weirded than the next) but being odd/quirky doesn't mean it's EB inspired.

I've just never got the impression that these games are being quirky just so people can talk about them. Sometimes it's just enjoyable to explore or interact with worlds that aren't the norm.

That's not only incredibly pessimistic but sounds just plain dumb having a game come from a pre-existing concept (whether it's a book/comic/tv show/movie) it's not exactly a new idea.

Doesn't matter, if they made a kickstarter with an intended release date they shouldn't just scrap everything each time an update comes out