Why does this seem to be such a popular trend with jrpgs? why can't Japs take a page from Majoras Mask when making side quests? I suppose because that would require more effort than just plopping some mobs and items on a field and calling it a quest chain. Also the luminous engine is literally made for mmos, it's the reason the game has no physics engine and every single item down to plastic chairs and road cones are static. Square Enix created a dead, lifeless world, littered it with fetch quests that required literally no scripting, design or effort, and called it a game--Again! Why
Final Fantasy 15 is a single player MMO
Insomnia is literally one town and a bridge over from where the game starts. how was milfguard able to launch an entire siege with a massive invading force and the town 10 minutes away was completely unaware? this game is dumb as fuck
>why can't Japs take a page from Majoras Mask when making side quests?
You mean make almost entirely fetch quests?
My thoughts exactly, the news should've spread worldwide immediately.
Respool the line.
Honestly, fewer side quests but one's that are actually integral to the story or otherwise exciting should've only been included.
Quality > Quantity.
every single sidequest chain in ff15 is literally 5-10 substanceless quests of "walk to x, click on y, return to z". factor in 3 minute load times to warp to the car, and then 3 minute load times to fast travel and you have an excruciating and mind numbing experience
>why can't Japs take a page from Majoras Mask
Who do you think made Majora's Mask you fucking goober.
If the game didn't have a quest log like older Final Fantasy games you wouldn't be complaining
nintendo in 1999? what does that have to do with modern side quests in Japanese games always being mmo tier dogshit?
Honestly, after Witcher 3, if you ain't going to put in THAT much effort into sidequests I'd rather not have any at all.
And? That's most of Majora's Mask too. Turn this in, talk to this guy, play this song. Boooring.
>loading times aren't faster on the Pro
Worst kind of pain.
At least the dungeons are kind of fun. I'm at 28 hours played and they are only reason I'm continuing to play.
>that fucking mine with the Samurai asshole who's over 40 levels higher than the other enemies
if you really think the side quest design in Majoras Mask is similar to the structure of games like witcher 3 or ff15 you may actually have dementia. the sidequests in 15 don't even have steps, it's literally just kill/collect x amount and then repeat it with higher level enemies around
it also looks identical graphically. and my pro and tv are telling me it's outputting at 4k but everything is a jaggy aliased mess of shit. looks more like 1080p
Oh, okay. So if it was "walk to this guy, then to this guy" you'd feel all good about it because it has ''''''steps'''''', right?
I've actually played Majora's Mask, kiddo. It's literally nothing but fetch quests.
>le epic magical kingdom
>environments look like a small town in missouri
>everyone looks like they shop at Gap
>kingdoms waging massive war just a few miles drive away. military setting up roadblocks everywhere
>nobody in the game cares. people still enjoy leisure activities everywhere. no npc chatter even mentions the fact that a totalitarian empire has essentially invaded
>insomnia literally 1 town and a bridge away from hammerhead
>nobody notices or heard about a massive siege army mobilizing to attack
>only learn about it by reading the paper the next day despite being so close you could probably hear the gunshots.
how did nobody notice the 1000 foot tall daemons getting flown in?
why is the logic and story in this game total nonsense?
I don't think the Japanese are good at making games people want to play any more. There's no substance except character design and writing convoluted plots. I think everyone who has any talent designing gameplay has mostly fucked off because their credit gets stolen by writers and character designers.
XV isn't remotely an MMO.
xv is literally an offline ffxiv with real time combat
someone didn't do the on tour quests
>lose access to car
>next missions entire goal is to run a really far distance
I can't believe this is a game
Did you just ignore the end of chapter 1 and start of chapter 2? Also did you just ignore that everywhere in Lucis besides insomnia was already owned by Niflheim?
XV looks, plays and is nothing like an MMO.
You want an offline MMO then thats how 12 or Xenoblade play. XV is an action RPG in an open world. The fetch quests in XV are the same fucking things you'd see in the classic FF games too.
Use chocobo's.
the empire taking over outside the city is a brand new deal struck by the treaty. but nobody in the game world cares. they're just chatting about how good the food is at restaurants and sitting on the beach. everyone you talk to is cheerful and carefree
>Not riding chocobo
>Not doing chocobo quest even though the game spawns you to it
You have no excuse user.
"sidequests" are 99% of the content in the game and are required for leveling up to be even able to complete the story, which is only about 5 hours of content, most of which is extended amounts of traveling and listening to 4 autists exchange awkward and inane dialogue
Can someone explain why Noctis and Luna are still getting married even without the treaty? I thought that the marriage was only part of the treaty. That's how it seemed in the movie, anyway. Were they supposed to get married before the treaty proposal? That is what the game makes it seem like...
I wouldn't mind the fetch quests if they had a story to them. They have less story than a single shitty quest in FF XIV.
He's saying the Japanese made Majora's Mask so the question being asked is "Why can't the Japs take a page from the Japs when making side quests." I get what you're saying but I also get what he's saying.
even using chocobos it's fucking boring. running on a bird through a field so you can click x on a rock 3 times is not good game design
>Final Fantasy 15 is a single player MMO
So, if I enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles I'll enjoy Final Fantasy XV?
Thanks for the info!
>doing sidequests
>wow i'm lvl 40 already
>guess I'll catch up on the story
>everything up to the point of leaving the continent is ~lvl25
the pacing in this game blows
i've found three "dungeons" from sidequests that i would have never found "just playing the story"
why the fuck does the fat vyv slob know about one of the graves but literally no one else ever mentions it? oh but wait theres a note about the sword being stolen by hunters..but they didn't bother telling me.
fuck this game was rushed / cut to hell
Tell me 5 instances from FF 1-10 that were fetch quests.
Also MMO nowadays isn't about auto attack combat anymore. Just look at Black Desert and the likes.
I just stood in an area where he couldnt get to me and shot him until he died
Except it's mentioned multiple times that people outside insomnia don't care about insomnia because insomnia walled themselves off from the rest of the world.
People in the games world care more about Luna than they do Noctis or Regis.
This games a really baffling weird thing. Like seeing these insanely weeny acting anime characters in high resolution with individual strands of hair blowing in the wind and eyelashes and talking to eachother candidly gives me a really weird feeling.
you don't have to care about insomnia to care that your own country has a foreign military presence establishing roadblocks all over, flying it's aircraft all over your skies. or to be interested that massive demons were destroying a capitol city a few minutes away. that's the kind of shit people would be talking about
it's even weirder that those hyperdetailed metrosexual character models mostly interact with npcs that look like they're from a ps2 tony hawk game
You are cancer. Theres nothing more satisfying that getting your ass whooped by him when you see him first, then coming back when you're level 40 and beating the shit out of him. The only cheese in the game I understand is the nagiarrla thing in the channels in the small ass room.
No it isn't, it's barely even 50%. And side quests aren't required for anything, you level up by gaining experience which you get from beating enemies, for which you can increase EXP gain from buffs, equipment and staying at hotels. The story is 20-40 hours long. Skipping all story scenes and only doing the necessary dungeins and boss fights is the only way to beat it in under 10 hours, which ever FF from 1-10etc can be beaten in under 10 hours.
But I guess you are retarded if you need to try and act like party banter is 'le inane autism XD". Kill yourself.
On tour quests are party member specific with fun interactions between the members and you do learn some new stuff about them, like the Prompto motel bit or Ignis and Noctis cooking in the morning or Prompto wanting to get pictures of Cidney then she shows up behind them and you give prompto tips on flirting with her etc
but that sword is in a dungeon just up ahead
And Vyvs a reporter who makes it his business to know
wow, I don't say this very often but I actually think this guy is a paid shill.
This seriously fucking bothers me. They look so fucking out of place in their own world.
frog hunt quest in 9 is the same frog hunt quest in xv
bring adamantite to smith to get excalibur in FF1 same exact thing as bring sky gemstone to Cid to upgrade weapons
optional dungeons in older FFs just like there is in XV
dungeon in 7 which can only be reached via submarine same as pitios dungeon in xv which can only be reached with airshipcar
bring items to a guy in kalm for rewards in 7 same thing as bringing items for rewards in xv
Do you even fucking listen to the NPC dialog or the radio reports?
>can't come up with argument
Because they are supposed to look out of place.
I agree. Haven't finished the game because other shit has been taking my time lately, but I played a good halfway through. I've done most sidequests, but only because menial tasks like that keep you busy if you actually like getting the items and shit. Plus, it was kind of fun just running, killing shit and making cash for 30+ hours. Nonetheless, I wish there weren't so many worthless sidequests that have little value on anything. Even though the quests introduce characters that you get to talk to periodically that make it feel like I'm meeting a bunch of new people, it feels overdone. The biggest issue with this is that I'd be more okay with it if they didn't just throw a million sidequests at you, but then neglect the story. You shouldn't be able to beat an FF game in under 20 hours, especially if you're watching all of the cutscenes, but so many people beat the game in under 20. If that isn't a red flag for the game, than nothing is.
Gotta disagree. The dungeon design is pretty terrible. You're just running through insnaely tight hallways fighting daemons until you reach the boss and a cutscene. The banter is fun, but otherwise, the dungeons in this game are some of the worst in the series. Even the LR dungeons were better and they were all carbon copies with different layouts and varying puzzles.
you didn't make an argument, you just lied and then expressed some positive opinions about the game, like a shill
they're supposed to look like they're from a fantasy anime but everyone else is supposed to look like average americans? why? the artstyles belong in different genres and clash so much it's distracting
Well altissia is like, paris and insomnia is tokyo. Idk user it's weird. This world was cooked up by virginal japs that haven't seen sunlight since 1995.
We want open world!
>get open world game with open world elements like OPTIONAL quests so you don't just do the main quest
This sucks, why is this game so short!
You and your friends are royalty from the royal city while everyone else is country bumpkins. What do you expect? You wear the same shit as hunters and the rest of the royal guard, you aren't that out of place
>FF 13
This is you
I was never one of the people who complained about the linearity of other FFs like XIII. I was perfectly happy with the way the game was, and wouldn't have lost any sleep over a title that was more in line with that design style. That being said, I also don't have an issue with side quests being abundant, but they shouldn't be that much more prominent than the main quest. Not an FF at least. I'm very aware the side quests are optional, but the point is that if I decided to do NONE of them, then the game should still take my like a good 40-50+ hours. If it was some side title, then it would be fine, but it's a the newest mothership title that we've waited 10 years for. Main quest content should be much deeper and immersive.
I think the issue is they decided to take what they did with LR while looking at what makes XIV successful, and then they meshed it together. LR does it right because questing was integral to the plot, stat development and so on, so they could get away with in that game. They executed it really well in that game.
the optional quests aren't actually quests. they have no design, scripting, or anything that would make them enjoyable. you just walk to a certain area and click on the glowy light for every one of them
linear games don't have to be bad. open world games dont have to be bad. but ff13 and 15 are bad games because SE is an incompetent developer
It's OK that you'd want to ignore that you were BTFO, no need to cry.
Noctis and co are from insomnia which had isolated itself from the outer world for decades, the outer world is not as developed nor does it have the same culture as insomnia does. And the party are wearing real world Japanese clothes because insomnia was based on tokyo, the other areas of Lucis are based on sourhern American desert and cuba with that sort of culture. The whole point of it was culture clash.
Yeah they're called fetch quests, every rpg has them, if you don't enjoy them in this you're just not in to the characters or visuals and that's fine
XV is the best FF yet though, 13 is the worst FF.
XV is definitely not the best, and as long as VIII exists, I can't agree that XIII is worst either.
well that's what you get for being a consolefag.
Not gonna say there's anything wrong with being a consolefag, but if you bought a Pro for the graphical enhancements, then you absolutely wasted your money (unless it was their first PS4)
It is.
What is? XV being the best, or XIII being the worst?
>.2 gil have been deposited into your account
>after Witcher 3, if you ain't going to put in THAT much effort into sidequests
What effort?
Fill the map with 'follow red trail kill / pick shit, collect COMPLETELY USELESS reward / loot'
Where's the fucking effort?
It all looked like it was generated with a fucking script.
side quests don't have to ONLY be fetch quests. in 15 they are, which is part of why it's such a shit game
>it's a "pretend that FFXV is a bad game episode"
Man, you PCucks really are salty, ain't ya?
what's the last game that had genuinely good sidequests? they're almost always thoughtless filler that requires no effort to make/copy paste
yes that's fine but why are story characters anime style while everyone else has a generic realistic style? it clashes and makes it look like they belong in different games
>The story is 20-40 hours long
You can beat it in under 8 hours, and below 20 hours casually.
I beat it in 49.5 hours and I still have tons of shit to do. If you beat it in under a day you're going too fast
I beat the story 70 hours in, I'm just saying it is too short as a whole if you don't do sidequests.
The problem is that you don't have to rush to beat it in less than a day. If you just ignore sidequests and play only the main quest, you can still beat it in less than a day. You should need side content be your biggest time filler. As per JRPG fashion, the side content should have some length to it, but the main game should still run you 30+ hours, and that's being generous.
>invading base to get back regalia
>call down awesome power of the six
>giant wizard casts gigantic explosion
>party members talk about how they destroyed the base and dealt a crushing blown to the empire
>the base is literally untouched. nothing is even scuffed, let alone damaged. all tanks, mechs, weapons are still intact. looks like nobody was ever there
fuck this game
Just fuck yourself shill
If this were a linear game I'd agree with you, but it isn't. There's no reason anyone would just purposefully skip all the side quests. You can't just ignore those when you judge the game.
nigger are you retarded?
>On tour quests are party member specific with fun interactions between the members and you do learn some new stuff about them, like the Prompto motel bit or Ignis and Noctis cooking in the morning or Prompto wanting to get pictures of Cidney then she shows up behind them and you give prompto tips on flirting with her
sounds really stupid and gay. I just want to play a fun game
nice counter argument faggots
It is a fun game, you just outed yourself as gay.
They're taking about how you wiped out the generator and all the soldiers. But understand the frustration how the base wasn't even touched by the giant lightning bolt
They all have the same look of semi realistic.
It doesn't matter, though. Whether you skip them or do all of them, the main quest should still take you 30 hours MINIMUM. That's all I'm saying. Of course you SHOULDN'T skip every side quest, but not everybody cares about that shit, especially with how boring some of them are. Can you really blame anybody for just being genuinely excited to see what happens next in the plot? No matter how you try to slice it, side content is exactly what it is: side content. It isn't important and shouldn't be the grand bulk of your game.
Kys 15-kun
Any faggot saying 1e3 is worse than 15 is memeing and never actually played 13. Go suck your own dick some more kiddo.
Lightningdrone detected. XV is objectively better than 13 in every fucking aspect.
Why is everything in this game SOOO slow? getting in and out of the car, shimmying along ledges, conversation with dialogue choices, fucking everything you do has thesé weird long delays or has a couple seconds between actions where characters just stand still. drives me crazy
The only thing random npc mention is magitek troopers and how creepy they look, stop being a fucking apologist and grow a brain
As if you provided anything to argue but lies and shilling dumbass
Everytime someone uses that "trail" argument clearly shows they either only played an hours or so of the game, or never at all.
You went to abandoned villages, haunted houses, dungeons of treasure and secrets, detective work, and huge monster hunting.
Except the combat is worse, the characters are worse, the hunts are worse, the graphics are worse, the story is worse. Actually fucking die nigger.
So you only played chapter 1 and don't listen to the radios, every chapter new things are said on radio and NPCs talk about different things.
Look at all this denial and butthurt.
The combat is better, the characters are better, the music is better, the story is better, the villain is better, the world is better, the monster design is better, the art direction is better, the graphics are better, the animations are better, the ending is better.
Holy fuck you 13drones are completely braindead