Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forumsscape
dragonball kai (2014 jap audio)
jap noises
cough syrup and water
dank weeds
no porn 2017 lets do this goys
absolutely empter
talk to girls
no porn
work out most days of the week

The Last Guardian
Kimi No Na Wa OST - Radwimps
Dominos Pizza - Ham/Pepperoni
Gay chubby porn (Heavyset - Bet Big & Double Down)
Going to sleep for work tomorrow
Trying to make more time for video, but I got a feeling that's a resolution that's not gonna be held up this year.


Death Note right now

Orange Colored Sky

Shotas on cripplechan

Kinda bored. Just realized I don't play vidya as often as I used to, right now I'm stuck fighting Porky on Mother 3, and I am starting Golden Sun.

Nothing yet that I can think of. maybe no more shota

Total Extreme Wrestling 2016
MDE World Peace
Denzel Curry - Nostalgic 64
Cauliflower and Kiwi
Pretty good
Get fit

FE Fates Conquest, maybe TMS#FE tonight when people go to bed. Waiting warmly for the sequel to be announced
The Walking Dead later
Just finished some pasta
Stop putting this on the list.
/ss/ or traps
Sad, lonely
Clear up my backlog, break up with my gf because she's been ignoring me for a month, find someone better for me and at least get my f-first kiss before I turn 20 in August

>comfy base building is a dead genre

>watching TWD

Planet Coaster and DOOM
NFL game currently, YouTube on the side
NFL game currently, YouTube on the side
Wife made some spaghetti and meatballs
Mountain Dew
I don't smoke. Please refrain from including this on these threads, almost every answer is either a joke or somebody saying they don't smoke.
Not right now, had sex with my wife a bit ago so I'm good.
Pretty solid, but dreading the end of winter break. Otherwise tonight has been chill, DOOM is sweet and I've been chatting with buddies in Discord.
I could stand to lose about 10-15 lbs or so. I started a new job and night classes in August and I got real lazy with my workouts. Otherwise no big resolutions, want to travel a bit and fix up my house.

I sat through a marathon of like two of the seasons last year and liked it, I'm catching up now. No bully.

Ace Attorney 6, first day of the 2nd trial

New episode of Sherlock


Gyro Pita and fries

Triple berry Iced tea

Gorilla Glue

We'll see

Ready for this break to be over. I hate 4 day weekends.

Lose weight and save money

Final Fantasy III remake

Some shit on tv.




Changing my life.

WoW Legion and maybe STALKER SoC
Dragon Ball Super
Pic related
Unfucking my shit because I'm depressed, lonely and going nowhere in life fast

Fuck off idiot, not everybody is degenerate drug addict.

Commit sudoku

No, he's right, SMOKAN is a retarded category because it only applies to 1/10 people and the rest ignore it. I have no idea why every thread has it included now, fucking WEED LMAO xD posters need to fuck off back to /r/trees.

Spent all day editing pictures. Discovered how to do a few things with GIMP. Not sure I'll play anything before bed.

Watching the Raptors right now.

Listened to KING 810 and Marilyn Manson earlier, as well as the BUTCHER soundtrack.

Just ate rice.


Export 'A' Full Flavour.

Fapped to some straight glory hole vids earlier.

Decent. Last few days have been good.


>Commit sudoku

Fuck off.

ZOE 2nd Runner
Bill Burr standup
Sade mix by JaBig
like one slice of pizza
I smoked way too much weed on new years. I'm taking the week off.
Stoya because I love her
A bit motivated to work out actually
Smile to more strangers. Hold longer conversations with people I don't normally speak to. Make a daily schedule that includes working out and stick to it. fuck this one chick and get a fwb thing going on with her

Wind Waker HD, so much fun
was trying to get through the rest of Shameless, might watch Black Mirror with the family later
In n out
diet coke
that potent af los angeles hash holy FUCK
Find gf

Monster Hunter 4U and deathwing

Drive on blu ray, purple rain on blu ray and then finish steins gate

Gorillzas, The Veronicas, The birthday massacre


water and Arnold Palmer tea

I smoke a tabaco pipe sometimes but mostly just vape like a faggot when im sitting at my desk.

maybe girlfriends nudes later
not really in the mood today

mediocre. weird feeling of dread and boredom

control my horrible impulse spending
save money
try to focus on improving myself and stop trying to impress others who don't matter

control spending is the biggest one along with saving money for once

Played a buncha DoTA today. Actually feelin' sleepy so might try out this pirated copy of Astroneer and relax.
Nothing now, W/ Bob and David earlier.
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Smashed some noodles earlier.
Hot toddy or two.
Nah nigga
Probably before bed. Redheads.
Lose a couple pounds, get a better job. Play more video games.

how have you never heard that before

I got myself an Xbone for Christmas cause all my poorfag friends won't buy a gaming PC. It's okay, I like the controller, so just whatever on that.
Doctor Who Christmas Specials
Triforce Podcast or some Joel Streams in the background
Coke Zero
no thanks
I just fapped to some hentai like 30 min ago. I fap only at night, once a day.
Hopelessly romantic
Stop cucking myself and get /fit/


Doom (again)
Rock Band 4 drums
GB GOTY shit
baby carrots
Pepsi Max
smokers are jokers
lose 5kg

>smokers are jokers
>lose 5kg

You do realize you'd lose that weight if you started smoking, right?

Curbs your appetite to a ridiculous degree.

Honestly, no

Unfortunately, yes

>Doom (again)
Just started this tonight, shit is baller.

Welcome. You're stuck here forever.

Better get used to it.

Final Fantasy XV
Kevin Hart: What Now
Nothing, nice and quiet peace for today
This pizza called "Napoli" from a local pizza place
Coke and Fanta
Done and done
Never drop acid at a party again

Too cartoony.

Too self-aware.

No thanks.

Modded Skyrim (TES: Star Wars)

Lala Land with a close girl friend

Navy Blue - The Story So Far

Had a store bought Boar's Head Salad p good

Jones Berry Lemonade Soda

Don't do it anymore

Haven't done it in 2 days, trying to space them more out

Alright. Had a panic attack last night tho

Stop being so needy with people, and to go hiking more. Doing really good on weight loss though

Overwatch, Undertale, possibly DOOM or FFXV later
Walking Dead
Nothing really
Honeq BBQ Frito twists
Water because it makes me feel great
Haven't in years
Already fappd twice today
Anxious that break is almost over :/
Not a damn thing

Warframe, maybe some Distance
Nothing right now really
My own music I made, and ELP
Had a burger and fries
Had a soda, probably gunna grab some Gatorade
Nothing. Weed's boring for me, never got the appeal
Already did after 3 days of not being able to, felt great. I didn't actually put any porn on though.
Like shit atm, I'm feeling like I'm no longer needed by anyone and I'm tired of being alone as it is.
Tomorrow I start my diet of about 90% fruits/vegetables. I have to crack down on every hard with absolutely no exceptions or I'll relapse and eat bad shit again. Otherwise, I just want to meet a nice guy who also likes the man on man ham slam that'll date me.

FFXV and maybe some Odin Sphere later.
Fat Boy Slim!
Strawberry juice
Feeling impotant tonight
Impotant and depressed about a new semester
Manage my time better

smite, haven't been really playing due to the season ending soon
my screen lel, was thinking of starting evangelion
my soundcloud playlist
hmm gotta check the fridge, pretty hungry at the moment
i drank a couple pbrs earlier, now just drinking water
not today
okk, i'll probably feel better once i start eating
trying to see how far I can go without fapping


Red pill me.

Dark Souls 3 Just Cause 3
vinesauce joel's stream
some Carpenter Brut
Green tea
thicc thighs
lonely, haven't done much for the holidays
hoping for a gf

Demon's Souls
sandwich which was gross
Water nigga
just billed 20 minutes ago
Good but kinda stressed for school

I've only played about 15 minutes of it so far, but it's got tight control on your car, jumping feels natural, and flight controls are fantastic. The soundtrack is nice and the visuals are extremely appealing. I got it as a christmas gift, glad I did.

SFV and XCOM 2
Super Best Friends Play for background noise
see above
Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets
Dr. Pepper
A friend on Twitter is coming on to me, and I kinda enabled it. He offered to suck my dick, and I've always wanted to try things with a man, even maybe sucking a dick. (I can't really go for gay porn, but I feel like I could do something sexual with a guy I feel close to.) He's also really nice and cool to talk to. At the same time, if I don't even actually meet him, or we DO meet and I just don't like the gay shit, I feel like I'll have let him down or something. I don't know, I'm just confused about the whole ordeal. Thanks for subscribing to my blog
Upload a YouTube video by the end of the month and hit Super Gold in SFV


You mean smoked a joint?

Nice. Thanks.

>Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets

Are they actually spicy? I'm a hot sauce junkie.

Mordheim, but thinking of finding a city builder game to play. Any suggestions?
Z Nation
The Brothers Bright
Chocolate from Christmas
pic related
Feeling pretty alright.
Eat healthier and exercise more.
I'll start once I'm out of chocolate and beer, I swear.

Resi 6

The Sopranos S3

Ralphie did nothing wrong to that whore

Boards of Canada

Lamb shoulder

Mineral water


Not today

Anxious that Winter break is almost over

I want to improve my study habits

Also Get out of the friendzone this year

Its just a slang for smoking weed

Don't do gay shit unless you're sure.

You sound straight to me.

Forgot my pic

FFXIV:ARR and Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
Quarry. It took me by suprise, It's pretty fucking good.
Modest Mouse
Like shit.
Get healthier and work out more.

If he's actually your friend, he'll understand if you meet up and you end up not being into it man. He might be a little bummed, but if you end up not feeling comfortable with it and he gets a chip on his shoulder or otherwise takes it personally, it's on him. You should both go into it (if you're going to) with the notion that it may not happen or that you may not enjoy it. Oh, and gay porn is shit, never liked it myself.
t. fagfag

Transistor seems good. Haven't played it, though.

Roguelikes, FTL and Dredmor mostly

Leon: The Professional

90s rock

Sweets (inb4fatass) I'm underweight, but I like sweets

my gf's breast milk (no kid; didn't live)

I don't

already done

tooth ache sucks

stay ppositive as possible, and to have a better year than last one

>Lamb shoulder

Holy fuck that sounds good. Is it anything like veal?

Finished Let it Die, playing DOOM now.
Dr Strangelove
Smoking is for fags
Abella Anderson
I'm going to finish my fucking major this year and never set foot in my university ever again.

If he's really your friend and you back out, he'll understand

If not, fuck that nigga

T. Fag

>my gf's breast milk

Does it taste good?

>Xbone is generally worse than PS4 in nearly every manner
>has an elder-god tier controller and actually relabiel network
If Sony would get on M$'s level in those two regards, I would toss my Xbone in the fucking trash.
I've always wanted to try to get into DotA 2 or LoL, and I guess I have the chance to since I got a computer recently. Do you have any recommendations on who to start with? I like glass cannons generally, and I play Countess in Paragon and Erlang Shen in SMITE.
Thanks for reminding me that I still have to play ZoE1/2, and good luck with the fuckbuddy!
Is DBS any good? I've heard that it's really smoothed out in quality and animation since the movie recaps.
Have you tried Attorney Online, user? It's a bitch to actually get into, but it's a hell of a lot of fun.
I like you.

It's pretty good.
I'd put it over veal if you ask me

Quite expensive but I got it in bulk for $2 a pound

Lot's of these threads lately.

Trails In The Sky and Shadow Warrior 2 Co-op
Now and Then Here and there
Some Vaporwave stuff
Pork Raman (chicken a shit)
Jack Daniels Honey
Maybe some skype sex with my g f
If not probably cancerous gfur
like I died and no one told me
If I don't start making a game this year I'm gonna kill myself.

Star Wars: Jedi Academy
The Office
Sipped some lean but made me feel fked, water always nigga
Hit a fat bowl 10 min ago
Chill now but gunna be shit for work tomorrow
Improving in general, like ive been doing,

I'll check it out.

>>Xbone is generally worse than PS4 in nearly every manner
>>has an elder-god tier controller and actually relabiel network
>If Sony would get on M$'s level in those two regards, I would toss my Xbone in the fucking trash.

Nothing has ever been so true.

They're a little spicy, about the right amount for me. Then again, I'm a pussy when it comes to spicy foods.
I hope he'd understand. He's one of the nicest guys I've ever talked to, and if there is a guy I could ever imagine being in a romantic relationship with, it'd probably be him. Thanks for the support, friends.
Transistor is tied for my favorite game ever. I cannot recommend it enough.
Sorry about your loss user, but at least now you get to engage in a patrician-tier fetish. What does breast milk taste like? I've always wanted to know, lactation has always been a huge turn-on for me.

Rogue Galaxy
Ghost Adventures
Spaghetti and meatballs
no fap babeee
Get my shitty basement fixed up so I have room to use my home gym.I swear i want to burn half the useless garbage that is cluttered down there.

Rainbow Six Siege & FFXV
my bank account go dry
Taco Bell shredded chicken burritos
clean for 5 weeks, RIP
Mia Malkova VR
okay. I'm off work tomorrow so time for vidya
getting a second job to catch up on bills. only reason I stopped the smokan

>Rogue Galaxy
Good shit my man

>need a second job
>have fucking VR

nah its just a the Samsung Gear VR that I got for free with my phone.

Finishing Shadows of Mordor this week, I hope.
Just finished Luke Cage. Probably going to catch up on Daredevil S2
OuterHaven Marathon in the background.
Nothing right now, just had some poke cake though.
Just had some prime 2% milk.
Twice today. Balls hurt. Had a nice day and a first date so I had to get some aggression out.
Okay :3

I tried but couldn't really get into it. Seems fun.

I'm just surprised I was able to wait so long to play SoJ without getting spoiled. Loving it so far.

>playing halo
>watchan Bladerunner
>listenan nirvana
>drinkan water and orange juice
>smokan nothing
>feeling comfy
>resolutionan nofap and self improvement

Fallout 2
The Struts
Pizza Hut
Your mom's pussy
I just took a shower and I don't want to ruin it by getting sweaty
Stop resisting my addiction

All Drakengard's in prep for Automata
Meh I dont really watch tv
Meditation shit, vaperware
Ice cream cone
Sparkled water, its good shit it turns out
Trying not to impulsively go onto /gif/
Alright, just have an artist block
1.Sell my art, become established so i dont have to retail shit anymore
2. Dont be a pussy and talk to girls more, or just go out more in general
3. Get my damn licence
4. To eat inside more and not buy fastfood and try to limit to once or twice a month



>Finishing Shadows of Mordor this week, I hope.

You hope? Game's extremely easy. It's a fucking breeze.

I'm still dealing with my food poisoning so I'm still feeling like shit.

Please be comfy for me while I'm dying.

Darks souls prep. to die
two best friends fuck through deadly premonition
halfway through a bottle of red wine leftover from last night
Not tonight
Slightly buzzed, feels good
i'm on my way to getting trashed at 2 am alone in the morning sitting here in the dark, i don't have resolutions

I hope it's cancer, you piece of shit.

>"Muhhh comfy."

Kill yourself.

Counterstrike tutorials
Dan Deacon - Gliss Riffer
Iced water
Not now
Kinda distant, but okay
None originally, though I might start exercising after reading that it improves mental health. I just want to avoid all the NYR people at the gym right now.


Hope you get soon user

Sci fi

Not him, but this thread is literally called comfy thread, so no YOU kill yourself faggot.

Sims 2. Going for a PC nostalgia trip week and just had fun playing Sims 1 a while ago.
Just TV as background noise
Just TV as background noise
Nothing right now
Cawfee latte
Flew around /gif/ for a bit. Couldn't get into the mood.
Pretty damn comfy man
Finish my last 3 University subjects and maintain my weight. Starting to get into the bad habit of eating when bored; very bad.

>girlfriend and I move in together
>never a comfy night again
>she's always there, complains if I play too long
>wants sex once or twice a day but it's whatever

I miss them days Sup Forums

That was a very uncomfy post.

I'd rather die anyway then suffer this shit.

Total War Shogun 2. Kinda bored, don't know what to play.
Some youtube.
Dr. John
Mexican breakfast food.
Orange juice
Pack of Camels
Catholic, don't do that.
Kinda shitty. Want to and need to do alot of things but so little time.
Be successful.

>No porn
>talk to girls
>work out


Punch Club
Pat Metheny last album
Yogurt with cereals
A dick
Your sister
Really fucking comfy
Make music and try to meet new people.

Darkest Dungeon
Bag Raiders - Shooting Star
Finish a game, any game

>Catholic, don't do that.

>Catholic, don't do that.

I'm praying to Satan for your death tonight. Literally.

>Catholic, don't do that

Turn your location on. I'll change that

>I just took a shower and I don't want to ruin it by getting sweaty

Leave the OCDfag alone.

He's living a pathetic existence.

You don't need to rub it in.

>Catholic, don't do that.