ITT: Games that defined your childhood

ITT: Games that defined your childhood

rated M faggot

great thread

I don't think I've ever started and quit a game more. Six or seven times.

I want to enjoy it but I hate it.

it's because it was such a downgrade from san andreas, and because of the trend of 'gritty reboots' that movies and shit were going through at the time.
All the little things that made 3 and SA enjoyable were pretty much gone.


This better be a b8 thread


>your childhood

how OP falsely feels right now...

your a slav now

>2008 was 11 years ago

You do realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now right? Probably a cuck too.

>not SA

youngfag detected

Not that user but how the fuck does talking shit about a game equate to being a beta orbiter?

>1999 was 23 years ago

Don't respond to it.



it wasnt that dark or gritty. just niko, the world he was in was still the regular gta wackiness of before.

Apparently 9 = 11 now

Sometimes I wonder when playing some above average modern game on steam if 10 years from now there's going to be anons reminiscing about it in a "games only you played thread"

thats the year i graduated, havent had a job since.

Are you early/mid 90's kids triggered? I bet he's serious

It's some new may may newfags are pushing. Ignore.

pc friends late to the party as always



>people who were children when Skyrim came out are now old enough to post

Smash for the N64, Mario 64, The first three crash games, spyro, destruction derby, and Mario Sunshine to name a few

you have to go back.


That was only 6 years ago.

>Play bastion cause into older games for cheaper price
>Discover its a great game 5 years later after not being in indie scene in early 10s
>Go to youtube to listen to awesome OST
>See a comment of someone saying they loved this game when they were 10 and is now 15
>realize you were a senior in highschool and that commenter was probably only elementary school
>go on Sup Forums and see a bunch of crap about overwatch softcore porn and not understand all these hipster trendy games of current years