Is this true Sup Forums?
Is this true Sup Forums?
Yes. Remember that the majority of the US population voted for Hillary, but because the US isn't a proper democracy they cucked the population out of a legitimate presidency.
who said these things? i don't recall anyone saying these things. why would you say these things? hello?
so i assume nintendo is excluded from the left side or?
Did they fire burger Helper at the end?
Its not a completely unfounded stereotype to make.
It's cherry picked.
Is Hepler even really a developer? She's just a writer, right?
>implying that either candidate was legitimate
The real issue is that the federal government got too big, otherwise going popular vote would probably be serviceable.
we actually need electoral more now than when it was founded.
So glad there is a /vip/ board so I can get away from mindless people who reply to this bait 24/7
>Japanese Games
>Gameplay comes first
That's funny, considering some of the most well-known Japanese games are riddled with cutscenes, oftentimes having a higher running time for them than actual gameplay.
here's one more for (you)
lel kojima is a fag
This right here.
The japs were the ones who started this cutscene trope. Goes as far back as ninja gaiden and possibly further with pac man. Western devs only reacted to it.
>eastern continents decide on a new ruler
>india and china are butthurt because every other country voted against them
We will miss those utopian futures that were planned in New York and Wisconsin.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
wasn't Japan the father of cinematic games in the first place?
Certain JRPGs, Metal Gear?
Guess which series popularized QTE?
If it was like 40 or so states might as well not even vote
Fuck Japan.
She is just a writer, correct. She was also misquoted and it was taken pretty far out of context. She said she didn't care much for combat, and wished there was a button to skip it so she could enjoy the games more. She also thought it would help others who aren't big into video games get into the game more. She probably isn't wrong either.
No, Shenmue started it, but Resident Evil 4 popularized it.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
We're a representative republic, not a democracy. The electoral college exists for a reason
>Is Hepler even really a developer? She's just a writer, right?
Cyclical shit like this is wearing me out. People like this try to diffuse Hepler's fault by saying, "She was a writer. She didn't influence the bad gameplay," but then we have that "male tears" asshole working on Andromeda and when he starts spouting shit on Twitter Sup Forums says "But he's just a gameplay developer. He has no influence on the story."
At some point I hope Sup Forums realizes just how tainted the whole team has gotten. Even if it were just Bioware's janitor saying shit like this, it's still indicative of the twisted philosophies they've cultivated if they allow them to say it publicly like this. Every person on your team reflects on your image; if you don't tell them to cut the crap, you might as well be endorsing them.
It didn't popularize it, it fucking invented the term. If anything, RE4 or God of War popularized QTEs, probably RE4.
Also, Miyazaki can't make games for shit, they all play the same and they all are unoptimized.
I fucking hate western game developers with their libcuck agenda and casual pandering.
This. Does the guy across the street also have to have a dildo hanging out his ass and a sign that says "Kill all males" for it to count?
>She probably isn't wrong either.
>Lets butcher video games to appeal to people who don't even like video games so they will buy our video games that aren't even video games anymore.
Most Jap games have fucking trash gameplay. Soulsborne, Platinum, etc are exceptions.
Also there's literally nothing wrong with diversity in games.
Kys cuck
>Also there's literally nothing wrong with diversity in games.
Yes. That's why I like Japanese games.
>Gameplay always comes first
Yes. While most people who actually play video games couldn't give a shit about arbitrary, anti-white inclusion quotas, there's a very real, very vocal subculture of entitled, sociopathic, narcissistic professional victims who insist on making everything a platform or device for their "movement."
As of late, more and more companies are catching on that it makes zero sense to bend the knee to people who aren't going to buy your product, regardless of how much you pander to them.
Trump being elected is only going to make things better. Do I have much faith in him? Not really, but the fact that he got elected is proof that America isn't ready to be cuck'd just yet.
It's proof that people are catching on that if you'll just ignore SJW, they have no power, as their entire modus operandi relies on shaming tactics and preying on the good nature of others.
So yes, for the fleeting future, it's true. But public opinion is shifting to the right, and in turn, so are game developers. Gearbox is learning the hard way that you can't stay afloat in this business purely by pandering to degeneracy. Bioware is probably next, since from what I've seen Andromeda is going to be shit.
The real issue is direct democracies do not work, period.
Even if you ignore all the illegals that voted for Hillary pushing her ahead of Trump, the candidates campaign strategy was going for the most electoral votes, not popular votes. If Presidents were selected based on the popular vote, their strategies would have changed.
Pretty much this straight cut and clean.
Can't pander to a crowd who doesn't buy your game to begin with, just doesn't work that way.
And the electoral college was designed as a foresight to dick bags fucking shit up. Popular vote doesn't work in this country and never will. You can't have 10% of the landmass making decisions for 90% of the nation.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
There's 100%, unambiguously literally nothing wrong with having a diverse cast of characters in terms of ethnicity, sexuality, gender, etc. as long as it isn't self-congratulatorily shoved in your face ever three second.
You need to be 18 to post here.
The tabletop game industry has this exact problem with Wizards of the Coast. They're the biggest face for card and role-playing games and they try to please the normies and SJWs at every turn
Not an argument.
This is true.
I rather like a varied cast of characters, but when its shoe horned in badly its a problem. BioWare tends to do it painfully.
Developers need to also keep in mind what type of character their audience can project on to as well.
Except the only way to have that diversity is to inform people of it.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
You can do this in story. Character doesn't have to come out swinging.
>The tyranny of the majority is wrong, but the tyranny of the minority is a-okay!
I fucking hate hypocrites like you.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
Trump won the popular vote by a few million votes.
An stimated 3 million illegals voted, and lets be honest, they didn't vote for Trump.
Several million dead people voted and they voted for Hillary
Even then, he won by a lot when you exclude Jew york and Commiefornia.
Which Bioware game has romanceable goblins? I gotta play it.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
>Trump won if you exclude two states
No fucking shit.
That's the best insult you could come up with for someone who literally wants to fuck a goblin?
Historically only rich landowning white people could vote in America, USA is just returning to it's roots.
>The US is a direct democracy
in japan you're allowed to be a straight male so they can have sexy big boob characters and cute succubus sluts
take notes SJWs
Ya oh no save me from the lesbian porn fuel that it will generate. Fuck its awful why would any dude want games with more lesbians why god why. This mystery may never be solved.
This isn't true. The more recalculation that came in the more the gap closed.
This is also not true. The electoral college has a lot more to do with stopping voter fraud and counting problems than regulating the problem of population density in voting with large cities dominating. Its not like those places don't also get a lot of the electoral votes. It does help to some extent though.
>An stimated 3 million illegals voted
nice meme
You're right, it was probably a lot more. They did everything in their power to rig that election and Trump still won.
>trump won by a lot when you exclude a state that would be better off receiving the Hiroshima special and a state with more kikes than Jerusalem
California and New York can seriously fuck off
>They did everything in their power to rig that election and Trump still won.
I know this is b8, but
>dems are so competent that they were able to commit massive voter fraud without the populace noticing but also so incompetent that they couldn't win an election they rigged
>but because the US isn't a proper democracy
Its a republican you cuck
But people did notice. Tons of reports of immigrants getting bussed in to vote and lots of people not being asked for IDs if they looked hispanic.
Yeah, he probably lowballed that a bit. Fuck off back to your donkey show, Pablo.
If my vote meaning jack shit keeps the rest of the dumbfucks here in California from screwing over the rest of the US just to get their 15 dollar minimum wage, then that's fine with me.
>but because the US isn't a proper democracy
That's because its a republic, you braindead liberal fuck. Don't they teach you the difference between democracy and republic in middle school anyway?
Or 'Murican education system is that bad?
What's wrong with a liveable wage? Costs of living have increased far more than wages.
Mckill yourself
Fuck off the legacy of Kane series alone shits over any jrpg saga.
>blatant cherrypicking
>yet this thread gets replies
The actual interview.
>Q: What is your least favorite thing about working in the industry?
>A: Playing the games. This is probably a terrible thing to admit, but it has definitely been the single most difficult thing for me. I came into the job out of a love of writing, not a love of playing games... I'm really terrible at so many things which most games use incessantly -- I have awful hand-eye coordination, I don't like tactics, I don't like fighting, I don't like keeping track of inventory, and I can't read a game map to save my life.
>Q: If you could tell developers of games to make sure to put one thing in games to appeal to a broader audience which includes women, what would that one thing be?
>A: A fast-forward button. Games almost always include a way to "button through" dialogue without paying attention, because they understand that some players don't enjoy listening to dialogue and they don't want to stop their fun. Yet they persist in practically coming into your living room and forcing you to play through the combats even if you're a player who only enjoys the dialogue.
Your jobs about to be turned into something a machine does if you keep it up.
When even the president of the united states refers to our country as a democracy, it's understandable why most do too.
The story, sure. But the gameplay I couldn't stomach.
I'll never get tired of these tears.
>But public opinion is shifting to the right
I don't get how that shit is left, or right, but i agree its probably going to cool down soon.
they tried that shit and everybody just went somewhere else
What one? They all improved story and game play wise from blood omen to defiance
>a goblin
I wouldn't mind more of those as playable characters, honestly.
What is this shit?
Specifically soul reaver on ps1. Maybe I'll give it another go.
The literal only way to have a diverse cast is to just have them diverse.
They can't mention their heritage, their skin color, they can't act differently. They just are incidentally that race.
Winston from Ghostbusters is a really good example. He's just, black. He doesn't act black, he's not a stereotype, he's not anything. He's a normal person. The fact he's black is just totally incidental.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
just ignore it
Stop this. I've seen it enough.
>We need a button that skips gameplay to play cutscenes
Surely not. When does this happen?
Good. I won't have to worry about a machine spitting in my food, because I complain they put pickles on my burger.
I'm with you on that. Fuck these fast food scum workers that lick my tacos and demand 15 an hour.
You're not supposed to be raising a family as a McDonald's cashier. You should be attacking the system of nepotism screwing up the current job market with the 3 year job experience requirements for entry level work.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
I love Chik-Fil-A. It's always really attractive friendly and positive white people getting my food.
The chik-fil-a closest to me has like 5 guys and 5 girls I'd fuck the shit out of.
>first fucking post tries to make the thread about the election
Holy shit, Sup Forums stop.
Damn i'm actually a little pissed off right now
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
This. I'd rather play Gone Home than touch metal Gear, Final Fantasy or Bayonetta. at least there's no bloody cutscenes shoved in my face.
you know what this post reminds me of? Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
>the state of public opinion on coal unions effects the quality of my vidya
>and not shitty publishers who keep devs down