So Sup Forums? who's going to win?

so Sup Forums? who's going to win?

haha XD have an upvote my friend!

back too reddit kiddo

fucking newfag upvotes dont exist on Sup Forums

Gonna be honest with you, what a shit shit shit thread.

First of all, you present us a scenario with such an obvious winner, purely on build Metitem has a clear advantage, beefy arms, strong, wide spread stance, massive alpha pauldrons, etc.

and then we get to Diorroid.

What a disgrace.

Tiny T-rex arns, 6 year old girl trying not to piss stance, overcompensating torse plate which has NO correlation to her fucking build. Fucking retarded.

This isn't even going into the fact that Metitem has TWO GUN ARMS, while Diorroid has two flimsy fucking sausages stabled to her shoudlerstecles.

Don't post this shit unless it's a serious inquiry, wasting my time shouldn't be the only thing keeping yourself from dangling from the ceiling, the 500 pound weight capacity on the rope should.

>2 guns vs no guns
The answer is clear. This is basically str vs dex all over again.

Fuck off newfag stop trying so hard to fit in.

>this idiot

how many layers of "i was merely pretending" are you all on?

>I was pretending to be retarded
Nice try

thats all Sup Forums shitposting is now, us who can pretend to be retarded the most untill the other side gets mad

the ultimate battle

Metroid Prime 4 wins

but dioroid has hands, and that is the pinnacle of human genetic superiority

Sharing to the channit, thanks bud

I don't know, HITTIH has two guns, but we don't know what's in NAMMAN's briefcases.

The one with the guns.

the briefcases hold america's nuclear codes

Namman has his legs buckled under the weight of the briefcases. whatever is in there is heavy as shit

Haha perhaps you mean like an inception of sorts, have some gold friend

When did people start hating unitinu?


soios has .. gloves?

metitem has two arm cannons. diorroid has a weakness in her armor right at her vagina.

i think we know who wins here.

>glove vagina vs dual sword dicks

I know exactly where this manga is going.

It's a artefact to seal his powers.

Hittih's sense of fashion is pretty retarded. At the same time, if he can stand being so flashy and not caring about stealth, he must really mean business.

Soios clearly has to keep his hands shackled to avoid murdering anyone on sight. He doesn't need a weapon, I say he wins.

>I know exactly where this hentai is going.


>Metitem has two arm guns
>Buff ass motherfucker
>Diorroid has no guns
>Weak as shit
Metitem wins by a landslide.

Diorroid is a NEET TEEN pussy

>2 vacuums
>2 opposable thumbs

The REAL battle

>implying a wizard would lose against a bard.

Tuning Boomerang vs. Boomerang Banjo


>Lanqphal, the dark pyromancer, with his crooked sonic staff

>Nameless druid of light

I'd bet on Namman if I were a bettin' man, 'Nam was a pretty brutal war so he probably has picked up hundreds of ways to kill a man using only two briefcases

Hit Thi might have two guns, but N A MM A N has two briefcases which may hold anything, even guns.

I'm going with H A MM A N on this one.

Who wins this?

Gee I wonder

Soios has the nostrils to breathe with, so he just needs to outpace Diwic long enough for him to run out of oxygen. It should be easy since dual sword-dicks are notoriously cumbersome

2 guns

>conjoined twins vs guy getting crushed between 2 tiki columns
Crrc doesn't stand a chance


The dark magic user may have the V staff, but dual-weilding banjo player wins. I mean after all, he has two gigantic dicks.


You fool, Ciwic doesn't need to breathe

Meauatem looks like a fucking badass robot.

HAAH WAAW is one of my favorite memes.

Now, at first glance Dilosraeg looks like he has the advantage, considering that he has two eyes, but Metallatem's eyepatches are a clear indication of his experience in the field. He is, in fact, a pirate, and has proven that he doesn't need eyes to get what he wants. I'm actually willing to bet that he intentionally blinded himself just to give himself a bit more of a challenge when facing his foes.
Metallatem can't be beaten.




Hit Tih looks pretty comfortable and confident. Like he's about to do something he's done tons of times before. Probably a bit of a jokester too. Crazy fucker.

NamMan is all business. He's not moving. Not with suitcases like that. Unlike Hit who's a loose canon, Nam has come prepared. Nam has done his research. Nam is a strategic man.

Ok /vee/, who wins this fight?

I choose Naw-Man


>swoll nigga with two guns
>guy who has a gaping ass on the front of his body

gee i wonder

yfw metallatem means metal breath in german

he is the pinnacle of combat



Daeddead is practically a cyclops, and is probably a descendant of the cyclops from Homer's epic play, Oedipus. Not only that, he has leagues of men flanking him, and has clearly learned from the savage ways of his man-eating ancestors. Daeddead has strong mental fortitude, and looks at the viewer with a sharp gaze.
Redider can only manage a slant-eyed gaze and can't even keep his head straight. Guy was born with a crooked skull, and keeps it up with a crooked legacy.

HIT TIH seems mad as fuck already showing his guns, but god damn check the face of NAMMAN he stays cool as fuck knowing that he can handle the enemy with ease.

*The Odyssey, not Oedipus. I'm fucking retarded.

61EVIIVE16 has just been struck with by a ball exceeding the speed of light, and is being launched backwards into another dimension.
But, NBAUABN is undergoing mitosis because he has ascended into a higher being and no longer needs sexual reproduction for his species. Fucker just splits right in two. Look at the effort he's putting into it all as well. Unbelievable.

Does 61EVIIVE16 even stand a fucking chance against this guy?


Oklahahalko twisted both his ankles under his own weight.
Ammma is propelling into the air using his anus rocket boosters.

Ammma wins.

Just because 2srettutters2 has no arms doesn't mean he isn't a good guy. In fact, look at the all the praises he's being given: "4.75/5". He's even smiling at you, and knows that motivation is all you need to overcome any disabilities.
And then look at this complete faggot Timesplipsemit over here. He's trying to mimic Megaman's blasters because he's a completely unoriginal faggot who's jealous of the attention 2srettutters2 gets, and tries to pose as Megaman instead. He's a fucking tryhard.

like 5 or 6 my dude


Tim Espllpsemit is a bio-organic dual sentry turret
S2 Rettiitters 2 just has two heads, which are better than one, but 0 arms, which is infinitely worse than any
Tim ha sthis is the bag

NamMan wins thanks to the power of money.

Holy shit, is that blast mcfast on the left?


Cutting with twin swords vs cutting with mind. Difficult choice.

Each briefcase has two guns Namman wins.

Ecnaeieance is mimicking a triangle because he knows--as we all do--that the triangle is the perfect shape, and that three is a perfect number. He clearly has this win all for himself.

METALGEEGLHTEM needs to use swords and a chest shuriken to cut through something, while DNISIAAWRRISING just uses his razor pointy hair.



Rediaraider has a full bow, Tombabomt has a harp.
Rediaraider wins.




Redider has a prominent third eye, indicating he might be some sort of esper or spiritualist. Probably the former, going off of his huge noggin.


Haah Waaw looks like a mighty warrior who loves a good fight.
Cllo Srrs can't be underestimated, tho. He doesn't posses any weapons but seems to be a master rogue. Just look at how they're all looking away, as if he's not there.

Might be an interesting battle.

At first, it seems that Lamal wins, simply by bringing guns to the fight. However, the fight is more even than you would think. It is quite obvious that Erioioire is a pretty bulky, buff guy. In fact, he just killed 2 people in preparation for the fight. He has also brought police reinforcements. Keep in mind that Lamal brought 2 guns. However, this suggests a lack in knowledge about firearms because guns akimbo are very inaccurate and impractical.

It's a tough call, but I would say Erioioire wins.

Hit Tih has a cooler tie.

Cyclopes vs time traveling Triclopes from the year 8008. I'm going to give this to the Triclopes on the grounds of depth perception alone.

Hard to say. FEATUTAEE EOE is a cyclops, so he has no depth perception. However, he has 2 John Cenas to back him up.

GNIRURING WOW has some kind of super-awareness with his 3 eyes, and has brought along Ainsley Harriot and his clone.

If Cena fights Cena who would eat the pin?

>implying Triclopes can beat Jhon, let alone two Jhons.

I don't see any Johns though. It's just Cyclopes versus Triclopes and the Ainsley Duo.