Can we sue sakurai for ripping content from other fighting games?
Falcon using Sol Badguy's special moves was bad enough
Can we sue sakurai for ripping content from other fighting games?
Falcon using Sol Badguy's special moves was bad enough
I guess Capcom should sue everyone who makes a fighting game with fucking fireballs and dragon punches.
>thinks you can sue over this
Do you got the one with Corrin and Morrigan?
Is OP implying that Urien is the first character to ever use an overhead chop?
But this one is just blantant tho
>Can we sue sakurai for ripping content from other fighting games?
Well you've got shoulder tackle and fireball, but where is samus's knee drop, headbutt, and aegis reflector?
Shield mechanics covered aegis but the others are just not feasible with the character
Smesh bubble shield isn't a wall you put up in the stage that you can bounce the other player off of to extend combos
>can we sue him for using generic, basic poses for attack in a fighting game
>capcom invented the kick, downward chop, and roll
Have you ever heard of King of Fighters?
Art of Fighting is a better example
Got a picture for the Falcon one?
shes had this same moveset since smash64
>can WE sue
No WE cant sue Sakurai you fucking moron. Educate yourself and take a beginners law class. You dont have any rights to the Urien sprite work therefore you have no claim to a suit neither criminal not civil. This isnt even grounds for a civil class action lawsuit as none of the class owns the rights to that sprite artwork and none of you are affected.
If Capcom owns the rights to those sprites, then yes, they can sue, but the country of origin matters, if this is all in Nip-nong land, then copyright laws can differ.
This is a legitimately retarded thread and if you lived in 1930s Germany, the SS wouldve fucking shot you for being mentally retarded.
>can we sure
fun fact, you can sue anybody for fucking anything. It all depends on whether a judge decides whether its a fraudulent case or not.
Awful unironic post
Good post
This is all besides the fact that you can't sue for infringement on something abstract like fighting styles or human movement in general.
Urien debuted in Second Impact you fucking children
But Urien first appeared in Double Impact
>brown thongman
>"""Sol Badguy"""
Literally who are these nobodies?
>liking that orange turd
>hasn't had a good game in the last 5 year
So what you are telling me is I need to get my buddy who invented the Judo Chop on the phone and Ill be able to sue Capcom AND Nintendo?
>trying to talk shit about a character literally more famous than all your literally who animus put together
Only thing she is famous for now is the blue suit slut shots.
And still she's 10 times as well known as brownman.
these are simple animations, you must be braindead to think its ripping off street fighter.
well if you do that you'll have to sue capcom for ripping off jojo and dbz. Sol is prety much Terry Bogard so asw owes snk.
Individually, yes, but as a whole it's quite the coincidence.
You want to know what else is blatant? Jago's Endokuen. You want to know who isn't getting sue? Killer Instinct's devs
I would say Ken is more recognizable than Samus to the average person
Jago shoots his with one hand