>copy TF2 in every conceivable way
>even have "meet the" movies outside of the game
>the name overwatch is literally the name of the police in HL2
>hailed as the greatest thing ever
I see why Valve gave up on making games
>copy TF2 in every conceivable way
>even have "meet the" movies outside of the game
>the name overwatch is literally the name of the police in HL2
>hailed as the greatest thing ever
I see why Valve gave up on making games
>I see why Valve gave up on making games
Because they just milk fucking Steam, CSGO, Dota 2 and Dead Fortress.
It doesn't have to be HL3 - anything new from them is good. No, 7,00 doesn't count, neither do meaningless updates to CS and TF
What game has valve released recently that's been good or hasn't been fucked by patches?
Half Life 2.
>Half Life 2.
What game has valve released recently
>episode 2 came out 9 yrs ago
I think even the lore is copy pasted (Overwatch is the name of the organization they work/worked for).
The only exception is that Ovewatch writing is all gay shit relationships/ex-relationships between the characters, whereas TF2 had some smart humour and banter between them, and they all had very unique personalities.
>Decide to copy TF2 heroes wholesale
>Realize that some playstyles are completely broken within context of the game
>Only 4-9 characters actually viable
In the last decade
how long has it been since they even murmured about half life?
It's also better than TF2 in every conceivable way. It's revived a genre. What's your point?
>Russian tank
>Sniper with a jar of piss
>Rocket boosting soldier
>Speedy character that is chatty
>Invisible character that can hack sentries
>Character that lobs grenades and has a funny accent
>Healer that has a beam weapon
I mean come the fuck on.
>It's also better than TF2 in every conceivable way.
2 words: character customization.
lol absolutely no way
TF2 had better writing, humour, voice acting, art style, gameplay, skill ceiling, community servers, soundtrack (which was fucking amazing), trailers, and community.
Who's the least worst these days?
Blizzard or Valve?
Your game is dead, dude. Move on already.
>better than tf2
You mean they created a clone of tf2 that is dumbed down to the nth degree, horribly unbalanced, and has one of the lowest skill ceiling of any current fps?
>>Rocket boosting soldier
who did they mean by this
>3rd most played steam game
>"hurr durr, its dead!"
Soldier/Solider 76
>Take everything from TF2
>say it's all "inspired" and new
>Take mechanics and classes from Paladins
>Convince everyone they stole from you
>1:1 take HK-206 from Gigantic
>nobody knows about Gigantic so it's ok lol
Which was exactly what killed TF2. Vanilla TF2 was phenomenal. Spies actually needed skill not gimmicky weapons.
76 can't rocket boost
Not sure what valve has done recently or even in the past year that is worth mentioning.
They just maintain their exsisting games
He can actually. It's just not Quake levels of boost.
I mean in terms of customer service an caring about their games, blizzard far and away. If it's in terms of creating quality games, valve.
>creating games
they don't very often but when they do, it's amazing.
>Dota 2
>LITERAL copy of warcraft 3 custom map
Turnabout is fairplay.
Stop fooling yourself
Kanker op met je kk domme overwatch
Fuck no
>art style
Sweet jesus no
>skill ceiling
Holy shit neither game involves any skill
>community servers
Dear fucking god no
Once again, dear fucking god no
Once more into the no breach, no.
And one last time, no
You are fucking retarded.
But I haven't played TF2 in a very long while and I currently play Overwatch, dude.
sure convinced me
Yeah man because you claiming "nuh uh TF is better" is so much different. It's a matter of opinion, and I say your opinion is shit.
Nobody plays TF2 anymore except for third worlders and underage poorfags.
Who are you arguing with?
>Engineer character with sentry that's upgraded by hitting it
>Bow sniper that is about spamming and getting random headshots.
>Adorable but annoying w+m1 character that sprays an element
>Melee knight character that can charge for instakill
>Character that can literally uber-charge allies
Are they even trying? They're just taking weapons and alternate TF2 playstyles and turning them into characters.
>reinventing the wheel
lmao othats why ur a neet in ur jammies and valve is a giant building full of bitches
who gives a shit about having this massive lore and all these random xD lines for the characters to give the game more "personality" and "charm" when having better gameplay can do so much more
quake has none of that, it's from the mid-late 90s and it's a much better game, but it's not what's popular on youtube this week so nobody gives a shit
Are you fucking serious?
Are you actually going to tell me that Overwatch has higher skill ceiling (literally wait for Ult, press Q and win the game) than TF2, which has, among other things, rocket jumping?
Are you seriously going to tell me that TF2's soundtrack isn't superior in every single possible way? Just look at this youtube.com
Tell me a single Overwatch song that comes close. You can't. You know why? Because Overwatch barely has a fucking soundtrack.
The writing in Overwatch is painfully dull. None of the characters have any personality.
Go watch the TF2 Meet The Series. Overwatch also has nothing that even comes close.
And the rest of the characters? Who do they rip off in TF2?
>valve steals dota
>blizzard steals tf2
Not seing the problem
It's a lot worse than TF2 though.
Blizz just lucked out with marketing
>writing, humor, voice acting
the "meet the" series was novel, but hardly stands the test of time. if you're still "in to" team fortress's "storytelling," then you're either new, retarded or obtuse.
>art style
pixar ripoff desu.
>game play
wow, a hero-based shooter. how original.
>skill ceiling
how's silver treating you? lmfao.
>community servers
i'll give you that. a server browser is coming for OW, though, and i can only assume that community content creation will occur or even boom in the next year.
fucking what? it's a video game where you point a reticle at your opponent and press M1 until you win. the fuck are you on about?
see my original point.
fucking LOL. this is like the old Sup Forums vs. reddit debate. you're all retarded for thinking one is superior over another. you all play the same shitty games, you all have the same shitty opinions.
No because if you knew how to read you'd know that I said both games require no skill. They're easy fucking games, and sure I'll give you the soundtrack. That dull and tedius piece of shit wins by default because Overwatch doesn't have a proper soundtrack, but it's still a dull and tedius piece of shit.
The Meet the Series is also terrible. And the characters in TF2 have just the bare minimum of personality, just like Overwatch.
that song makes me orgasm
>hero-based shooter
what? it's a class based shooter you underage shitstain
fucking kill yourself
>I said both games require no skill
Did I argue otherwise? You're the illiterate one. I talked about skill ceiling, not skill floor. Fuck off.
Who gives a flying fuck anymore both are about loot boxes, skins and hats, and have shit mechanics. I mean for fuck sake they're games that emphasis pretending to have skill, that's why their so beloved. Get over it and realize these games are nothing better than cash grabs that make shit players feel good for landing unavoidable hit boxes.
Spray and pray is the name of the game which doesn't take shit for skill.
I could care less if they rip off valve or not. I just wish they could balance the game better. Bunch of tanks and two healers isn't a fun in an FPS. At least when the DPS are overpowered the game is actually about shooting.
Oh fucking god. Is that webm real? How's it end?
I'm gold in Overwatch with 30 hours played lol
How do you think? With both legs breaking.
>splits hairs, considers it an argument
sweet, par for the course for Sup Forums
nice we should team up buddy
The rest of the characters are useless filler.
Literally. No. Skill. Involved. What. So. Ever.
Oh cool so I can play the default TF2 cast and then a bunch of new characters. No downside there.
>then a bunch of new characters
Too bad the ones they didn't ripoff are completely useless.
Do you get free shit in TF2? I recall having to pay for it. Overwatch just has boxes and you only pay for them if you're retarded.
TF2 allows you to get all guns and shit for free and you can get hats randomly. I'd probably get every non-rare cosmetic if I paid OW's price tag, though.
you get free weapons and occasionally cosmetics, but you can buy keys and trade them for items, or you can open crates with them and get worthless garbage if you're an idiot
Totally man, nice argument. Explain how they're useless exactly?
The dude narrowly missed the rock and lands in the water, his only injury was a scraped elbow. Seriously.
if that makes you feel better about overwatch, let it be.
saw that one a while ago. the dude makes it. fucking barely, but he makes it into the water.
And if pretending that there is any skill involved what so ever helps you sleep at night, so be it.
>cartoon = Pixar
>doesn't know what a soundtrack is
>"fucking LOL."
>browses reddit
So this is the Overwatch audience.
You only pay for shit in TF2 if you're retarded.
OP is salty af. TF2 is dying. Overwatch is the new kid in town. Make peace with it.
TF2 copied the incredibles artstyle unabashedly
>is invested in video game soundtracks
you are a fucking loser nerd.
and stop acting like everyone on this godforsaken site doesn't go on reddit. you aren't cool. you are transparent.
I just wish Blizzdrones would be auto banned from Sup Forums honestly.
The shilling everytime Blizzard so much as farts is insane.
videogame soundtracks are music
if you are into music you'll like some soundtracks, retard.
>revived a genre
See the population in pic
>Holy shit neither game involves any skill
you go take on b4nny in a pub and see how you do. There is an ENORMOUS skill ceiling in TF2 youtube.com
>Dear fucking god no
Why is this an argument against letting the community run servers the way they want?
Oh I see, you're a tumblrtard.
>but hardly stands the test of time
how so?
>pixar ripoff desu
If you really believe that, then OW is just a TF2 ripoff with glowy shit. Moot point.
>wow, a hero-based shooter
A class-based shooter*
>how's silver treating you?
See youtube video displaying skill ceiling in TF2
>and i can only assume that community content creation will occur or even boom in the next year
You don't get to claim it as a point until Blizzard hurries the fuck up and does it
>the fuck are you on about?
TF2 has a better soundtrack than Overwatch, did you not hear him, retard? Now, I don't care that much about it either, but it's pretty obvious what he's saying.
>see my original point.
You didn't have a point, you just said "hardly stands the test of time", which is wrong given the evidence. All the Meet the Team videos still stand the test of time excellently and are quoted/copied around the Internet to this day.
>Overwatch was just Blizzard getting back at Valve for being alpha as fuck and helping Dota make its next itteration.
>Blizzard is too beta and run by numales to develop a million dollar esports scene for their game.
Oh well. Can't be that great if you get bought up by a fucking lifesucking publisher like Activision.
True, but who needs writing in a shooter? That's just fluff.
See above. Overwatch isn't trying to be humorous so it's not a fair comparison.
>voice acting
Same as the first two points. Irrelevant to a shooter.
>art style
This is a matter of opinion. I think TF2 looks too cartoonish, but OW strikes the perfect balance between realism and cartoon.
Not true. The classes aren't fun to play without ults and some classes (like Spy and Heavy) are underpowered
>skill ceiling
This is a buzzword used by tryhards to sound pro.
>community servers
With good matchmaking, you don't need these.
>soundtrack (which was fucking amazing)
What? TF2's music is low-budget jazz shit. OW has a professional cinematic score that wouldn't be out of place in a movie.
OW has genuinely touching and emotional stories while TF2 has some low-res model of a fat Russian talking about bullets. No contest.
>and community.
TF2 no longer has a community. Anyone who isn't too poor has upgraded to OW.
Soo ya. Basically all of your points are total bullshit?
>You have to say yes or you are tumblr!
Hm nice argument.
Except the skill ceiling thing is entirely true, and you're basically just baiting at this point. That, or you're a newfag.
Deadringer spy
Brass Beast Heavy. Sandvich included.
Sniper, duh.
Amputator Medic. Disciplinary Action Weapon.
Mini-Sentry engie. Engie teleporter.
Cow Mangler Weapon.
>wow, a hero-based shooter. how original.
You need to be atleast 18 too post on this website.
Also, yes. TF2 WAS sort of ''original'' when it came out becuase it broke new ground in its genre back in 2007 by combining the strenghts of a teambased shooter (like BF2) with a arena shooter (like Quake).
The way you compose yourself in the rest of your arguments makes me think that you are nothing but a butthurt fanboy that can't stand that tf2 is superior or equally matched in most aspects when compared with OW. I'm not saying that as a fanboy since I fucking hate Valve and TF2 with a passion, but it seems that you have not played vidya long enough too actually develop any sort of taste or perspective in the medium.
>OW has a professional cinematic score that wouldn't be out of place in a movie.
100% bait
>The classes aren't fun to play without ults and some classes (like Spy and Heavy) are underpowered
no they just require teamwork, shit-for-brains
the heavy is entirely designed with the medic in mind
If both games pit humans against other humans, how can one be more difficult? Well, I suppose one game could grant random critical hits for no fucking reason, turning every fight into a coin flip.....a feature of the game so broken that they had to turn it off for competitive play. Real skill-based game you've got there. OW is a deeper game, mechanically (ults, more heroes, more movement options), so it stands to reason that it has a higher skill ceiling. Which it does.
try listening to some of the music then, it's pretty good.
Nah, Heavy is designed around Attack vs. Defense maps and Highlander. He doesn't work in sixes because he's just not as 2fast2quick as the other classes.
Blizzard hasn't made a good game in over a decade.
heavy is much more effective with a medic though, the medic can use the heavy as a meat shield and the heavy can last much longer in direct fire while the medic is healing
they can work alone, but there's nothing like a medic paired with a heavy
that's fine and all, but you still suck penis if you think that a soundtrack makes or breaks a FUCKING SHOOTER.
>how so
the humor is so 2007 it hurts. like, i think they're a fine little time capsule. but the humor of TF2 isn't gut-busting or really a selling point imhotbqh.
>OW/TF2 glowy whatever
are you serious? look up the incredibles if you're really this underaged, because TF2 blatantly ripped off their style.
same difference
>skill ceilings
they're different games. being great at TF2 won't make you a god at OW. what's your point?
>Blizzard, etc
i agree. but let's please not pretend that blizzard reacting to community input is any different from valve reacting to community input.
i heard him, i understand him. i just find it hilarious that the soundtrack holds so much weight for him. it's a goddamn shooter dude.
>didn't have a point
see my original point in this post then. opinions gonna opine, i suppose.
how can i get mad about a free to play game that i already own and play? it's just stupid to even compare the two. sure, you can be a purist and prefer TF2. that's fine. but to honestly believe that blizz didn't improve on the concept with OW is absurd to me.
Are you implying that TF2's goofy theme is on the same level as this?
does the original TF2 designer (robert something) still work at Valve?
Dota to Dota 2:
>Dota's custom scenario was completely different to WC3's normal gameplay
>Blizzard was leaving Dota to rot
>Creator of the idea (Icefrog) got credit for his ideas and hired by Valve
>Valve then changed as many assets, names, lore, artstyle etc as possible to be almost completely unidentifable with Warcraft 3
TF2 to Overwatch:
>Overwatch was highly similar to TF2's basic gameplay
>TF2 still had/has tens of thousands of players and Valve was updating it tri-monthly
>Most credit Shillzard gave Valve for their ideas was Kaplan admitting """""""inspiration"""""" from TF2 in an interview
>Ok let's make ourselves distinct from TF2 by having... uh... a European healer dressed in all white who heals people with a glowy short-range lock-on beam
Have you people ever considered there being something such as two different games? Made by two different developers?
>Lol no hahaha
Amazing arguments you should run for the presidency in the US
>Valve was updating it tri-monthly
>he thinks adding community made hats are "updates"
God damn son, calm down.
You do know that you are baiting over the limit right now, right?
>Calls TF2 music "goofy"
>links me to le generic hollywood intro followed by south american folk party songs with no central theme to tie them together
you're either retarded or baiting
either way
last (you) you get from me
Jesus christ, the bait is unfucking real. Soldier himself has more movement options than the entirety of OW. Let's not even talk about how big OW's hitboxes are.
my biggest issue is the lack of creativity in the actual gameplay
its just exactly like tf2 when they stopped trying to make it a game about skill , and started shitting out 24/7 push maps
like, its fucking blizzard, you can't come up with some creative game modes?
some creative mechanics or anything creative?
just fucking characters and abilities like its a fucking moba then plop it down in the most bare bones shitty game imaginable? push forward and sit on a point to cap it?
robin walker? yes
In fact, he was the guy (along with two other guys) who created the entire Team Fortress mod for Quake back in 1996
I think out of the original Team Fortress team, he and another guy are still there, the other guy quit vidya
here is the Valve staff profile page, you should be able to find him by clicking "w".
Robin Walker oscillates between dota, tf2 and csgo from what I heard
it would be great if you could learn to operate Sup Forums before spouting your gay opinions everywhere
>haha given the option to change how you play on the fly is baaad. I hate having to adapt to a different play style
you sir are wasting good time on educating poor retards that would rather waste their money on keys so they can get 1 trillion refinied metal so they can buy 1/2 a hat