Without mentioning hats/cosmetics/trading/etc, what is your opinion about the current state of TF2?

Without mentioning hats/cosmetics/trading/etc, what is your opinion about the current state of TF2?

Slow but steady decline since launch.

It's slowly declining in quality with the lacklucter updates and horrible devteam, but the core gameplay is so fun that I keep coming back to it

It's my favorite multiplayer game of all time, cosmetics be damned. The downfall started when Valve refused to really pay attention to the game. I'll come back when they get their shit together. Why the hell do we still have two settings menus again?

Been shit since it went to free to play.

>heavy is fucked
>pyro is fucked
>demoknight should've never been a thing
>valve can't balance weapons for shit
>matchmaking killed community servers
>MVM is abandoned yet valve still expects you to pay for mann up mode


i feel like its a shell of what it one was
theres too many weapons so you cant really go into it competitively anymore

I haven't played it in 2 years.

I enjoyed it very much but honestly just got kinda bored of it. After playing like 2000+ hours I have to really stretch and try weird loadouts to still have fun with it, otherwise I'm just going through the motions.

Also they apparently added leveling up/matchmaking and such so I'm kinda reluctant to go back.

Played it so much it killed my interest in the quick arena style games.


My most played PC game by far, but it's time has long since passed. Say what you want about the current meta, but Overwatch has it beat in almost every regard (I still think OW should be $20 like TF2 used to be)


Free to Play was the single worst thing to ever happen to this game.
Close second is hats/cosmetics/trading/etc

>Without mentioning hats/cosmetics/trading/etc
Not an argument

When the fuck is the Pyro update?

How can I talk about tf2 if you won't let me mention anything about it user?

I was starting to get used to the abomination that was casual. then they ruined it more with shitty map voting at the end of rounds which is useless because everyone leaves after the first game
Also you need to remake the party every time you wan't to choose a map that isnt randomly selected at the end
A lot of games still end of dying because the match maker will never fill up a game completely

The core is still more or less the same and thanks to matchmaking (which is slowly improving, things like map-votes are awesome) people in pubs actually play to win most of the time. This is all true more or less true though. Heavy and Pyro are situational as fuck and probably won't be addressed anytime soon.

Meat your Match was pretty horrible but I still like it

>Dropped it after the Mann-Conomy update and never looked back
>That was back in fucking 2010
>mfw people have actually been playing TF2 all this time

Shit because Valve is dead.

MyM is shit, MvM was jewish as fuck, game runs like ass, community servers are dead, fun is gone. I don't even give a shit about hats since I use NoHats mod, if the game at least ran properly it would be okay, but holy shit, it runs like ass now. It's a shame, too, because all trying OW did was make me want to play TF2, but the game is fucked.

I will say one thing that MyM did right, though. People in casual actually try to win. I've yet to see "Spy crabs" or "Friendly Heavies" in my games, which is an improvement. Probably the only good thing MyM did.

nerf soldier
that's all

No real new content for quite some time now
No comics throughout the literal entirety of 2016 (barring the meat vs match... thing.)
Weapon rebalances were very mediocre at best

I'm probably one of very few people who does see the nu-quickplay as a good thing though

something i love in tf2 is spacing out to 16v16 sperg fests. what I miss in overwatch is having a mode that's bigger than just 6v6 where you can just play a character and go out to mindlessly kill people

Friendlies and other assorted retards are still around but nowhere near as bad. I've noticed that you're generally a lot less likely to get 6 shit spies/snipers on your team at any given time though, that's the real improvement.

MvM was fun shit except for the fact that it was just a big micro-transaction. Playing money scout is still fun.

wish there were servers that ran halloween events all year.

Every single time I feel like playing it's way after halloween, and I can't be assed to play it during halloween.

Hell I think the last halloween event I played was the giant EYE one.

Vanilla Gameplay: Good
Community: Amazing
Official Comp: Cancer
Community Comp: Ok I guess
Devs: Maliciously Incompetent
Economy: In decline
Fun tier: What TF2's all about
Saxton Hale
Zombie Mod
Bloon Race
Instant respawn ctf_
Harbl Hotel
Rocket Jump Courses
Surf Maps
Sniper Wars
Crit Servers
Meh tier: Where people get salty
Medieval Mode
Any of Valves latest Maps
Shit Tier: No fun allowed
Official Comp
That official soccer resembling gamemode

>Community: Amazing
this, the modding was incredible for this game.
Shame valve has a way of ruining everything that was good spirited.

badwater is the best, upwards great too.

Fuck PL maps are the only maps you can mess around with a bit, but still play an objective based game.

Please, someone explain me the appeal of the saxton hale gamemode

Too many hackers and no moderation to counter them aside from shitty VAC that works 1% of the time.

Shit match making and dying

Where is koth?

Tf2fag with +5000 hours played here

I absolutely love the game, but 2016 showed how much Valve cares about this game, hell i could even say any of their games except for dota, the updates were lackluster, nonsensical "balance" of some weapons that didn't needed it... i stopped playing regularly for like 3 months now, doesn't feel like it has a bright future.

Good base game dragged down by an incompetent and lazy dev team, the second most cancerous mp community behind gmod, a decade old engine, and mechanics/unlocks that reward bad players.

It's a TF2 raid, pretty much, except you can also be the boss of the raid. The good VSH servers have different attributes that make characters/loadouts interesting and a plethora of bosses with different mechanics.

i don't see what the price slasher has to do with the other quotes by facilier

>tfw I made a character mods for saxon hale and got paid by the admin constantly
>I even got a custom mesh in and programmed with a sick teleport ability that I made my own texture and particles for

I miss tf2.

I know how it works

I'm wondering why people like it so much

>Tf2 will never ever be fun again
>You'll never ever play Halo with your bros again
>You'll never be autistic enough to enjoy Runescape again

It hurts Sup Forums

>what do you think of TF2 besides the thing that has 100% ruined TF2

Nothing, I just had it named already, then when it got buffed, I started using it instead of the bottle

Would Overwatch be better than TF2 if it had no ultimates?

>pyro is a mistake and only serves to annoy the shit out of people with brainless mechanics like afterburn and airblast but isn't an actual threat against good players
>similarly heavy is also a retard filter and is also the most boring to play
>spy is slightly better than before but the DR is still a crutch for shitters

so many useless/OP weapons with irrelevant downsides.

Tf2 has lots of items that let the player build up towards an effect

Most don't entail ''get sum free kills lmao'' though

I know, I was explaining why I liked it. A raid in TF2 where everyone is gunning down the boss and working together to kill him is a lot of fun. Playing as the boss is also fun as it let's you do a lot of cool things. Being creative is the key to being a good Hale. The new weapon balances let you have fun again with weapons you normally wouldn't use otherwise.

That's what I find fun in it, at least.

Nah. It doesn't have the skill cap or the map design. Upward is still the greatest video game map of all time, and anyone who disagrees is a fucking degenerate.

Good game but overrated by people who dropped thousands of hours on it because you have to justify that choice somehow. I think the aesthetic is nothing to write home about. Everything looks like its made of cardboard and it all feels visually flat.

sv_pure forces me to play on community servers if I want to have fun with skins and custom sounds
community servers are always shit

Meh, had better days. I left because Valve have been rather dismissive about the game - nonchalantly half-assing updates whilst only caring about what makes them a quick buck.

Also we're still waiting for the latest comic after over a year. So much for Bi-Monthly.

I need to go back to playing it.

>>Tf2 will never ever be fun again
>>You'll never ever play Halo with your bros again
Stop reminding me.
>got an xboner for christmas, picked up MCC
>log in for the first time in 5 years
>the only friends I have that log on do so just to watch TV
>MCC is pretty dead
>don't have anyone to play customs with


It's not Overwatch

Fun for pubstomping, since no one who still plays knows how to fucking play at all. Except when you meet another pubstomper, since they probably have another 1000 hours on you and spend their lives religiously practicing their airshots.

my long lost brother


>tfw you pre-ordered tf2 and paid for it
>played daily for a long time
>stopped when they started giving you weapons for doing achievements

was good while it lasted


Holy shit dude
You're my nigga

OW requires absolutely zero execution and can be mastered within 15 mins. Unless you're playing in premade 6s, OW is garbage

What few times I played it, the only hale ''effects'' I saw were high-ish movement speed, lots of health and exclusively melee combat

If you say there's more to it, hey, maybe there is.

Already put 800 hours into it so unless something comes out and replaces it or it dies I can't leave it. My PC can't run Overwatch

Matchmaking is good and fixed some issues I had with the game but the average TF2 player is still too retarded for me to fully enjoy it again. Cosmetics are fine unless you go full autistic with them, be it spending a bunch of money or creating intentionally ugly-loadouts

Depends on the boss.

Christian Brutal Snipers gets a super Huntsman, for example. This is where good VSH servers come, though. There's a server that has a bunch of 2hu's, a tank, some green flying thing, a golden hale, Space man, and some other shit. Most, if not all, have unique things that aren't what you listed.

The Tank shoots a giant, slow moving, rocket, Remilia creates a circle around her that heals anyone inside, but damages anyone outside, Spaceman shoots a ball of electricity that sucks you in, damages you, and then shoots you off (he also has low gravity), minecraft dude can grapple unto things etc.

You're right that, at base, it's lacking, but all the newer custom ones on top of the old ones make it fun.

They turn into choke point spamfests, if you don't have an engi it takes forever to get to he frog line from spawn, offense is always demospam and defense is always engi nests. That said they have good flanks and are enjoyable but Payload often cause more rage than joy.
>he's never tried Family Business Blitz Heavy
Seriously my favorite fuck around loadout, you can pick up some pretty mean killstreaks.
I can never find a koth that isn't populated by bots
No one takes it seriously so there's no pressure to work as a team and no one gets mad if you fuck around (it's TF2 after all) but Hale will pick off the stragglers first so you'll want to cooperate out of fear. It can get really intense as players start to drop and the adrenaline rush when Hale gets close is pretty awesome. Especially when You're the last man standing and the whole team gets to watch you 1v1 Hale like a fucking beast. The other day it was me with my direct hit vs Doomguy at 4000~hp and I actually won by taking a good defensive position on an ammo pack and airshotting him whenever he jumped up, the fifteen screaming over voice chat was deafening

queue update killed it
comp is dead
balance is fucking garbage and has been for a while

>Friday afternoon
>Your Mum drops you off at your friends house
>You and your friend nod at each other as you walk through the door cause you both know what's up, it's Halo time
>Do nothing from 4pm Friday till 4pm Sunday but play Halo unless your getting up to get more coke

>You can never go back

>>so many useless/OP weapons with irrelevant downsides

yeah and?
I don't mind if guns are slightly worse as long as they're fun to use.

just need to buff the baby face.

The backstory has really gone to shit and the art design of the levels is too random. They should have stuck with a single theme and expanded on it instead of introducing new stuff that doesn't make sense like that Asian map where there are neon signs and shit.
Also weapons, there are too many melee weapons, and not enough ranged to choose from in comparison.
Halloween events have gotten out of hand and need to be better grounded in reality and in the story rather than make it a humorous spoopy ghost.
The weapons are ridiculous. Hitting someone with a fish doesn't fit, there are too many zany weapons that they overpower the classical idea of a what a weapon should look like. So in the end you have >60% of the weapons being something you'd find at a thrift shop.

I unironically enjoy playing fat man.
>Spam battle cry and jump around corners
>Enemy team shit their pants and run for the hills
Protecting teammates and slaughtering shitty pyro mains is an added bonus.

no more magic

Casual is fucked, "Competitive" is beyond fucked, serverbrowser/community servers are dead, voice codex is literally a decade old, new bugs every day, lackluster "content" updates
All interesting primaries nerfed to shit stock is only viable option
Still easy, Stock/Gunboats only viable option
If you think this update is going to even come close to fixing everything wrong with this class you need to be sanctioned
Demoknight not fun anymore, Alternate primaries nerfed, Stock is only viable option
Only class on an upward trajectory, still not fun to play
Boring as ever
Who gives a fuck
Ded gaem

you're fucking retarded
community servers killed themselves, matchmaking is just finishing them off, which is a fucking shame.

>They turn into choke point spamfests, if you don't have an engi it takes forever to get to he frog line from spawn, offense is always demospam and defense is always engi nests. That said they have good flanks and are enjoyable but Payload often cause more rage than joy.

that's weird, I always played blue engy and would rescue wrangle my sentry through the map.

Tons of fun, and setting up a temp to full base at the last point of upward is great.

I think he's fun to play on gravelpit

>that one faggot soldier that thinks he's hot shit rocket-jumping to my bullets everytime

I recently found out how fun heavy is, trully /ourguy/

it's fun and no one takes it seriously

Its dead, because people got burned out

Also no new good memes anymore

>>he's never tried Family Business Blitz Heavy
>Seriously my favorite fuck around loadout, you can pick up some pretty mean killstreaks.
it's busted if you can aim.
300 health and a meat shot shotgun is nuttso.
Don't think it's even possible to kill a heavy before he kills you. And fuck if he has a medic.

this guy gets it

Valve is making too much money from CSGO and Dota to give a shit anymore

>Soldier thinks he's caught me off guard and bombs into me
>Spin around and pin him to the skybox

>what is your opinion about the current state of TF2?
"fuck you it's still fun"

Heavy is really fun but if the other team has one good spy or sniper he becomes really unfun.

I wish I had anyone to play it with that wasn't horribly annoying.

>[class] is fun unless other team has [hard counter]
Who could have thought


dust2 and Lakeside though

to be fair literally every game on earth can be improved with the removal of sniper

>class is fun unless other team has sniper

sniper is anti fun.
If he can aim hes the worst.
If he can't aim hes the worst

>not in where people get salty

Just spam jump crouch and airstrafe. Pick your angles carefully so you're only walking into him when you're close enough to fuck up his aim.
only an issue on really bad teams where you're constantly fighting and can't take time to spycheck. you shouldn't be dying to spies outside of teamfights. find a good medic to watch your back for you.

Sniper would be much more tolerable if he didn't have so many cancerous unlocks and bodyshotting didn't instantly kill 5/9 classes.

>tfw some tryhard is crouching jumping around trying to juke your headshots
>get the headshot anyway
gg no re

>voice codec is literally a decade old
they changed it to a new codec just a few weeks ago.

He wouldn't be so fucking bad if the sniper didn't immediately do 150 damage by quick scoping.

You can't even react, guy will tap your head instantly and bodyshot the rest. if you're a heavy he just double taps the head.

I would say I got good enough that I can avoid any fire if I concentrate on it.

Everyone seems to have a rhythem to their shots, not just them holding down the mouse but how they aim. You can basically Vash when you feel it.

Sniper isn't that bad, the tf2 netcode is shit and isn't made for accurate pinpoint shooters like the sniper rifle and spy revolver making it pretty tough for those things to hit consistently

not him but i agree 100%. F2P brought a bunch of new players in that weren't as dedicated as the people that had spent money on the game to play it. Hence the game was entirely casualized not mechanically but just by its fucking casual as shit population that wasn't ever going to improve because they didnt take the game seriously. teamplay pre-f2p was way better in pubs, now every match has 6 snipers and 6 spies because no one gives a fuck