Have you fallen for any Kickstarter memes, Sup Forums?

Have you fallen for any Kickstarter memes, Sup Forums?

No. But only cause I'm a poorfag most likely.

Lol no. I like my money right where it is.

In your wife's bulls back pocket?

Sick meme dude

No, I've backed three games and they've all been worth it. People being idiots is the real problem.

I can fuck you in the ass if you want.


Pathologic, Shadowruns Dragonfall and Hong Kong

Go fuck yourself.

So you're dumb and easily offended, got it.

>So you're dumb
Would you mind explaining what the problem is, or what the problem with those games is? Of course, you can't, because this is just a bait thread.

I fell for Sup Forums memes, which is even worse, I bought MGS:V at launch for 60€ and Overwatch for 40€

No but I have wanted to before, I just can't ever bring myself to do it, because it seems like a retarded idea with games. Star Citizen for example, I want so badly for it to be good, but I also am not dumb enough to throw money at a game with the sort of overly ambitious goal like that knowing how easily it could fail.

Not him but he's right you really are easily offended. And you are completely missing the point of what he was getting at. Go get some juice and go to bed, schools going to be back in soon, gotta get your sleep schedule back in line.

>a fun team shooter
>a fun open world sandbox that had issues because a producer took a shit all over the development team before the game was done.
Oh the horror, a whole 100€ gone on decent games. How will you survive.

>Decent games

i bought ouya

>repetetive as fuck shooter with shit graphics, a dull open world and no real story
>a frustrating team (solo) shooter full of downys

Soooo much fun

Pathologic and overload both are turning out very well

>everyone's opinion that isn't mine is wrong because I said so.
Okay, keep being miserable.

You poor soul, here's your crown

Maybe overwatch was fun for me because I have friends? Mgs5 was a disappointment, no lie there, but I enjoyed a playthrough of it. I wasn't happy with the story, but the gameplay was enjoyable enough for a playthrough. Sorry that video games make you so sad.

>Not him
>but he's right you really are easily offended
So? I'm not actually offended, just tired of clueless baitposters.
>And you are completely missing the point of what he was getting at.
No, I didn't. He was using a reaction image to imply that while I might've been scornful of other people being idiots, I was being hypocritical as by my own choices I was as idiotic as them or worse - presumably implying that even the three games I pledged for were still stupid, because 'le all Kickstarters are a scam' meme. When called on it, though, he couldn't even articulate the problem with said games or even Kickstarter. And now (you) come in here trying to deflect so well.

>Pathologic and overload both are turning out very well
Pathologic has been worth everything I pledged for it just for the HD Rerelease, honestly. The fact that the reimagining looks amazing is just a bonus. Also, good taste and thanks for backing it.
Overload isn't really my thing, but it looks cool.

>That greentext
That literally what you did in your earlier post faggot.

Only Bee and Puppycat. I was originally gonna pledge 200 bucks because of the merch, but had to drop it down to 1 dollar because of emergency bills. I am so happy that happened.

Yeah. I typically back Visual Novel kickstarters for the physical goods.

Unironically pic related

As much fun as it is watching you two bicker, my original homer picture was me being cheeky with you, and you took the insult a little too far. Not everyone is going for your throat. I don't give two shits what you backed on kickstarter.


user, you shouldn't admit to stuff like that. It takes some of the fun out of it when you're just trying to keep a thread bumped

I don't know how to respond to this non response, but have a (You) user.

Kickstarted Friday the 13th the game, the beta was fun and the devs actually give a shit about the source material.
Other thing I did was Long Gone Gulch, that's a wait and see.

I fell for the original 3.3 million dollars and also Unsung Story. Fuck both of those.

Thanks to those I didn't back Bloodstained nor Yooka-Laylee which actually looked fun. I'll just get them when they are released if they are good.

>Oh fuck I got btfo

Only thing I helped fund was Wakfu, and Joking hazard, dont regret either.


>making a non response so retarded there is no way to logically respond
>doesn't get a real response
Really? Go take your pills.

protip for you reddit folks

>Still completely missing the point.
>getting even more butt burned
Jesus christ, he was also right about you being dumb.

I did, shamefurry; I paid $300 towards the Oculus Rift kickstarter and only got the DK1 and the full retail product for it.

>b-b-but he's just missing the point

>never fell for a kickstarter
>never donated to a youtuber
>never donated to a twitch streamer
>never donated to a patreon

It's -the best- feel.

I didn't buy the kickstarter but I got divinity original sin on steam, if I knew about the kickstarter and with the knowledge I have now, I'd have donated some dosh.