Name one (1) free to play game wiithout pay2win bullshit

Name one (1) free to play game wiithout pay2win bullshit

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Clash royale. Also nice pic,who is she

mechwarrior living legends

rom hacks

Most games on PC.

>developer spends time and money making game
>mad when charge for it

Is dark hair, pale skin and blue eyes the best combo?

Planetside 2

>But you can buy guns
Sidegrades, situational at best

>But implants
The default one is probably the best

>Getting certs takes too long
Aim better

Dota I guess

id change it to brown or green eyes, but youre good too.

path of exile

Path of Exile. The only thing you can buy with real money are cosmetic effects and bank storage, which doesn't really translate to any discernible advantage in the gameplay.


>But you can buy guns
Buying a rocket launcher that locks onto vehicles, but still lets the player dumbfire them when there is no lockon, isn't a sidegrade. It's a direct upgrade.

Cave Story

>reaching this hard

Way to leave out that it does half the damage

dota 2

OP where did you get a picture of my cousin?

Dota 2.

>sharpie eyebrows
>Can't shave her armpits properly
Get out of here

Team Fortress 2.

fuck i was going to post this

Half damage to a flying target is objectively better than no damage from missing 99% of your dumbfire rockets

mannvsmachine passes

equipment set bonuses

Yeah but it's not as good when a tank rolls up on you


ew wtf

Battlefield Heroes.

how does mann vs machine provide an advantage against other players in combat?

how does a tombstone spawning instead of a ragdoll provide an advantage against other players in combat?

ah hahaha


Define Pay2Win.

>equipment set bonuses
Almost entirely removed except flavour and the two alien set damage bonuses that only work on other alien sets

>mannvsmachine passes
it's a different mode, it doesn't make it pay2win

No. Just fucking no.

dota 2

But it's LESS situational than the default rocket launcher.

With the default rocket launcher you have 2 situations in which you can reliably use it
>against ground vehicles
>against infantry

With the lock-on rocket launcher you have 3 situations in which you can reliably use it
>against ground vehicles
>against air vehicles
>against infantry

APB reloaded.

Well, no, but it'd be cool. The game had potential desu.

She's a turk.

I prefer brown eyes, pale skin, long brown hair.

Hair can have hints of red, like Irish or be hinted with black like a lot of areas have.






kubra kapan

i also found the full picture and some others

Cave Story, Spelunky

dorf fort

clash royale = pay2win

But you can STILL use it to attack vehicles and get them out of the fight to fuck off and repair, while simultaneously locking down the entire fucking airspace by getting pilots to fuck off when they hear the warning lock.

It's doubly as useful for denying vehicles as "lel double damage gotta get my killstreak up". It's objectively more valuable a weapon.

Smite imo, if you did spend money on the game then's it would probably be for skins or voice packs. Nothing that could effect gameplay or player skill.

I'm in love


Nigger please just listen to what I'm saying

>Lock on
Can do more than the dumbfire

Is better against ground vehicles and MAXs

I personally switch between the two while playing, because one is more effective in certain situations than the other. They trade off, one is not "objectively better" otherwise BR 120s with everything unlocked wouldn't use dumbfires, and they use them all the time.

It's a trade-off, a sidegrade. Yes one can be used more but you are still sacrificing damage for usage.

Not to mention that you can just play the game and unlock it pretty quickly so Pay2Win doesn't even apply here.

Nah nigga, you listen to what I'm saying. I'll spell it out for you step by step

A player pays money

They get a new weapon that lets them shoot down aircraft.

Something they can't do with their dumbfire weapon.

They now have an advantage over players in aircraft.

directly because they paid money.

>you can just play the game and unlock it pretty quickly so Pay2Win doesn't even apply here
I used to argue this point in defense of PS2 over the years. 1 week after the weapon's released, you can never really be sure whether or not the guy who shot you down got the weapon by playing or with money. It's pointless to bitch about pay2win in such a game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist -- it doesn't change the fact that a person can pay money and skip the grind. Skipping a grind is an advantage over those who don't. An advantage they pay for. It might not be "pay2win", but that's just arguing semantics. They still pay money for an advantage.


muh DICK

Kantai Collection, you can argue it's p2w but it's financially inviable.

I agree my dude, but just looking at it from an angle of pros and cons each weapon has it's own drawbacks and plus sides.

You hit a max with a six rockets from a striker you're gonna get blasted

You hit a max with a dumbfire and a few good headshots that max is toast

I agree that yes, a player can pay to immediately get an advantage against air targets, but let's say hypothetically the lock on is the default launcher. You could pay to unlock the dumbfire and instantly have an advantage over tanks and maxes.

I think you understand that though and weve been arguing different points here. I'm just used to dealing with Sup Forums yknow.

Isn't that just some doujin series?

Why is this girl a meme?


>a turk
Yo she'd be a delight heh heh

It's a web browser game.

DotA 2 is the only real answer.
In PoE extra storage = extra room for choice which may not affect your performance directly but it still gives you an edge in a way.

>an angle of pros and cons each weapon has it's own drawbacks and plus sides.
For most weapons I'd completely agree with you, the rocket launcher just isn't one of them. There are a few others, like the NS revolvers, but I always pick the rocket launcher out because it was one of the first weapons added to the game that made me feel like paying players were really getting a straight up advantage for their money.

Destroying a vehicle is great and all, but most of the time you don't have to destroy them to get them to stop shooting at you. Ultimately "getting the vehicle out of the fight" is still the goal, and the lower damage rocket launcher can still help your team accomplish this.

Forgot to add, it does have its own pros and cons, just like every weapon, but for some reason the pros and cons introduced heavily outweigh the pros and cons replaced. The lock on rocket launch is my default go-to, I only bring out the dumbfire one for areas that are inaccessible to air, deep in our territory, or just when there aren't that many aircraft around.

Phantasy Star Online 2

Paying just gives you small enhancements that just make things less of a hassle.

Fallout shelter.

Spiral Knights

Let It Die

BZZZZZZ! Wrong again, dumbass!


easy. Fractured Space

EVE Online

Not the shitty game, this thread

DOTA2 and Paragon

>inb4 hurr assfagets

World of Tanks

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Too bad it's fucking dead. ;_;

League and legends

Planetside 2


You can hardly call paid mods p2w


>the image that gets memed is the only worthwhile one
Time and time again

You can outright buy champions and have a more versatile selection to choose from based on your team's and your enemy team's picks, and have the perfect runepage for each character and role BEFORE you put in thousands of hours.


Yeah. I'm a huge fan of OP's image's hairstyle

>you'll never be a handsome young woman like OP

>my body says yes, but my mind says gib back constantinople you fukcing turkroach
Sup Forumsacks

Path of Exile

Time Clickers


Entirely free, no microtransactions at all. Good fun for beginners and a high skill ceiling. Just gotta put up with the third worlders everywhere, but they're in every 2p game.
>Not to mention that you can just play the game and unlock it pretty quickly so Pay2Win doesn't even apply here.
I knew it from the start, you don't even know the definition of pay2win. Your argument is shit.

>itt: Sup Forums doesn't know the definition of 'pay to win'

Dota 2

>when her shoulders are as wide as yours

heh underrated


League of LEgends

path of exile

Fangames ;)


What is it about this girl that makes her so irresistible? I've only ever seen this one picture of her but I'm practically forced to click on any thread that uses it and I don't know why. She's obviously cute but there's something almost transcendentally cute about her.



The fact that you're a creepy stalker?

That hair, the smile, those dimples.

I remember the first time I saw a picture of this girl, maybe a year or two ago, I was instantly smitten. There was something so intrinsically magnetic to her.

Now, I feel nothing. I am getting stronger.