Is this the most overrated game ever?

Seriously, what is so good about this game? Granted, I've only played DS2 prior but:

>less than 6 usable weapons
>only one playing style (Muh fast aggressive)
>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively
>have to farm for fucking blood vials

> less than 6 usable weapons

This faggot obviously didn't play the game, and is just copy-pasta from Xbot forums. KILL YOURSELF, BITCH!

>have to farm for fucking blood vials
git gud

Fuck off.

1) Hunters Axe
2) Whirligig
3) Saw Cleaver
4) Ludwig Holy Blade
5) Blade of Mercy

Honorable mention: Kirkhammer

There. Literally every good weapon in shitborne.

I beated the whole game with my beloved rifle spear. And the threaded cane is classy as fuck.

You fuck off.

>no Logarius' Wheel

You vileblood fucking scum.

Did you ever consider you just suck at using the other weapons?

It sounds more like you just dislike the play style rather than it being bad.

>Farming blood vials

Threaded cane is a meme weapon and so is the wheel.

There are nearly 30 weapons in the game not including the offhand weapons, this shitposting is weak.

Every weapon is viable. You won't like the game if you don't like fast and aggressive combat, but that isn't an actual criticism. Git gud.

Extremely overrated. Pretty sure people only claim its great because its Souls with faster combat and good visuals, which aren't even that great to begin with considering the game's color pallet consists of nothing more than browns and greys.

I was going to complain about the lack of good armor but after beasting the other games in any armor I wanted, I cant bitch about this one any longer.

OP is clearly shitposting
If you don't like a game don't talk about it, you autistic fuck

You do realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now righ? Probably a cuck too.

>no wheel
>no kirkhamemr
>no bowblade
>no chikage
>no pimp cane

low tier bait m8.

Here's a (you)

>wrong, you also don't have to reword previous wrong statement to pad your list
>no you don't, shitter

>i suck at the game, it's game's fault: the post

>is this the most ovverrated game ever

No, this is.

>only 2 usable weapons, "late game" weapons are just skins that do more damage
>only one playing style (Muh twirly swords with some magic)
>game shits out if you try to play any other way
>have to farm for fucking everything from ingredients to money

I won't say you're completely right about those points, but you're points are valid

The weapon selection sucks
>but muh quality over quantity

the lack of armor tiers means I just wear what has the best stats without any thought to my movement penalties

yes you have to spend about 5 mins to farm vials if you died to a boss.

I like the game now that I actually have it, but its not as good as De/Das. I even like Das2 over it.

Sup Forums jut hypes the shit out of it since its a sony exclusive.

>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively
No shit, that's how the game was advertised by the developers

Jesus FUCKING christ Sup Forums I want this game so bad. Soon. Very soon. Just two more fucking paychecks.

Threaded Cane is awesome. Whipping back 6 fodder enemies at once is the best.

What the fuck does "meme weapon" mean? Huh?

Fuck off, BB is the greatest game ever.

If you say otherwise you are a butthurt nintoddler

Is a Bloodtinge build worth going for? I'm on my first playthrough and considering it for my second. Getting the Chikage early on sounds annoying though.

>>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively

That's fucking stupid.



I just wish they'd do away with arbitrary mechanics that just make the game not fun to play.

I shouldn't be forced to corpse run to get my fucking souls back. I shouldn't be losing my souls in the first place. Why don't they save this shit for hard mode? Losing things in a video game is one of the worst feelings because that's your time being flushed away.

Hurr is abc worf goin 4 XD?
Make your own decisions and decide your own worth; if you have already decided then stop thinking over text. Dumb fucking questions like
>Am I the only one....
>Is it worf it?? XD
Need to be fucking eradicated and put down. Use your goddamn brain.


Are you okay?

>less than 6 usable weapons
deal with it
>only one playing style (Muh fast aggressive)
deal with it
>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively
git gud
>have to farm for fucking blood vials
git gud

I beat it and I couldn't even finish DS1.

>thinks he knows anything about action games

Stop replying to shitpost threads. There would be less of them if you guys stopped replying, myself included.

>>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively
Nigga on the front looks like sanic fucked a razor blade. What made you think you could get away with slow and steady in a game that uses sheilds as a joke?


I tried it. It's pretty hard to manage the blood tinge build. Start late on the blood tinge leveling and just go skill. Leave 30 or 40 level aside for bllodtinge and it shouldn't be that bad.


>most overrated game ever

nah, it's really good, and assuming that "most overrated" would mean the game with the largest gap between its actual quality and the way people rate it, then it's far from it, since it's really fucking good, close to what people rate it

of course, the 10/10s only come from people trying to justify their PS4 purchases, as they'll just pretend that its flaws don't exist
>no way to play it at 60 fps without drops
>difficulty curve all over the place
>inconsistent "parry" windows
>yet again, leveling str/dex nets too low of a damage increase to compensate for you not leveling health stat
>armors are pratically useless/irrelevant

fortunately, these flaws are far from gamebreaking and the game is still top notch, though no 60 fps really fucking hurts a game so centered around fast paced action, dodging and striking

> Is this the most overrated game ever?
No game will ever be as overrated as Half-Life 2

>less than 6 usable weapons
Oh boy, I haven't heard this one since the game's release!

That one made me feel bad for poor op

no rakuyo, no bloodletter, no beast cutter, hell no saw spear either which is the OP speed run weapon. Wow you are full of shit.

>I've only played DS2 prior

forgot about the saif too which has the best R1 spam in the game.

That filthy slide is filthy

Parry windows are completely consistent, the amount of time the parry window has varies by enemy like every souls game, also the fact that they are ranged parries means bullet travel time is a factor so consistent spacing is rewarded.

Also I changed armor in this game a shitload, frenzy resist armor for winter lanterns/ebrietas/nightmare of mensis, poison resist armor for bsb/forbidden woods/nightmare frontier, fire resist for larence/watchdog, arcane resist for logarius, etc. In Souls I generally rarely change it especially in the ones you upgrade your armor.

loving all the lols in this thread senpai

>tfw suck
I'm fucking bad, lads.


Would you think the game woule be improved by having the choice between shortsword, longsword, broadsword, infantry sword, varangian sword and heide knight sword?

It's not.

To find the "most overrated games" just open up your PS4/X1/Steam store and check out the top 10 games.

I will never understand the extreme witcher hate. I loved every one of those games even though they all had some faults but overall it turned into the best trilogy we have ever seen in gaming. Also you have to be the biggest retard to not realize that alchemy runs were op as fuck on witcher 3.

>No Saw Spear

Confirmed never played the game.

>hey, let's add unneeded grinding into the game eats up people's time if they fail in our game which has bosses you have learn to beat the hard way!

You souls fans are absolutely the worst. The grinding adds literally nothing into the game and only proves how lazily some of it's aspects are done.

Problem is the bosses aren't so hard to learn even for people new to the series. If you're losing so often you need to farm for vials then you really need to take a step back and try to fucking learn how to play better. I know having to learn a game to beat it is a pretty foreign concept these days but just try it out.

It's pretty average but Sonyboys just like to spam NEVER EVER because it's fucking hilarious

I'm feeling like doing another Bloodborne playthrough, but I'm still deciding of the character and build.
That being said, anyone wanna make some suggestions?

From what I can remember, these are the weapons I've played the game with so far;
>beast cutter, chikage, hunter axe, kirkhammer, logarius' wheel, ludwig's meeme, rifle spear, saw cleaver, Stake Driver, cane.

Just to add, I liked my Steak Driver playthrough the most, only second to my Kirkhammer run.

none of that is true tho

Beast claws with the rune

Running those two weapons right now

>Bosses aren't so hard to learn even for people new to the series
I can confirm because this was me and I've never played Dark or Demon Souls (it never interested me)

I'm thinking of doing a new playthrough sometime (still don't have the DLC yet)

I am currently using:
Main: Saw Cleaver+Blunderbuss
Secondary: Kirkhammer+Cannonball

I don't have the DLC.

The thing that bothers me about vials is I don't understand why they went back to the grass system rather than keep the estus system. Why add unnecessary tedium if you get stuck on a hard boss when they already fixed this shit? It makes losses feel more demoralizing knowing you're wasting your healing items. It's not a big thing but it's just a minor nuisance that they already fixed, there was no reason to backpedal.

>forbidden woods
Oh god where the fuck am I going?
The way this game blueballs you on lanterns/shortcuts is getting ridiculous. I found a place with snake people but I homeward bone'd because I had like 60K echoes and there was no end was in sight.

the "6 weapons" (more like 12, becomes about 16-18 if you include the dlc if I remember) have more diversity than all of the souls weapons combined. Quality>Quantity, bloodborne's biggest setback from the rest of the series were the lackluster online systems/lack of faction systems.

pussyfooting will get you nowhere, there is no second lantern in the woods.

Regardless, what are the positives of the bloodvial system compared to the estus system?

There's 3 shortcuts in the woods. If you explore enough you are never too far from the initial lamp. It's like Demons Souls, you get one respawn point and you have to then make it all the way to the boss, funding shortcuts.

Dark Souls (especially 2&3) had about twice the bonfires they should have had, and level design got lazy.

>each weapon is really unique and has many different attacks unlike DaS's many weapons that are similar. quality over quantity every time
>the funnest playing style in a souls game
>parrying is rewarding
>the only negative in this whole fucking game

Byrgenworth would have been a better area if it had the Lecture Building combined into it

Cainhurst needed more castle areas to go through

It's up there OP. I thought it was alright but can't compare to the Souls games. DMCing Souls is not fun.
Fantastic aesthetic and atmosphere though.

We'll have to see if Bloodborne gets a decade of cocksucking like OOT and FF7 have enjoyed for the past 15+ years to see if it is one of the "most overrated games ever".

You cant just heal with no consequence, also vials drop like crazy and you need to fuck up constantly to run out, which means get good or fuck off and play something else and stop trying to lower the bar and ruin vedeogames for everyone else just because you are shit. Its so absurdly easy to avoid damage in this game they needed to limit healing

Estus limited healing more than vials do though. Instead of just 5-10 heals, you get 20+whatever else you pick up after using a few. Anyways, the vial system does not make the game harder. Just more tedious.

Practically speaking, those are 11 weapons.

And balancing for 20 makes for way better levels than balancing for 5, plus less but stronger charges doesnt limit shit when you get free refils

OP is fag
mad cuz bad
literally git gud

I am using memes to reply but seriously OP, end your pathetic life

>Someone critiques Bloodborne

Every single time. I wish there was a blood test we could administer like that scene from The Thing, only it detects shills and drones.

confirmed for mad cuz bad

That's because Bloodborne is the perfect game, retard. Why don't you go back to playing your idol weebshit games, PCkek?

if you run out of vials you suck objectively

git gud or play your shit anime games

I'm not OP, you should have kept an eye on the reply counter.

I have a long list of reasons I hate Bloodborne, few have to do with difficulty. Oh, and anyone who uses that tired argument but died to Vicar Amelia even once should stop browsing this board and stop playing videogames immediately.

gr8 b8 m8

The only reason OP made this topic is because bloodbabbies get baited and rage so hard at the slightest negative opinion saud about bloodborne regardless of it being true or not.

Inb4 timestamp ur copy

okay so you're bad at the game
play something else and stop bitching fag

How is it tedious? Unless you fuckup literally everything in every encounter you will never hit 0 on your person let alone in your stash, which means you will only die if you fuck up super hard, not because you ran out of heals. Quite the opposite of tedious honestly

>flat arc wheel
>50 arc tonitrus
>Bolt saif/saw spear
>korean gemmed chikage
Basically, ur fuckign stupid

>less than 6 usable weapons
wtf are you talking about
>only one playing style (Muh fast aggressive)
101 different range builds
>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively
101 different range build
>have to farm for fucking blood vials
You literally NEVER have to do this unless you are the absolute worst at playing it.

also i didn't think you were op

I have no idea why some idiots want a slow play style in bloodborne. From the very start bloodborne was all about aggression and fast combat. Would a slow play style even work? Would the game be beatable if you were as slow as in dark souls? Like genuinely. I think something like Ludwig would be impossible to beat if you were slow, everything in this game was built for fast movement.

Ok so what is a "meme weapon"?

>game shits out if you try to play slowly and defensively
Someone hasn't used turtle reiter

>no Stake Driver, the manliest weapon known to man

It limits how many times you can heal in an attempt. You could also make an estus like system work with 20 smaller heals. I'm sorry man, but I honestly can't see what bloodvials add besides tedium

Its because they believed all the retards who told them it was identical to dark souls
Its meant to be a fast-paced game that rewards aggression, pretty much the opposite of the souls games
Its something miyazaki has been talking about wanting to make since around the time of dark souls 1 dlc iirc
Calling a game shit because it does exactly what it sets out to do is pretty retarded. I don't follow the law in grand theft auto, I don't hug demons in DOOM, so I sure as shit wouldn't try to play as a slow lumbering knight in a game that explicitly tells me not to do that

>kill shit on your run back to the boss instead of skipping everything
>pick up your souls on every try
>slowly you will gain a large pool
>teleport back to base using the teleport that lets you keep souls
>use those souls to buy more pots

This shit is not difficult.

if you need to farm blood vials you are objectively bad at this game

I personally never had to grind for vials, but I can understand if some less skilled players had to. Why introduce a mechanics that could force a grind when there was a perfectly functional system that could not?

>Estus limited healing

No, it fucking didn't. What it did was giving a guaranteed reserve of heals in addition to your farmable healing item (humanities/gems), and that reserve was quite generous past the first couple of levels.

DeS, DaS, DaS 2 all offered more healing that you could ever use once you got past the first half of the game at the latest, and possibly very early if you knew what you were doing. And in DaS it was also possible to make chugging Estus in combat practically uninterruptable, just in case you found seeking safe moments for healing too hard.

Exactly. Fucking thank you. Ever since bloodborne was released I've heard countless people cry "waah waah why is the game so fast". It's because that what the game fucking is, a fast action game. Bloodborne is bloodborne, not dark souls.