Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? Literally no excuses

Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet? Literally no excuses.

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why do you make this thread every day, get a life

I choose not to so I don't end up like you.

Anything good happen in the past month or any good games? Haven't played mine since November.

I hacked my 2DS already. Ran out of room on my 32gig SD Card. Now I'm looking for a 64gig or 128gig. What's the BEST card I can choose from?

That doesn't even make any sense


Need something easier than setting up A9LH.

he's calling you a huge faggot

is this some kind of joke? 2015 called they want their hacks back

Waiting to get a new 3ds xl. haven't used my old one in forever cause of the tiny screen. The hacking process looks like a bitch to complete though.

>2015 called they want their hacks back
No they didn't.

10x longer if you are on 10.x or higher

good point


>Literally no excuses.

Except if you are on 11.0 or higher and don't have a 2nd 3ds that has already been hacked.


If anything, they are calling to steal our hax.


why is /hbg/ that largest group of faggots on Sup Forums?

I'd rather sooner go to the autistic pony board than have to deal with "lul hacking is so easy with all these guides that were made 2 months ago that have already been patched or made useless"

like brand? you could go with anything but avoid those stupid shark cards that people sometimes push. aim for a class 10 so it isnt to slow.

i use a kingston 64gig and its perfect for me. imo 128 gig is complete overkill. even with 64 i have more than enough games and still have around 5ish gigs left.

What's wrong with cakesfw?

Rxtools is fine. It works perfectly on the latest firmware and there's still nothing that requires upgrading other than >muh boot speed

3ds.guide/ is always up to date, you really do have to be a retard to brick

illiterate brictim detected

I haven't hacked mine because I cant find one to buy anywhere

I have money

i don't have a 3ds

>.nds injects finally released
>can't save games

Nope, I am safely running a9lh with a 32g sd card with every 3ds game worth playing in it.

I just think people who take advantage of the foolish and weak are faggots.

Because I have a Wii U instead

I'm on 11.2.

aaaaand confirmed

>implying anyone can out fag /vitagen/ or /ksg/

The latest "Animal Crossing: New Leaf" update doesn't work with RXtools.


at least vitagen pays for their games in hopes of supporting a system they like

Why haven't the faggots posting this shit every fucking day been permabanned yet?

11.2 with no DSiware or another system

soundhax works from 9.0 to 11.2

For everyone whose on a later firmware (9.0 to 11.2) there's a new homebrew launcher method that doesn't require buying games, being online, etc.


Because the only games I play on 3ds are pokemon games and those devs never did anything wrong so I will give them my money

Why on earth would you have ever ever ever updated your 3DS? I bought my N3DS right when they first came out and left that fucker in the box on 9.0 until I could install CFW on it.

Permabans have been easily circumventable for ages.

>literally retarted when it comes to softwares
care to do a quick run on how can i do it?


>not rehashed shitty shit shit poo poo pee pee

I'm not paying for rehash #38583593. Innovate already instead of preying on autistic children and manchildren. Not even worthy of my piracy effort.

>get homebrew installed
>still 100 more steps to play pirated 3DS games
>every step could brick my system

not worth it

because most of us aren't autistic

Shouldn't have updated, faggot.

Can I downgrade?

>this is recycled garbage, but I will still steal it and play it for 100 hours

Newfag, 99.5% of Sup Forums are autistic. GB2Reddit.

>why haven't you hacked yet anons?
>is on fucking rxtools
lol please tell me more about hacking

>I can't read the part where user says it's not even worth a pirate

How did you get through high school? Oh, wait, you're obviously underaged. What am I thinking, it's a school holiday and underagefags are out in force.

Because I'm trying to figure out with the WiiU first

>still have the original tiny SD card that came with my XL
Is it easy to transfer shit from one SD to a bigger one if I get another one? Is it as easy a copy and pasting? If not, should I just get a new SD card first before I start doing this shit?

take what I said and apply it to any game you do it for

the only defense you faggots ever have is that they don't deserve your money

I was responding to user who said the pokemon devs have never done anything wrong when all they do is rehash hot shit to forcefeed to autismos. Pay attention to the discussion.

well there then you have the reason i will never hack my 3ds, now you can stop making these threads dick tickler

I know what you were doing. I'm still calling you out as a poorfag

having soundhax and finally being able to use homebrew (on 11.2) is great, been playing earthbound on an emulator just to spite nintendo's earthbound tax (i'm on an old 3ds so i couldn't buy it even if i wanted to, yet it runs perfectly)
waiting for fasthax so i can downgrade


If you follow this guide then after you finish it all you have to do is copy paste your files from your smaller card to the bigger one. Dont forget to format the bigger card to fat32 or it wont work on your 3ds.

A few days ago I hacked my friends 3ds and he also still had the default 4gig stick. Do you have any digital downloads on your card or are all your games physical? I was able to hack is system with a 4gig but wasnt left with alot of space. I think a little bit more less than 2 gigs remained.

I actually hacked my 3DS in 2015, and totally dropped out of all advancements.

Is it difficult to change the bootloader? Still using RXTools.

Because I browse ebay for deals like a Jew and my 3DS collection is worth more than what I paid for it. Most 3DS games that aren't complete normie-bait increase in value after they drop around the half price mark. Obscure JRPGs just go straight up in value.

Just installed soundhax... what else do I need to do to play free 3DS games?

Now this is the OP I expected

Just leavin' this right here for you.


Currently using a Sandisk 32gig Class10 SD. I've been thinking of getting their 64gig or 128gig. I'm a game hoarder.

Because I'm scared to and don't know how.

/r/3dshacks also gbatemp for cia links.

because i have no reason to hack my 3DS until that fan translation of Dai Gyakuten Saiban is finished

128gb is definitely the way to go if you never want to run out of space for games
it's a fuckhuge amount too considering most 3ds games are under 1gb

128 fo sho. I filled up my 32gb just with humble bundle shit + SMT and EO games.

Literally nothing.
People bitch about it not being native region free, which you can fix in like 20 seconds with NTR.

I got all that so far. Oh and about 1k SNES roms. There's still a ton of games I need to get.

You guys think this card will work great?


what are the essential 3ds games?

Think I'll be okay to use freeshop's DLC download for Swap Doodle? Won't it look weird on their servers downloading 15 different DLC one after the other immediately?

Wouldn't they just assume you bought the Master DLC pack?

nothing will happen to you.

I didn't know that was even an option. And I don't know, freeshop doesn't tell me what DLC it downloads, it just have a single button for all DLC's for a game. Just a bit nervous, but I can't find the DLC anywhere online.


Soon as I can downgrade from 11.0 without a second system I will.

My cfw 3ds broke and i can't do a hacked system transfer if i don't know what menu im in


Put out your sd card

because you cant play online games without ubdating
and yes i played alot of Monster Hunter in its time

>Downgrade to 9.2
>Get the FBI installer cia file
>Pick your CFW of choice and get the files in the correct spots on your SD(You'll have a main folder which just goes on the root of the SD, and a separate folder in the "3ds" folder which you take and copy to your "3ds" folder so you can select it from homebrew)
>Launch the pasta homebrew app
>Launch homebrew again either through the browser or something else
>Install the FBI.cia through the FBI homebrew app
>Exit out of the FBI app
>Open the Emunand app and follow the instructions, make sure you copy everything on your sd to a folder or something
>Complete those steps
>Turn off system
>Turn back on, get into homebrew
>Open CFW
>If you did that right you should have FBI pop up
>Install vidya in the form of CIA files

After that though, you format your sysnand with a homebrew app called tinyformat. Which means you open homebrew, open the pasta app, install tinyformat, and then run it.

After that, you can get stuff like freeshop, or you can get A9LH setup.

yeah should work fine
you'll have to format it to fat32 though

the problem is nigger that he cant downgrade to 9.2

>free games

Crimson Shroud, the SMT games (especially soul hackers and devil survivor 1... SMT 4 and SMT 4A are excellent), Monster Hunter 3,4, generations, Bravely Default, the ace attorney collection, Project X Zone 2, Ace Combat, Shantae and the pirate's curse, Pokemon Sun/moon, Fire emblem awakening, Splinter Cell 3D, Resident evil: revelations, Link between worlds and the majora's mask remake + ocarina of time remake, star fox 64 remake, cave story, senran kagura, mario: paper jam, legend of legacy, tales of the abyss, beyond the labyrinth...

the 3DS is getting fasthax which will allow you to play legit CIA's with tickets(which means free games) but the thing is that only the games with a 0000000000 tix value which are basically games that came bundled with previous 3ds special editions and it's users hacked their NAND's and shared them(pokemon games,mario games,there's a list in a thread in gbatemp that isn't xboxhueg but should satisfy anyone needing FREE GAEMS)
here check this for more information: 3dsiso.com/cia-downloads/278558-legit-signed-tickets-3ds-games-installing-11-0-11-1-fbi-waithax.html

t. /hbg/ fag


I have homebrew but currently no way to get CFW without soldering, which isn't worth the risk.

There's my excuse now fuck off.

fug. Guess I'll just wait for fasthax.

t. never hacked anything fag

I have ver 11.2.0-35U

Ive never hacked a DS before, only PSP's.

What can I do bros?


I only have one 3ds OP.
Buy me another 3ds sempai. no excuses.


All these fucking latefags!

I told you didnt I? I fucking told you to hack your 3ds. Everyday I made these threads. All I wanted was to help you, I ONLY WANTED TO HELP and WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!

>not 100% bootrate
>have to install gba cias on both emu and sysnand

How long do you think I have to wait until its exploitable?