Kenshi thread

How's your base coming along?

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What is this game and is it good?

>What is this game
Read the op.
>is it good?
you can do ANYTHING


>tfw always built in the holy lands
>started building further into neutral territory
>now have bandits coming to my base every so often

Holy area is nice for starting off

Can I be THAT GUY?

>build in holy nation
>until walls are finished get patrols coming by to ask me who I whorship
fucking mormons

got any fit girls?

Is this a mod or did the character models get updated? I haven't played in a while.

I dunno. Character bodies reflect stats.

Anyone wanna hear about the fate of my Freedom Seekers after they tried to leave the Vain?

What's the current version of this game? It seems really cool from what little I've seen, I'd like to try it out a bit before dropping some money on it though.

I bought this the very day Early Access started and havent touched it since. How is it now?

>tfw you run out of building material
>the closest town is half a day away.


I bet they died.

Yup, became dinner for those long neck creatures.

>send guys to explore interesting formation on map
>a heard of beak things comes running out to meet them

So how does this actually play

like an rts game

The annoying thing is that you can't outrun them

>Added hunger and other survival crap
Worst decision he could've made, what a fucking waste. From a squad RPG to a squad survival game in less than a month.

If you don't like the hunger stuff you can turn it off

Last time I checked there wasn't an option for that, I'm assuming there's some dodgy third party config out there?

No, I think the option to turn them off are in the advance options


Like if Mount & Blade was an RTS. It even has base building.

>tfw you score your first victory off an escaped slave

That dude besides the black chick could really use some food right now.

That's just how hivers look, mang.

How serious is the base building stuff?

Is it more along the lines of Baulder's Gate strongholds where it's simple a place to rest and repair or is it totally free form?

Can I say, watch families form and pop out little children for me to eventually control?

Pneumatic Harpoon a best.

You hire people and can put them to work farming or making stuff like weapons and armor. I think you can make a trading post too.

It is free form. PIC RELATED is the first base I made.

>watch families form and pop out little children for me to eventually control?


Get some serious Star Wars Galaxies vibes from this game.

Do they ever plan on doing that?

The lack of shadows is triggering me.

I can deal with low quality graphics in the current year, but a lack of shadows is unforgivable.

Please tell me these screenshots are from someone's toaster and that the game has shadows.

>Hunger rate 0.25
>Can still starve to death
user you lied to me and made me download 2GB of shit.

>Lineages, families, birth, old age, etc. are all confirmed will NOT be in Kenshi.

I can't speak for others but
are both from be and I'm pretty sure I was on the lowest setting as that was my old toaster. I actually haven't played since the big optimization update and finally upgrading my computer.

Yeah if you watch the trailer there are shadows so youre good senpai
Thanks for posting this op. Have literally never heard of this but it's going on my wishlist

Looks like ass. I think I dodged a bullet on this one. Picked up Battle Brothers instead.

The game is actually really graphically demanding, even my old 980 Ti struggles a little, I found a happy medium by turning the terrain detail down.

I slid the shadow range to the max, I usually have it on 3800 and it looks just fine.

I don't think it's graphically demanding. More like not as optimized?

>A fucking Kenshi thread
>On Sup Forums
I'm waiting for the game to go 1.0 before I jump in. I haven't played on the new map yet, I'm really going to miss the desert. I know it was lazy and easy and cheap, but putting so many hours into the game and knowing the map like the back of my hand and having my town, there's a lot of memories.
How's it going so far? I'm not too keen on the hunger system.


It's version 0.95
There was a fairly recent update that changed the map from a plain desert to an actual fucking map that's gigantic and has different biomes and shit.



I've had this game in my steam library for ages but never actually touched it. Interesting.


For those of you who can run this game smoothly what kind of pc do you have and how much did it cost?

No one can run the game smoothly. It's unoptimized as shit.

Thought I was the only one

>Kenshi is actually good now.

>early access

sorry brah
gotta play it safe
game looks fun tho

the game is still in beta and ambitious as fuck. No way is it gonna run smoothly.

dont know what this is about OP but that looks absolute shit

literally cant see anything

How often does this game go on sale? Because of these bloody holidays I can't chuck money in my account til Wednesday when the banks open but the sale will be over by then and I only have 9$ in my account right now.

I'm just pirating it now. I know how shit it used to be so I'm skeptical.

probably because its nighttime

Note to self, bone dogs are not to be fucked with. Honestly it does beg the question, how do I get my squad to not suck absolute dick at defending themselves.


It's got potential but it's still in alpha stage. It's been in development since 2009 and I doubt it's gonna be finished anytime soon.

I can put up with a game that is in eternal alpha but all the negative reviews seem to say the same shit, the game is riddled with bugs that go unaddressed because fanboys are too busy sucking the devs cock to cause enough of a stink about it to get him to fix it.

I'm cool with never getting everything that's promised but the forum moderator locks peoples threads if they complain about the game and that seems like the kind of sinking ship that I don't want to jump on, unless most of these bugs have been fixed by now.