With the MMO genre dead, is this the only worthwhile game that remains?
With the MMO genre dead, is this the only worthwhile game that remains?
It's just another WoW gear treadmill themepark with no meaningful player/world interaction outside of its housing system.
But if it's WoW but better doesn't that pretty much mean it's good?
It's not even the best one out right now user
Yes, although depending on your taste, the genre altogether may not be worthwhile.
Stormblood isn't even out yet.
And with how poorly they did with HW, highly unlikely. Unless you enjoy 2 endgame dungeons and 1 raid every 6 months.
Its the same exact thing as WoW used to be.
You have your time gated weeklies and everything.
WoW locked the genre in stagnation for 10 years, and XIV is just maintaining that status quo.
XIV has been dead for a while senpai
>doing the same 2 or 3 dungeons every day to get enough to get 1 piece
>doing the faceroll raid to upgrade one of those
>having to do storymode raids with people who click out of their spellbook to progress your story
XIV does so much wrong that was corrected by better games in 2008 or 9
>2 or 3
Always just 2 now. Unless you want to do the 'level 60' roulette, and then you'll get ARF 90% of the time :^)
>every single XIV thread just degenerates into the same 3 fags whining that it's not Valkurm Dunes
i can't wait for this patch lull to end so people who actually play this game start to post again
Whats the fastest pvp que?. I'm wanting to collect some marks before that event shows up. Does anyone a time that people run pvp? I heard about a server that does pvp and they group up and fill the ques pretty fast.
that'll only last like a few days to a week, considering how much is actually in a patch
8v8 feast during your region's primetime hours aka 7pm-11pm
>finally got my Thordan clear tonight
Hype as fuck for zurvan fight.
>those panels dropping
>Zurvan climbing out of his pit
i can't wait
>retards think BLU will be annouced
oh wait if we've saved up marks, does this mean we can get the GARO armor easily?
I haven't touched PVP in a few months but i'm near cap with marks after getting most of the armor i wanted for glamour.
>Still can't rotate UI elements or setup Hotbars in any way but in a line
I don't give a fuck what they do, if they give me this I'll be satisfied.
Apparently YoshiP said the Spider-Man shirt had more to do with the story than a director of some movies.
Bitten by a spider, gain spider powers.
Hit by ability, learn ability.
Blue mage confirmed.
>Doing PotD
>Some faggot talking about 'adjusting their hotbar'
>Been doing nothing for 5 minutes
>Finally move when we finish everything in the level
>"About time"
>"Still not done ;)"
>Boot their ass
So satisfying.
We're getting Samurai as a STR-based job.
Garo stuff is tied to pvp event. I just dont know if they are going to make us farm a new currency during the event. I'm getting marks now just incase. The yoshi said the mounts will be harder to get so I'm assuming you probably need to get everything like the yokai event.
How else would you want to orient hotbars?
ah i missed the yokai event so i wasn't sure how it was done. yeah sounds like a safe idea just in case, but i do hope it's not new currency. i haven't felt motivated to play PVP in a long while, but maybe this event may fix that.
>leveling in early dungeons
>other SMN casts nothing but ruin the entire dungeon
>I'm the only one that attacks Graffias's tail
>no comms
Not that guy, and personally I would do this, but I've seen some crazy looking WoW setups that have their skills laid out in a circle around their character
Pretty decent thread for a dead game.
>Caring about comms
>Wanting comms for not being an absolute retard
>expecting comms as a DPS
Never happening
After tanking a for a while I get irked if I don't get comms at the end of a dungeon.
How upset would you be if I said I haven't given a comm out since last year?
What's the best solo class? Like, a decent amount of damage output and survivability?
You monster...
So start off as a marauder? Sounds good.
Got those lines yet user?
Give me the source
Fuck you, you moon-whore! You haven't given me more than 1 line in fucking 5 weeks!
tanks also get much faster queue times than dps classes
FFXI, although not much of an MMO anymore, is still an all around better game. If you want a good game, I'd recommend that over XIV.
This. I can't wait for the FFXI remake even though it's going to suck because:
Did they release that FFXI spinoff mobile game yet? It looked kind of fun.
>all around better game
it's a relic of a bygone era
A long time ago in 2015 but it's only in Japanese.
>only just hit 50
>still need to finish several patches worth of story, complete HW, and then gear up
I won't even be ready.
comms are the equivalent of (you)'s
Localization never EVER
I give comms to DPS because they tend to miss out, unless of course they did somethign retarded.
>People that play this game only have things to talk about for 2 weeks every 2-4 months since that's exactly how long content lasts
Whoa..............so this is the power of XIV..............
do people only play mmos just because theyre simply mmos? Like i always read about people playing mmos expecting a list of things that should feed their needs only because they're an mmo and how theyre all wow clones and how they dont fit some vague description on how old mmos used to be. What happened to just playing a game you simply like?
>What happened to just playing a game you simply like?
The problem is that people who hate MMO mechanics and systems came into our genre and forced it to change for them. If people just played games they liked, this wouldn't be an issue. But now there are no real MMOs around anymore for us to go to, so we deal with what we have.
nolife neets want a game which rewards them for playing 24 hours a day as a surrogate for their own shitty lives.
Why can't I cast multiple glamours on a single gear? It's so retarded I can't cosplay as both Darth Lander and Anakin Skylander
I'm not sure if it's the same thing I'm thinking of, but I was hoping we'd be able to have class/job specific glamour so those that share gear can still have a unique look. I just don't like my BLM looking the same as my SMN when i switch jobs. I think it wouldn't hurt the glamour prism market this way, it still would work the same.
Their favorite MMO died and they've been salty about it ever since.
So why aren't there anymore MMORPGs that cater this need? Did all of them have to become more like WoW and focus on appeasing casual players?
Yeah, since casuals are a much larger playerbase and the neets just take what they can get anyway. No one is going to make a game that caters to 100k people when they could make one that appeals to 1 million.
>If people just played games they liked, this wouldn't be an issue.
Might've been an issue when there's just no sustainable business model. I mean, every old MMO has shut down, pretty much.
They shut down because
1) They're old
2) Because of WoW, it's now considered a failure to have anything below 1 million subs. Those old MMOs were perfectly sustainable far below that, and still would be, but now everyone demands nothing less than WoW numbers.
More of less this to be honest.
You know how there's gear sets you can set in the game? Like, the thing that saves what gear you're wearing or whatever? I wish you could cast Glamour to THAT, so that a gear set can have your epic dreadwyrm armor glamour while the other has a cosplay glamour with the same class, or in your case, so that jobs that share gear doesn't look the same.
I'd say it'd be stupid to shut down a profitable project, but CoX did exist once.
A lot of those old MMOs like Everquest are still going. FFXI is still going too. It's just that no one plays them anymore because, surprise surprise, themepark treadmills are more popular.
>So why aren't there anymore MMORPGs that cater this need
We already have WoW for that. With all the time and RNG gates to progression with the artifact, legendary, and titanforging systems it's effectively a full time job and more to stay ahead of the curve.
FFXI was also SE's most profitable game ever, and they gutted it on purpose with Abyssea to try and lure people into XIV. Then for ARR, they fucked it again.
>someone actually believes this
i know jack squat about this stuff, but i wonder if it's something that can be easily implemented on their end.
Just a minor annoyance for me but for a game where glamouring is a big part for a lot of players, i'd love to see it. just a QOL addition that would make me happy
how long does it take to level 53-60 at potd
Changing glamours to be based on character item sets instead of individual gear pieces would probably be a pretty big job, since there's not really any existing system in place to support something like that.
>it's effectively a full time job and more to stay ahead of the curve
Fuck off, unless you are someone with literally no time to play vidya it is stupidly easy to stay geared and up to date in Legion, I have been playing Legion for maybe an hour or two every couple of days for the last two months and i am already half way through EN Mythic
>anime reaction image
0-4 = resub to ff14
5-9 = play hyrule warriors and resident evil revelations 2
Well, probably about 9-10 floors per level, at an average of 20 minutes a piece...
About 24 hours?
Have fun.
>am already half way through EN Mythic
>this late into the tier
yeah of course things seem great if you're a casual, Legion was designed for people like you. The equivalent in XIV would be someone hitting 60 today and going "Wowww I'm getting tons of upgrades from weeping city and sophia"
>tfw Mythic+ was exactly what I wanted out of endgame
>tfw everything else in Legion just wears at you with all the RNG and poor class decisions and all the specs feeling so garbage
>tfw love Disc Priest/Shadow Priest but they are going to get nerfed/reworked into boring garbage
Was really excited for Legion, really excited during the first month or two, then everything fell apart.
>Finally localize it
>Put US/EU servers deep into canada
>Netcode is ass
>low subscribers
>shut down the game a year later.
>Disc Priest
I kept hearing that was destroyed. Did they fix that in Legion? Used to be my favorite healing class and spec back when I played before quitting in Cata.
Legion Disc Priest is an entirely new spec, you place atonements with a small heal/power word shield and then a % of all the damage you do is what fuels your healing.
It's super fucking fun in dungeons because managing 5 atonements is about perfect, raids it starts to get a little unwieldy because with GCD you can really only keep ~7 at a time before the 1st start to fall off as you are just applying them, not even healing yet. Spec feels very rewarding and when everything clicks its like how FFXIV treats healers and you are basically another DPS added to the encounter.
legion was a fucking mistake, it lobotomized so many specs
And it's really a shame cause the Questing felt way better, Dungeons were alright and Mythic+ was a great way to do 5 man endgame content on par with raids, Karazhan was awesome. Emerald Nightmare was iffy but it was this version of Highmaul. Didn't do Trials of Valor cause I quit right before that.
They just fucked up the specs royally and the RNG is WAY too fucking much nowadays.
>tfw no qt miqote cosplaying gf
>we're getting another slashing damage class when the game is currently ruled by slash and pierce damage classes
around mid 50's it generally takes 6 runs of 51-60 to level up, 7 at level 58 and dunno how many 59-60 takes, probably 9 if i had to guess.
nah, 59-60 is fast. 56-58 is the worst
>"Still not done ;)"
triggered me
>yoshi confirmed that wolf marks would be involved in the GARO event
are you fucking ready to grind out 500k fucking wolf marks to get everything faggot
They still have wired phones?
I don't care about stupid looking Sentai armor that is out of place.
I still have a wired phone...
whos this
i think people have them because they never bothered to go wireless home phones because they already have their smart phones
Oh trust me, I was absolutely livid. It made the boot so satisfying.
I'm surprised people even have home phones still.
Hell I still don't have a cellphone. Not like anyone wants to talk to me anyway.
Not to mention it just looks awful. Sure the whole animal-mask shit was interesting with the first few sets of pvp gear but it's overworn its welcome.