Man, sometimes I miss my old Neo Geo

Man, sometimes I miss my old Neo Geo.

That's a dreamcast.

Funny thing is, you have no idea how close you are to being right about that.

you idiot that's obviously the magnavox odyssey

That's a gamecube you fucking faggot

That's the original Xbox. Says so in the OP filename


Here, have some rocks.

Now go pop some balloons in a kid's birthday party


Achshually it says Xbox One

Stop, no one owned a one thousand dollar console in the mid nineties.

You fucking mongs, that's obviously the Wonderswan

>he didn't have 1000 good boy points

shouldn't of been a little faggot

Sup Forums babbies didn't get the joke

What are some of the games you guys played on the Xbox? Some of my favorites were Kinights of the old republic 1 and 2, and Halo 2

Sup Forums vets ignored the lame mei mei

Is that the 3do with burnout? Played that shit at eb games all the time before work.

Crimson Skies
Half Life 2
Outlaw (volleyball, golf, tennis)
Vietcong:Purple Haze
Deus Ex IW

>tfw still label things irl as "xboxhuge"

KOF 98
KOF 2002
Magical Drop III
1944: The Loop Master
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
Samurai Shodown V
Last Blade
Last Blade II
Dungeons and Dragons Shadow Over Mystara

just a few

We're a dying breed, user.

>tfw the Xbox could not play games in 240p

If it only had this one little feature it would have been the perfect emulation machine. It would be even more legendary than it already is.

The back of some Xbox games usually said they support 480p, though.
Was I being memed on? Or are you memeing on me?

It does support 480p but that is irrelevant since you want 240p for perfect emulation.

Speaking of emulation, how does Xbox emulation compare to Wii emulation?
SNES games on the Wii have this shitty audio popping that I HATE.
I actually grew up playing NES/SNES/Genesis games on my Xbox, but I don't remember if the emulation was good. I just remember the speed up function being smoother and better.