1. Type "(the last game you played) + meme" in google images
2. Post a result



I Have no idea what this has got to do with skyrim

disappointed desu



you didn't look that up at all you nigger faggot.


looks about right for skyrim




I don't know what's worse, the terrible "joke" or the amazingly bad image quality.

>Write Skyrim Rage comic





People remember that Joker outside "MOM'S GONNA FREAK"?


Darn should I feel bad I actually laughed at the mareep?

I wanted to laugh, not to feel

can't have a no man's sky meme without, well, no man's sky


Divinity: Original Sin.



Thanks. When I hear about a game where you meet a talking shell that asks you to throw it into water and it's so meaningful that someone thinks for 20 minutes whethee or not to do it, I know I must play it.

Fuck you for making me want this.

This is the only one that even remotely understood the concept of comedy.


This one was actually pretty good.

It isn't funny or anything but at least I'm not angry




could have been worse i guess




dont know if this is a game or not



>thread full of reddit memes

Sup Forums has changed

you just wanted a reason to post this you cheeky nigger



This must be bait.



only le best

This is so ridiculous, I just can't stop laughing


>fucking 9gag

that shit was the only thing to make me laugh


This is a stealth datamining thread, isn't it?

Oh well.


Makes perfect sense actually

fuck, that's good

faust please


That one made me laugh out loud.


Ugh, I fucking heard that.

meant to reply to


>Momodora Meme
All I get are youtube thumbnails and napkin drawings.



I searched this in a private tab. Just so the internet doesn't know I searched for memes.



>doesn't even use the meme right


Some of you will get it.

Honestly that image is classic and not cancerous at all



Only problem is I wasn't a child.

Aw yeah, guilt free shit meme posting

Slightly familliar. What's that?





stop posting

This is actually pretty accurate.

Except the t piece is better than the L piece every single time


Too soon




Lockout from Halo 2


pokemon y

The Finnish are the most autistic people on the face of the planet
What other race could have come up with "le american bear :DDDDD"

not terrible

Jesus fuckin christ, too cringey.