Can someone please explain to me how this never became a proper trilogy?
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Because Mass Effect.
Lucasarts was run by incompetent retards and Bioware by jealous, incompetent assholes.
They're both shitty, broken games.
So easy a fucking retard could beat them.
"But muhhh Star Wars."
Star Wars fucking sucks.
>dislike star wars
>feel the need to comment on not enjoying a star wars game
>he doesn't like Star Wars
>he doesn't like the KotOR games
Just take your shit taste somewhere else.
Because they thought turning the third game into a shitty mmo is a good idea
At least you can get Darth Revan's pants off his dead body
who else goes full on melee meathead in KOTOR 1 then space wizard in KOTOR 2
Because if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
It kinda is. SWTOR is KOTOR III at this point
Obsidian are franchise killers.
Fallout 4 was the first sequel in a series Obsidian had worked on.
On the bright side you can now play SWTOR as a single player game for free (with restrictions) or pay up a one time monthly fee (14$) and play through basically 100 hours of content.
Not a bad bargain.
Because LucasArts only wanted to have two games at the time. It's why they didn't care about all of Obsidian's pitches for a third game.
>paying 14 dollars to play through 100 hours of lore raping garbage
I really hope you aren't implying that Bioware was jealous of Obsidian's broke, buggy, and unfinished sequel that sold like ass. Because if you are then you are delusional.
Bioware moved on to Jade Empire and eventually Mass Effect.
>Even considering TORtanic
I can't really countenance the idea of making a 'meathead' character in KotOR, so even though I go melee soldier > guardian I make sure I've got very high Wisdom and Charisma at least.
I usually go Guardian > Weapon Master in II, but again with high Wisdom and Charisma as well as a high Intelligence, but end up as a hybrid because of how easy it is to end up a powerful Force-user regardless of class.
>Bioware moved on to Jade Empire and eventually Mass Effect
Of course, a fantastic niche game that sold well enough to get exactly zero further development, and a new series that went on to set new heights in game sales AND quality! How could I have possibly forgotten, user? Thanks for reminding me.
But, no. Actually, I was implying that KotOR's lead writer specifically was so jealous and salty that Chris Avellone did a better job writing Revan in only a couple of conversations than he had in an entire game (and backstory), he decided to ruin his own characters out of pure spite instead of accepting that Avellone's ideas were just better.
KOTOR is generally considered to be one of the best RPG's of all time, KOTOR 2 is arguably even better.
tl;dr you're a fucking idiot
>But, no. Actually, I was implying that KotOR's lead writer specifically was so jealous and salty that Chris Avellone did a better job writing Revan in only a couple of conversations than he had in an entire game (and backstory), he decided to ruin his own characters out of pure spite instead of accepting that Avellone's ideas were just better.
Truth. I'll never forgive the fuckup that Revan book was.
You're full of shit. They're not even some of Bioware's and Obsidian's best games.
uh huh
They also can't seem to keep to a budget or release schedule, no matter the publisher they work with. Odd they seem to always have bad luck with publishers that other companies can work with just fine. It's as if the problem lies with them.
You're wrong. They're not challenging in the slightest. You will never die. They're broke games. Shit design.
Get over yourself.
Reviews mean nothing.
I can tell you're a newfag to the hobby.
>Truth. I'll never forgive the fuckup that Revan book was.
Likewise. It's like Drew Karypyshit decided to pick the worst possible things he came up with, and then couldn't understand why the fans were incensed he ruined some of the best and most beloved characters in the EU, let alone Star Wars gaming.
>You're full of shit.
No, he isn't. KotOR I is generally considered one of the best rpgs of all time, and KotOR II is better. You don't even have any room to argue that the first bit is subjective.
>They're not even some of Bioware's and Obsidian's best games.
I'll debate you on this, too, if you bother to come up with an actual argument.
every review including customers, steam, sales figures etc prove it was a hit
>r-reviews d-don't mean anything
You sure showed him
>review scores
Cool, so Skyrim is the best RPG of all time according to Metacritic.
Yeah, and Watch Dogs 2 is decent. Battlefield 1 is great.
I like KotOR 1 better than 2 because I like Revan a lot better than the Exile. Revan's holocron in the Darth Bane books was fucking badass.
Then explain why nobody has ever had to reload their last save in either game.
Honestly, I see Skyrim get more hate on Sup Forums than anywhere else combined. It's widely accepted as a phenomenal game, especially when the community contributions are considered.
Kotor is awesome, I picked it up on a whim when I was like 12 after seeing it in some gaming magazine and it got me into RPGs. Bioware isn't the same these days.
>Reading anything Drew Karypyshyn wrote
Because game difficulty is not the only consideration in game quality.
Games are pointless without the fear of failure. Muhhh Star Wars lore isn't good enough.
Y O U ' R E
It's an indicator of customer feedback and reception. Sup Forums just shits on whatever's popular.
I will never understand people's hateboner for Karypshyn. I've read a massive amount of fantasy and science fiction, and his books are far more enjoyable than plenty of other popular writers' stuff.
This game wasn't that good desu. I replayed it recently for the first time in almost 10 years. It did not age well at all.
Neo Sup Forums, everyone!
And the geometric model was widely accepted in the past.
Still wasn't the truth.
>especially when the community contributions are considered.
I love how "community contributions" when talking about bethesda games mean "unpaid amateurs fixing games made by professionals, as in people who do this for a living".
>TOR has good twi'lek ass
might just have to give it a download
This nigga knows what's up.
>Games are pointless without the fear of failure.
Reductive and debateable, but just because you personally found it too easy doesn't mean it's a bad game. Like I said, difficulty is not the sole arbiter of quality, and it can be adjusted in most cases anyway, further devaluing your point.
I can complete Baldur's Gate II without reloading, too, but that doesn't make it a bad game.
>I will never understand people's hateboner for Karypshyn.
>and his books are far more enjoyable than plenty of other popular writers' stuff
That isn't really saying much.
It was just bad timing really.
>Clone Wars Multimedia project was getting started as KOTOR II came out
>Meaning everything Star Wars that wasn't related to the Clone Wars was priority zero
>Obsidan tried to push for a KOTOR III but Lucasarts didn't want anything to do with them
>By the time Lucasarts was finally willing to do it, Bioware wasn't interested at all as they had their own IPs which were much more profitable than licensed deals
The heliocentric model isn't subjective, like this.
There is no truth to opinions. At most, there's a general consensus.
>Still wasn't the truth.
But now you're being disingenuous and arguing the actual quality of the game, personally, when the original post only stated that it was considered one of the best rpgs of all time. Those things are not equivalent.
>I love how "community contributions" when talking about bethesda games mean "unpaid amateurs fixing games made by professionals, as in people who do this for a living".
That doesn't necessarily mean that all community contributions and the ease of them should simply not be considered.
Just because he helped write some stupid shit for TORtanic doesn't mean everything he ever wrote is terrible, not that linking Revan's page for it does anything to clarify why you don't like Karpyshyn. You're an idiot for judging an author by a single piece when he has a wealth of material out there. Plenty of big-name classic authors wrote retarded failure books as well as popular classics. You sound like one of those people that pretends to be really well-read when you just parrot analyses written by other anons.
Both games are too easy on Hard.
>a=b so b=c
Is SWTOR still not worth playing? Other MMOs have done a 180 before.
>not that linking Revan's page for it does anything to clarify why you don't like Karpyshyn.
Are you kidding? Revan was a trainwreck from start to finish, and possibly the worst thing about it is what it betrayed about Karpyshyn's attitude as a writer - that instead of recognising a good idea, he felt the need to come in and 'correct' everything with stupid ideas and fucking up his own characters and lore in the process.
>Just because he helped write some stupid shit for TORtanic doesn't mean everything he ever wrote is terrible,
>You're an idiot for judging an author by a single piece when he has a wealth of material out there
No, it doesn't, but equally you can't simply say 'well one bad piece should just be ignored' without addressing those criticisms; it's something that he wrote - more than that it's something he stood by and is proud of - and needs to be criticised as such. More than that, why don't you point me to some of his work that is actually good? Bane has a host of problems too, even if it isn't on the scale of Revan, and that's what a lot of people point to as his best work.
>You sound like one of those people that pretends to be really well-read when you just parrot analyses written by other anons.
That's a bit reductive of you, user. Moreover, Revan was essentially so bad that it is unforgiveable for me. Why should I force myself to suffer through more of this berk's work because people assure me he's a good writer, he just happened to write one (colossal) mistake of a novel?