Recommend me some good fantasy or space games in the past 3 years
Recommend me some good fantasy or space games in the past 3 years
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Dead Space 3 is a fantastic space game, no matter what people say about it.
Trails in Tainted Space.
Tell us your autismo level OP.
Space station 13 if you want a multiplayer 2D space station simulation with a mix of goofyness and some roleplay.
Faster Than Light if you want a similar experience but singleplayer and focused around commanding crew of a ship rather than being it.
I like M&B, Elite Dangerous, Mass Effect, 2D games are not my thing
No man's sky
whats his youtubde again?
This is him now
>Sammy is gay now
That one selfie of him is pretty handsome though, albeit gay as shit
Are the rumors about his uncle raping him true?
>in the past 3 years
My time machine is broken.
eve online
>It turns out im not crazy
sammy you're much much better in this video but there's nothing you can do to defend this one
I posted the wrong link. Here is the one I meant to post.
Probably not
Shame. I feel like being a meme-tier youtube personality at the age he was probably fucked him up. He seems like a handsome normal young man these days, for the most part.
Is Sammy still around?
He goes by the sensational sammy zenith now and he still does stuff I think? But it's not on youtube anymore. Its on like Instagram and other gay shit for children his age.
He would make a prerry cute trap.