What happened?

What happened?

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It was released December 6, 2016.


A good sequel was made, but the cringy attitude of the developers is a turn off.

>A good sequel was made
>Time limit removed and survivor escorts arent even escorts
>Even less weapons than the previous entries
>Looks worse than DR1

>not even a month old and already half off

>What happened?

>no psychopaths

Don't get me started on this

this is the reason why there's a hole in my wall, This fucking game made DR3 look like a masterpiece

What "bosses" did they use then? Don't tell me there aren't any bosses. That would be be boring as hell.

Literally generic humans with weapons, nothing special

I...what? WHAT?!

So these people have lost the ability to make a character with personality?

Leafs, man

Those fucking leafs

Playing multiplayer fucks up your single player save and they're too busy with dlc to patch it.



You fight an evil santa claus with elves and larpers straight from sunset overdrive. What absolute liars.

What is the difference between a Maniac and a psychopath?

one is insane and the other is really fucking insane

>Frank is really mature
>Takes selfies while making silly faces
What's going on here?

They put people in charge who don't like Dead Rising

Because somehow a cop on a power trip or some racist rednecks are less real than some lunatics pretending they're knights or pirates?

Everything that made the original game good was removed.
>no danger
>no psychopaths
>no timer
>no escorts

All in favour of le wacky meme.
>cancerous meme characters spouting "comedy" dialogue
>retarded "combo" weapons destroying any sense of immersion

It's pure shit.

One is evil and the other is insane

Killing Frank at the end so unlikable, SJW bait journalist character can survive and talk shit about Frank before the end credits.
Unless you buy the upcoming Frank Rising DLC with the actual ending! Fucking leafs.

Shit like this makes me increasingly hate the people in my country every time it happens.

It's worse than you think, the plot contradicts previous games and lore.

Frank is now Francis West.
Barnaby was studying the Queens and Immortality before Santa Cabeza, therefore rendering his Motives mute in Dead Rising 1.
Dead Rising 2 OTR is apparently canon along side DR2.

And that's just the stuff I know, there is more that other people know.
Dead Rising 4 can NOT be Canon, it's impossible because DR2 OTR and DR2 can not work in the same story, they Contradict each other.

Original devs didn't work on Dead Rising 2 and up and it was all a huge mistake.

Actually IIRC a few core members of the DR1 dev team helped with 2. 3 is where those cucks in Vancouver had free reign.

I thought dead rising 2 is good? What's wrong with it? It's the only one i've ever played and I only played about 2 hours of it.

except for nobody fucking wanted that

It's simple, Dead Rising canon is now just 1 and OTR. Everything else is non canon.

3 would also have to be canon since everyone is immune to the original virus

>Killing Frank at the end so unlikable, SJW bait journalist character can survive and talk shit about Frank before the end credits.
wait what?
>Check it on youtube
>Its real
Jesus fuck, if we remove Canada from the world nothing of value would be lost right?
Also, i'm not sure if its because of the guy playing, but there was no fucking music playing, at all, not even in that shitty boss fight
They couldnt even try more harded to make it more shit.

A fucking leaf happened, and they also killed Frank in the process as well.

Nah, DR2 is good, but with the current direction of the series, many fans have been retroactively hating on it for a while.

It's different from 1, but 2 still has its own merits that make it an entertaining game.

I'm starting to think this was a sabotage from those SJW leafs to destroy the series, there's no other explanation

Why does Capcom outsource their IP to the west when nothing good has ever come out of it?

I thought 2 was kind of a clone of the first game, with the underground tunnels and the unfinished wing of the mall - all that. It's fun, it just feels like they weren't aiming very high.

Faggots like Jim Sterling demanding that Japanese studios give their IP's and let westerners make games with them.

i will never know why Sup Forums worships Jim Sterling

or any fucking e-celebs

>Capcom listening to Jim sterling


Not just him, but thanks to that fat fuck and his "journalist" buddies we got DmC.

Strider was pretty good.

It has co-op, vastly better survivor AI, and the combo weapons which while they render basic objects as useless they add a lot variety, replay value and fun to the game.

But I consider that the locations and character interactions aren't nearly as good as in the first game.

Yeah, I had that on my mind right after I posted it.

All I really wanted in the "remaster" of 1 was for the survivor A.I. to be tweaked a bit. Just enough so it gets rid of most of the frustration when escorting them but not enough so it completely takes away the personality the survivors had.

>Barnaby was studying the Queens and Immortality before Santa Cabeza, therefore rendering his Motives mute in Dead Rising 1.

Don't forget, he knew the outbreak already started at the mall but decided to go anyway as he had a machine in his basement that could cure the parasite.

Also, explanation for the new types of zombies is that infection is the 'original' strain of the parasite wasps. I guess when Carlito got his hands on them his first thought was to
make them shittier.

On the wasps, that reminds me. With making Barnaby a typical mad scientist after immortality, why would he use the DR wasps for it? You're not immortal, a wasp is using your body to breed their young.

How did DR4 fair anyways? I remember Sup Forums actively showing no hopes of the game being good, but throughout December I don't recall there being a single thread about it. Was it that bad or did not enough people care to buy the game?

At best, it's a dumb zombie smashing game.

It's complete shit.

What happened was that after an internal dev team with Inafune as producer made the first game, a separate team in Canada made the second, renamed their team and then continued making the rest of the series.
Watch any interview for DR4 and you can tell they just don't give a fuck about much else than killing zombies with crazy things and making everyone self-aware snarking assholes.

Steaming pile of shit. Ending has a "cliffhanger" where it's assummed Frank died but actually he didn't and the real ending for him is behind a paywall called Frank Rising and it's basically Overtime mode but a DLC and it's just about Frank needing to find Zombrex before he turns into a zombono

Or a grocery store worker with attachment issues, or a hotshot photographer with a big ego, or an opportunistic cult leader with an overstock on raincoats, or a loser pyromaniac with rejection issues.

A few of Dead Rising's psychopaths weren't the most realistic (convicts in a jeep somehow got to the middle of a mall?) but damn if they weren't all fucking memorable.

I'm glad MN9 backlash hit him real good, fuck that guy.

The sound glitched for me right before the final fight for the rest of the game, it's probably the same thing. I think it's an issue when you reach whatsherface right before she gets attacked, I'm pretty sure I died from being too far away from her but still moved on because I technically made it in time. These fucking idiots can't code for shit.

It was rushed to release in December.

The piss poor replacement for psychopaths, half the stores in the mall are closed, no co-op campaign, less combo weapons then previous games, I could go on.

Nah, Frank's not dead. Well, spiritually yeah he is but in context of the story overtime mode is DLC this time around.

He's still "dead" because Frank is not Frank as we know him, he's fucking LEAFED.

>tfw cliff hudson

the whole 'dickhead reporter who only cares about the story until he learns to care' arc for him seems like a real lazy retread of Frank's arc in DR1, but now with Frank as an unfunny memer.

Frankbros what the FUCK happened? Frank was BACK

pretty good was because capcom had DH on extremely short leash they basically did all the work that the jap higher ups wanted. The only thing that was their idea was the crazy amount of health you get

>co-op is entirely contained to its own mission-based campaign
>psychopaths yoinked out for boring maniacs
>frank is basically not frank and left to die for a true ending DLC

i'm glad they re-released Dead Rising 1 because I refuse to give a shit about this series' future anymore, DR2 isn't even playable in co-op anymore due to GFWL dying

That's not Frank

>Frank was BACK
Sadly it's not even the real one.

I can at least tell that it was shilled by Microsoft to the max.

It had posters in buses, displays at malls, and lots of advertising in social media.
They definitely expected the game to be their big seller this holiday, but I have the feel that it flopped as badly as Mirror's Edge 2, because no one even knew that it released and only a couple of fans talk about it just to shit on it.

horrible and they are trying to get old fans into it by adding hard and extreme mode
hard mode makes health regen a lot less when eating and weapons break faster
extreme mode does that but twice as hard

also I love how the canadian fucks think we are too stupid to get their message and have a zombie fucking tell you that humans are the real bad guys

I really hope Capcom takes it away from the Canadian studio, DR3 was pretty fucking bad and this makes it look like a goddamn 10/10 in comparison with all the shit they stripped from the series.

Frank isn't even his name, It's Francis Algernon West.

I love how the Protag's kept the K at the end (Frank, Chuck, Nick) but since Frank is actually Francis, the whole K shtick at the end of their names is irrelevant.

DR1 - Consumerism is bad.
DR4 - Humanity is bad.

My biggest gripe with the dead rising series is that everybody wants Frank as the main character.

>playing Dead Rising 1 since I got it for Christmas instead of Dead Rising 4 (thank god)
>Played it before on 360 but sold it years ago
>Know the tricks
>Know how to minmax
>Do a no-death run on my first go

It was an underwhelming feel. It kind of lacked the magic that Dead Rising should have.

Dead Rising 4
>hehe gimme fistbump

Dead Rising
>My granddaughter... She was done in by those damn zombies. When I heard her scream... I just lost it. Everything went white suddenly. The war... It wasn't over... Not for me... It... it never... ended...

What the fuck happened?

did they think they were being clever?

>but throughout December I don't recall there being a single thread about it.
1. no one play XBONE exclusive games.
2. they fucked up Frank West.
3. filled with SJWs garbage
4. Watered down everything, from plot, jokes, available weapon variations, etc.
It's pure steaming dog shit, probably the last nail in the coffin.

Canadians and literal nu-males

This is Capcom we're talking about.

If the game did flop, then the geezers in suits will only think that people don't care about the franchise anymore and bury it with all their other abandoned IPs.

Yeah I dunno why.

I liked Chuck. Probably my favorite Dead Rising protaganist.

I though Nick was alright, kind of weak, but it was cool to see someone who was clearly not confident and downright afraid in a scenario like this.

I honestly think Frank isn't that good of a character. He's memorable because Dead Rising is campy as fuck, less so than his actual personality.

Honestly, 2 is probably the best dead rising game even though they completely broke the game with the combo weapons being too damn good.

Okay, seriously, what Social Justice Warrior crap are people getting mad about here? If the game's terrible that's one thing, but is it the generic 'badass snarky heroine sidekick' shtick or what?

At this point, DR3 looks good now, im fucking serious

Even in 1 Frank was never as much of a dickbag to endanger human life for the story, but he made it absolutely clear he was going to be rewarded for his heroism.

Yeah because DR4 setting the new low.


if you guys really care about the series you better start posting on capcom unity, as far as the devs are aware the fans like it.

I know Sup Forums likes being defeated losers but just make a fucking forum account tell them how you feel and move on, show them they fucked up

>1. no one play XBONE exclusive games.

Oh fuck me, it's Xbone and Windows 10 only. I had no idea. Well now I know why nobody is talking about it.

Get fucked.

the game got discounted to less than 25 bucks and the game isnt even a month old

they know they fucked up

Jesus Christ, the first post nailed it and every other cuck is like

"I like there not being a timer"

Sure they will rewrite entire script because random poster on the forum tell them so, right? they won't.

If anything they will only fix random bug reported over there, or maybe adding few stuff but won't fix anything wrong with the game itself.

they literally made the thread after the game was slumping in sales, they want to know what they did wrong and you fags just say nah not worth it.

>they know what they did wrong
no they really don't

God the amount of people that say shit like it being good there isn't a timer infuriates me.

Her entire character is getting mad that Frank doesn't care about the people as opposed to the story. As Frank was never this way in previous games some chick tearing into him for it doesn't work real well.

She also doesn't figure out shit and Frank has to do everything for her, and she damn near gets all the evidence destroyed near the end.

>"I like there not being a timer"
Reminds of some plebs complaining about limited saves and save locations in games like RE and Evil within. Can't they into thrill?

That's not SJW, that's just a shit character.

Don't forget how she gets mad because of the way Frank gets evidence in the prologue and decides to fuck everything up and leave him behind so the Military can arrest him.

which post I am not seeing it in the link

That's what I don't like about her, dunno what the other guy was on about. Probably just used it as a catch-all "I don't like this"-term.

>fat fuck and his "journalist" buddies we got DmC.
Those faggots created the hair hating meme.