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what the fuck was capcom even thinking with X5 and X6?

>X5 had moronic RNG upgrades that you can easily miss
>X6 had abyssal level design

X4 was supposed to be the last one IIRC.... Capcom was just milking the franchise.

Inafune focused on Zero after X4.

X5 was supposed to be the last, X6 was when they started milking it.

X5 had no budget. X6 had even less budget AND no development time, and they also decided to waste time and resources giving Zero and entirely new set of animations. Literally everything about Zero in that game is completely new. Meanwhile, all the bosses look like complete ass.

I don't know if it was that X4 failed to meet sales expectations or what, but it's obvious that less money went into the subsequent two games.

But X5 ending didnt make sense, If Zero died how was he alive in Megaman Zero?

Did you even play the MMZ games?

Originally, Mega Man Zero was gonna follow after X5 and the story was gonna match. When Capcom made X6 and created that alternate ending, the Zero team rewrote the plot to match. That's why when Ciel finds Zero at the beginning, he's in some kind of stasis hooked up to the remains of some sort of machine.

They both had voice acting. The localization just removed most of it from X5.

And X6 looks like ass, especially the boss sprites.

>X6 had even less budget

But X6 looks better than X5 and actually has voice acting

nanomachines son

All of them. Why?

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

Do you have the other pic similar to this one?

Not sure which you mean

Dude, frankly. Go fuck yourself. Nobody here cares about what you post. Nobody here cares about what you're going to do. Nobody here cares what you think about X / Y / Z /. And you're nobody to find anything right or wrong. So do us a favor and get out of Sup Forums for at least, I dont know, one year. To see if you can finally, you know, LIVE the world outside your room. I know that I am also flawed as many here but holy shit, with you it's not just a matter of being a nerd or not, it's a matter of being a mental retard who will never succeed neither trying to make friends or getting a gf , all because you have a 20 years old (am I right?) But act like 13 years old directioner. Seriously, try this. Stay away from here for a while and try to forget Sup Forums. I guarantee it will do you good, and if it doesnt, at least we'll be free of you for a while.

What were they thinking?
Milking. That's what they were thinking.
There was no thought put into them at all.

The one where it look like shes fondling some balls


Ah yeah




You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.


I'm going for a walk, will post more if thread's still alive

The ost of megaman x6 though.

I would have to disagree, I feel that X6's overall design is all over the place and quite ugly.

Doing gods work user. Thank you.


Why is Protoman so much cooler than Zero?

Both are faggots.

You're a faggot.

You too.

So this is the hot new 2017 meme, huh?

We need to go back.

Answer me something, Ciel created the bio metals, starting with biometal Z, right? Can normal humans use the biometals? If that is the case and PxZ 3 happens, maybe they can add her as an assist unit.

On this subject, I read somewhere that X was supposed to be the villain in Zero 1 but they finally opted against that. Have any idea why? I haven't played X7 or X8 so maybe one of those games explains it.


>Can normal humans use the biometals?
Aren't at least half the people who use biometals human?

No, Albert tampered them so they can only work with someone who shares his DNA.

Capcom's higher ups objected to making the hero of a currently running series into a villain. Also, some members of the development team were also resistant to the idea, I think.

Not everyone wants to see a beloved hero turn into a villain.

Uh no, by the time zx rolls, everyone is a half human, half reploid.

Wasted potential desu. Thanks for the answer mate.

They say the line is blurred between human and reploid, but there is still a line between the two. Notice how there are so many characters who call themselves reploids.

No. X doing a heelturn and being a villain is against ALL his character development in the X series. It would not happen.

Nah more like
>regular humans are just regular humans
>reploids have red triangles on their foreheads to distinguish them from the humans

Could still work if they played their cards right but I can see where you're coming from.

Not quite. Humans have been cybernetically enhanced. I wouldn't call them "regular."

It would be a hell of a lot more dramatic if it had been X instead of Copy X, but I still find the idea of Copy X itself pretty interesting.

>He doesn't like the first new meme of 2017

Yeah, but cybernetic enhancements don't make yoy a reploid. More like a cyborg if anything.

I know, I wasn't agreeing with him, just specifying.



>Humans have been cybernetically enhanced
I guess that explains why Ashe so nonchalantly dives off of a plane in her opening and lands without breaking her legs.


Reminder that if you ever dare to put your eyes on Zero, Ciel will rape you until you mindbreak.

>Stops being the protagonist halfway through his own series
>Can't be the antagonist of the series about the character who took his spotlight
>instead becomes some gay ghost fairy that can't do anything because he had to sacrifice his body to hold back the reason his future is shit

being X is true suffering

>she'll rape you until you mind break


Go to sadpanda, search "ciel" "English" "megaman", find the one with Leviathan, cpme back here...

>her face when you come back with only A rank



Is ciel secretly a dom?



i want ciel to dom But im a filthy human

What is Ciel going to do to that little girl?

>her face when you S rank with 100 points


I think I'll go play the Zero series again

Yes, just see what she did to Leviathan.

>playing the first game blind

all they had to do was properly translate the useful cyber elf descriptions and I would have been A-OK

In the MMZ manga, she's a very angry girl (which is fitting since she's a rebel leader) and Zero is an absolute beta pussy faggot until he puts on his helmet but then reverts when its off
It was pretty bad

i laughed until i understood the reference

>zero becomes a beta without his helmet

what the fuck

so you're saying nobody cared who he was until he put on the helmet?

It's more of a parody manga, the main character is just a boy who has the personality of Zero within him

He had a weird split personality thing going on

Having the real X as the final boss would've been much more interesting. Like it's not possible that after centuries of fighting X would end up snapping a little and doing something that isn't necessarily right.

They were afraid of fan backlash. Turning beloved heroes into villains is risky business.

He wouldn't necessarily be a villain. It'd probably be similar to Solidus in MGS2 where you can sort of sympathize with his ideals but inevitably have to kill him anyway.
I get what you mean though.

There was a thread yesterday or some time ago how they actually planned Copy X and the four guardians back in Megaman X3. It was basically a gold and black colored X and he had his own faction, but due to ROM size, a fourth character was cut and Agile's second form was missing.

Antagonist, then. But killing someone for their ideals pretty much seals them as the "villain of the story." He wouldn't exactly be around to argue the point.

This is your navigator for tonight.



I prefer brown.

A Nana is fine too.


If she let you have one chance to touch any part of her, which would you pick? Her Nanas or her canon puffy vulva?

Would she be averse, if a few fingers slip inside?

Vulva naturally. That fabric over her lower region already looks like a pleasure to touch.